My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 503 Master Adam

In front of a huge sparkling pool.

Kashiwagi released the heterochromatic Menas at Lucia's request, and the latter fell into the clear water and let out a cry of joy.


It couldn't help but start swimming in the huge pool, jumping up and down like a dance, washing away the substances left on the body surface by the seawater when taking the boat.

The water splashes rotate and dance with its jumping, like happy elves.

"So beautiful~"

Lucia looked at the extremely holy figure of the heterochromatic Menas under the sunlight on the dome, and little stars of joy appeared in her eyes. Even the Tanabata bluebird beside her was also charmed by it...


It seemed like I was really charmed! ?

Kashiwagi saw the pink love symbolizing love in the eyes of the Tanabata bluebird and asked, "Is Xiao Qingqing a male?"

"Ah? Ah! That's right! Xiao Qingqing is a handsome and charming boy~"

Lucia subconsciously winked at him with her right eye, and even made a pose specifically for showing off, but it attracted a strange look from the other party: "What are you doing?"

whispering sound! Forget that lovers don’t mess around and love to show off!

She put her hands down resentfully.

"Your little Qingqing seems to have fallen in love at first sight." Kashiwagi said softly, but curled his lips secretly.

Although the two of you are in the same group of dragons as the egg group, sorry birds and snakes will not have good results! Don't blame me for beating up mandarin ducks... No, beating up mandarin ducks and snakes!


Lucia looked at the Tanabata Blue Bird in surprise, then hugged the slender blue neck encouragingly, swayed with it and shouted: "Little Qingqing has grown up! I have a girl I like!" Lucia supports you!"


The Tanabata bluebird flaps its cotton-like wings excitedly.

Hey Hey hey!

There is another father-in-law here who firmly disagrees!

Kashiwagi wanted to retort loudly, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw Adam appearing in the other corner at some point, looking at the free and colorful Menas in the pool with interest.

As if aware of the gaze directed at him, Adam smiled lightly and walked slowly towards this side.

But when he got closer, his eyes were still locked on the heterochromatic Menas, and he turned his head slightly to stare at the latter, as if he was firmly attracted to it.

"Master uncle!"

Lucia waved excitedly when she saw him, and the Tanabata bluebird also chirped.

"Mr. Adam."

Kashiwagi greeted softly.

Adam stopped beside the two of them and said: "No matter how you look at it, it is a very well-bred Menas. The appearance, temperament and charm can definitely be called art... Lord Dawu really has a discerning eye for people. .”

He stood with his hands behind his hands, and there was a lot of emotion in his tone.

"You are exaggerating." Kashiwagi rarely encountered a gym leader who praised him without starting a fight, and he felt a little embarrassed.

But he was very happy to be recognized by the Menas cultivation expert. You must know that even Mikoli's Menas was guided by this person, and his vision is absolutely vicious.

It also proved that he was on the right track in cultivating heterochromatic Menas.

"I still have a lot to learn from you, especially Menas. I hope to get your guidance." Kashiwagi waved to the heterochromatic Menas.


The heterochromatic Menas swam over with a smile on its face, but habitually failed to control its speed when it emerged from the water.


Huge splashes of water rose into the sky.

Adam calmly took two steps back, so when the water splashed down, only his trouser legs were stained with a little water, but they dried quickly.

As a gym leader with a water attribute, it is normal for his clothes to get wet. However, in order to maintain his image and etiquette, the middle-aged gentleman specially customized quick-drying and waterproof clothes to prevent wet clothes from affecting his image.

Kashiwagi also wanted to dodge, but saw Lucia standing there blankly, so he had to take half a step towards her, blocking most of the splash from her.


The clear water brushed against his face, and he and the unlucky Qixi Bluebird were poured all over their heads and faces. The latter's originally fluffy wings like white clouds shrank directly into a ball, revealing the "skinny" skeleton and muscles inside, and suddenly turned into a Drowned cotton chicken.


Qixi Bluebird looked confused.

Kashiwagi: "..."

This idiot!


As if he couldn't understand the trainer's expression, the heterochromatic Menas rubbed his face happily, and even wanted to take him to the pool, and take him to ride the wind, waves, dive and swim like he did a few times before.

Adam, who was calm and composed, laughed and said: "Hahaha, what a unique way of intimacy! Sbarasi!"

Where is Sbarasi?

Kashiwagi turned his head helplessly and asked Lucia, "Are you okay?"

