My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 314 Absolute victory!

"Someone with skills."

Kashiwagi had to admit that Xiaoguang and Bogaman had their own unique strengths.

Even if there is no deliberate support from the screenwriter, occasionally a flash of inspiration can occur, and like Xiaozhi, he can do all kinds of magical feats that can almost turn defeat into victory.

And Water Break, a move from the seventh generation, was actually learned by Bogaman, presumably from a certain Alola trainer who was traveling.


Turning defeat into victory also requires capital.

"Mist field."

Following his command, a large amount of thick light blue clouds of smoke spewed out from the giant jaws behind the Big Mouth Baby's head, quickly covering the entire venue and hiding its figure.


Pogaman, who had just landed, turned his head, and suddenly the sight of Big Mouth Baby had disappeared.

There was also no trace of the latter in Xiao Guang's sight. Looking at the smoke clouds that were so thick that they floated into the sky, his heart tightened. He gritted his silver teeth and shouted, "Use the drill to disperse the smoke!"


Bogaman jumped up, his body spinning involuntarily. The short beak was wrapped and grew in golden light, turning it into a hurricane and rolling forward!

The misty clouds and smoke billowed away wherever it passed, and a clear path was created.

However, the big-mouthed baby seemed to have mysteriously disappeared, forcing Bogaman to change direction and rush forward to wash away the smoke.

But there is still no whereabouts of it.

Pogaman fell to the ground panting, showing a slightly exhausted look.

After using the moves twice, he failed to find the Big Mouth Baby, and the mist that brought a sense of mystery to Xiaoguang's score was deducted.

But rather than having points deducted, what confused her more was the whereabouts of her opponent.

Is it possible that this good-looking Pokémon disappeared without a trace?


"Listen to the sound! