My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 315 Female version of Xiaozhi

"Congratulations on winning the Kaina Conference. This is your Kaina Ribbon Medal."

Simple podium.

Kashiwagi received the green ribbon medal from Patstein.

The deputy director of the General Assembly Affairs Bureau said with a smile: "Looking forward to your next performance."

"Keep up the good work~"

Yanase blinked his right eye at him and released Handsome Boy's light wave.

"Gilitan's competition really moved me. I can see its healing heart from its expression. This is a very outstanding Pokémon!"

Ms. Joy seemed to be paying attention to the appearance of the lucky eggs.

Kashiwagi thanked them with a smile, tied the new ribbon medal to the big-mouthed boy's head, and together they waved and saluted to the cheering audience.

This can be regarded as a complete conclusion to the Kaina Conference.

There are still three coins left before the requirement to participate in the gorgeous large-scale celebration.

Return to the preparation room.

Xiaoguang had already changed her clothes. When she saw him coming over, she immediately smiled and said, "Congratulations on winning the second ribbon medal. Do you want to have a big meal tonight to celebrate?"

"That must be true, but it's too dangerous to go out now."

Kashiwagi handed the other party the photo he had just taken when he walked around the main entrance. He squeezed into the crowded crowd, including many people in suits and uniforms. "These people should be people from Star Economic Company, right? I'm not very good at dealing with them." "

"Hey... I seem to have met them before, but I rejected them all."

Xiaoguang thought about it thoughtfully, then stuck out his tongue and said: "Because I have no interest in becoming a star, although acting sounds quite interesting."

"Anyway, let's wait."

"How about I help you lure them away?"

"It's not necessary, and how do you get away?"

"No problem!"

No problem, Miss, she has an expression on her face.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from not far away.

"Do you need me to see you off?"

The two turned to look, and suddenly they saw Mira, who had been defeated by Kashiwagi earlier. She leaned against the door frame and said, "I have a mobility scooter that can just give you a ride."

How could they give up such a good opportunity? They agreed immediately.


After Kashiwagi changed clothes, the three of them sneaked to the parking lot wearing masks. They quickly got in the car without the passers-by noticing. They followed several private cars through the crowded street and arrived smoothly. to the main road.

"Huh~ You are really popular. You have more fans than I thought. Do you really not have a management company?"

Mira, who was driving, asked with some confusion.

"With an economic company, I don't have to hide. There will definitely be bodyguards to help me stop people when I walk out." Kashiwagi replied, knowing that most of his fame was brought about by his lucky scales.

So he must bear the problem of not being able to protect his privacy that comes with fame.

When there is gain, there must also be sacrifice, whether big or small.

After hearing this, Mila no longer focused too much on this issue, but started chatting with Xiaoguang. Although the two had never met in the gorgeous contest, they unexpectedly had a lot in common.

Kashiwagi listened to their chat silently, but his mind returned to the two-headed tyrannosaurus.

What kind of changes will it bring about changing from one head to two heads?

Can the two-headed tyrannosaurus adapt to its new body?

Although I got a lot of relevant knowledge from the Internet, and I also confirmed from Awu that as long as they are cultivated properly and carefully, the two heads will not fight and fight all the time like the picture book said, but I still don’t dare to do it without real contact and cultivation. Guaranteed.

I just hope the character doesn't change too drastically.

He still hopes that the two-headed tyrannosaurus is a cute little dragon that likes to bite hands, stick to each other, put its head on his chest or belly and snore, instead of a grumpy old man.

Not long after.

Arrive at the resort hotel.

Mira declined the proposal for the two of them to have dinner together.

"I also want to reunite with my baby daughter and husband, who are waiting for me elsewhere."


Xiaoguang looked shocked, "Are you married? You even have children!?"

"Of course, I'm twenty-three years old."

Mila, who looked to be only 17 or 18 years old, smiled and said: "My daughter is over one year old and she is very cute. If you have the opportunity in the future, you can get to know her."


Xiaoguang nodded enthusiastically.

Mila once again set her sights on Kashiwagi, "Your temperament has really changed after changing your clothes, but again, I won't lose to you next time, so be careful."

"I look forward to it."

The latter smiled back and watched Mila drive away.

Xiaoguang looked at the car going away and couldn't help but said: "I didn't expect Miss Mira to be married... I should have asked her for maintenance tips!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Kashiwagi, who thought the female version of Xiaozhi was about to get enlightened, suddenly laughed out loud.

"What's wrong? Is there anything funny about this?" Xiaoguang didn't quite understand why he was laughing so happily.

"It's nothing. Go back quickly. It's getting late. It's time to prepare dinner."

He waved his hand.

Although the two have been together for a week, it is obvious that neither of them regards the other as the "opposite sex".

Kashiwagi really can't have any strange thoughts about the thirteen-year-old Xiaoguang, and he is more concerned about the identity of the other person as his childhood memories; while Xiaoguang has no awareness of this aspect at all.

If Xiaozhi dreams of becoming a Pokémon master, so much so that he can pretend he didn't see Serena's straight shot; then Xiaoguang dreams of becoming a top coordination trainer, and leave love and other things to one side. .

Of course, I still like to dress up. After all, I am a girl.

So their relationship is just like the relationship between Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang in the early days.

Friendship comes first.

It can be seen from the time when Guang Guang couldn't help but want to give high fives.



Dinner is ready.

Kashiwagi specially set the celebration location on the beach by the sea. After dividing the food among the other Pokémon, he released the two-headed tyrannosaurus with a little anxiety.


White light flashes.

"Hey woo——" "Hey woo——"

Along with two screams, the two-headed tyrannosaurus, which was enlarged several times in size, landed on the ground.

After sleeping in the elf ball for a long time, it... or rather, their spirit has returned to a full state. When they come out, they can't help but look around curiously.

That's right.

Just look.

The eyes of these two guys are still covered by dark fluffy bangs, but in fact their vision has returned to normal levels, and they have successfully escaped from the blind dragon posture that they could only rely on smelling and biting to judge the surroundings.

The specific reason for this is not yet known, but many studies indicate that it may have something to do with the single-headed dragon's desire to expand its territory and no longer be limited to dark caves.

Pokémon's evolution is always related to their thoughts.

It’s not clear what’s going on in the game. Based on the actual situation, Kashiwagi found that the two-headed tyrannosaurus in the animation background does have the performance of observing with eyes.

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