"Of course, you are worthy of being my beloved disciple, and you know how to protect the image of a master..." Lucia hummed in response in a low voice, and then suddenly rushed towards the heterochromatic Menas and screamed: "Kawaii~! "

She showed an even more exaggerated gesture of intimacy, caressing and rubbing the body of the heterochromatic Menas.

The latter was undoubtedly startled and resisted the other party's behavior, but soon fell into the excellent caressing techniques of an excellent coordination trainer.

Although Lucia, who had been exposed to the two Menas of Adam and Mikri since she was a child, did not breed this Pokémon, she was well aware of its ancestral sensitive points, and at most did not understand some of its individual differences.

But it was enough to defeat his less than tenacious will.

Lucia looked proud.

This touch, ten years of hard work, can you stop it! ?


The heterochromatic Menas squinted its eyes happily to show that it couldn't stop it, and its tail was almost twisted into a ball.

Kashiwagi watched Lucia's techniques calmly. Because he had to take care of too many things, his massage technique was at the entry level at best. Lucia's techniques and strength gave him a lot of inspiration.

Stealing a teacher... No, Lucia is his "teacher". What kind of stealing a teacher is that?

This is fair and honest learning!


Adam spoke next to him, "I have always thought that little Lucia's talent in coordinating trainers is even better than mine and Mikri's. It's a pity that she has her own ideas and prefers fairy-type Pokémon. .”

The middle-aged gentleman's tone of voice as if he could not inherit his true legacy made Kashiwagi not sure how to respond.

Both coming from the Glazed Gym, Adam and Mikri both raised Minus as their ace Pokémon, while Rukia, Mikri's niece and apprentice, used Tanabata Blue Bird as their ace Pokémon.

It is normal for this person to feel emotional.

But there seems to be a little temptation in the other party's tone... Sorry, my ace is Boskodora. Currently, no Pokémon can shake its status, and Menus is its little fangirl. For the time being, It is impossible to do the following.

Kashiwagi responded: "Indeed, Lucia's performance has always made me look forward to it. It was she who guided me how to participate in the gorgeous contest, and I have always worked hard to catch up with her."

"Hahaha, Kashiwagi-kun, why should you belittle yourself? I think the final showoff of Happy Egg and Ugly Fish at the Autumn Leaves Conference is enough to be called art."

Adam said with a chuckle.

This person's hobby is "art", and he is also known as the "water artist" by the outside world. The mayor of Liuli City often invites him to perform to attract popularity and stimulate the tourism culture of Liuli City.

He looked sideways at Kashiwagi and said: "In the face of a tricky attack, I saw the fleeting opportunity, gave instructions not to retreat but to advance, thus successfully defending, and even staged an outstanding evolution show. No matter how many times I watched it, I I can't help but admire how well you two have become one."

Although Mikoli had left a message under Kashiwagi's performance video as early as the Kanaz Tournament, as a master, Adam actually didn't see Kashiwagi's performance and gorgeous battle until the Akiba Tournament.

The final showdown also left a deep impression on him, and he sometimes lamented that the waves behind him pushed the waves ahead.

"I'm just standing on the shoulders of giants. The images of you and Master Mikri fighting gave me too much inspiration." Kashiwagi must admit that the coordination trainers he has studied the most are Adam and Mikri.

Even the defensive counterattack comes from these two.

At most, he has a superficial grasp of it, and can use attacks to break up the opponent's attacks. But to what extent has Adam's defensive counterattacks been refined?

When Ash Pikachu attacks with [Thunder], he can let Goldfish King use [Single-Horned Diamond] to knock it back completely.

This skill is rare in the world.

Adam's compliments to Kashiwagi were very useful, especially the phrase "standing on the shoulders of giants". What could be a better proof of a person's long-term achievements than being a "pioneer"?

I don’t pursue fame and fortune, I just want to let the world know “I’ve been here.”

no doubt.

Kashiwagi's gorgeous fighting style has his imprint faintly on it.

Adam inevitably admired the boy in front of him more and asked, "By the way, you said you wanted my guidance?"


"Then what part do you want me to point you to?"

"The method of cultivating Menas...and the skills of the gorgeous competition." Kashiwagi felt a little greedy.

Adam agreed without hesitation, his eyes fell on him, "Okay. From tomorrow to the same day next month, what do you think of this month?"


Kashiwagi agreed. The opportunity was too rare and he didn't want to miss it.

"Very good, but how much you can learn depends on your own understanding." Adam squinted, "By the way, you still want to participate in the Mikri Cup and Gym Challenge, right?"

"As you can see."

"I won't let little Lucia and Mikoli-kun let loose. Rather, I will have higher demands on you. Do you have any objections?"

"this is necessary."

Kashiwagi never thought about letting others give in to increase his chances of getting ribbons and badges.

He was even worried that the Pokémon chosen by the gym leader would be too weak to defeat his own Pokémon!

not far away.

The Tanabata bluebird shook off the water on its wings. Lucia and Heterose Menas looked blankly at Kashiwagi and Adam, who were chatting happily. They didn't quite understand how two people with a thirty-year age difference could have so much in common.


Promise through Adam.

Kashiwagi was able to settle in the Liuli Gym, and finally met Adam's bean-eyed old butler Sebastian. The latter's elusive appearance made him feel very strange.

Unfortunately, he couldn't see Mikri the entire afternoon.

I heard from Lucia that Mikoli has been busy promoting and preparing for the Mikoli Cup these days, and he can't even take care of the gym. Fortunately, the former champion is usually hard enough and has completed the annual quota of badges early. It’s not a problem if the museum is closed for a few days.

after dinner.

Kashiwagi, who had nothing to do, planned to go out for a walk, eat something and then come back to consolidate his practice. He originally planned to ask Lucia to join him, but he learned that this guy had gone to attend a rehearsal to promote the Miccoli Cup.

As the top glamor contestant in the Hoenn region, even if she puts aside her role as an actress, the rest will keep her busy for a long time.

So busy.

Kashiwagi shook his head and went out with Doron Baruto, who was invisible due to shyness, and the two Doron Mecia, who looked like cows.

The latter two don't wait for the launch hole. They like to lie on his head. I don't know what's wrong with them.

Then he thought that after learning from Dr. Muyin today that the new semi-open-air purification room was built, Lugia's dark transformation and purification was quite gratifying, and it would take some time to return to the level with minimal impact.

Lugia will then be able to search for his kin.

It's really gratifying.

He was walking on the streets of the inner city of Liuli City. There were many people and Pokémon coming and going, making the place seem extremely prosperous like a temple fair. When he looked up, he felt that the stars were all wrapped up by the mountains, leaving only the circular one. Small portion.

A frog in a well?

Kashiwagi subconsciously thought of this idiom and couldn't help but smile.

The invisible Dorumbaruto looked at the trainer curiously, wanting to know what the latter was thinking at the moment.

Although many companions in the team find it strange that the trainer always suddenly changes his face and frowns and smiles, he understands that this is a sign that he is immersed in his own world.

It is also like this, always thinking silently and making itself laugh.

One person and three dragons walked around randomly for a few times, bought four tree fruit candies and continued to eat and stroll around, but found that they slowly walked to a sparsely populated area.

"Well, it's time to turn back."

Kashiwagi turned his head and suddenly found that brother Duolong had a leaky mouth, and the syrup he licked was dripping all over his shoulders.


Brother Duolong found that the trainer was still confused when he looked at it.

"You guy!" He reluctantly took out a tissue and looked around to see if there was any faucet where he could wipe it off, but he overheard a loud noise.

Dimly, some of the voices seemed quite familiar.

He walked over curiously and found that in front of an artificial fountain, the familiar Shamat Bosozokus were facing each other tit for tat with a pair of young boys and girls.

"I didn't step on your shoes at all, why should I pay you?"

The female of the male and female pair was dissatisfied.

An acquaintance, Mo Xigan, laughed and said, "You said you didn't step on it, so you didn't step on it? So many people saw you stepped on it! Did you all see it?"

"Saw it!"

The bosozoku agreed happily.

The boy shouted angrily: "You just colluded to find trouble! Sister! Don't talk to them so much, just call Miss Junsha over!"

"This is……"

Kashiwagi was startled when he heard the boy's voice, and searched his memory carefully. After a few seconds, he suddenly said: "Ah~ I wonder why it sounds so familiar!"

He didn't even wipe the syrup off his shoulders and quickly approached.

And not far away.

Seeing the boy take out his cell phone to call the police, Mohawk quickly grabbed his arm in an attempt to stop his behavior.

When the girl saw this, she immediately wanted to stop her and shouted:



Why is my voice a little rough?

The girl's mind went blank for a moment, and then she saw someone moving faster than her, grabbing the mohawk's wrist, preventing it from making any progress.

She raised her head and found that the visitor was a very tall man, who looked at her brother in surprise.

Then, she heard her younger brother shout in surprise, "Brother Kashiwagi!"


When Xiaoyao heard the name and looked at the other person's handsome face, he thought of a lot in his mind.

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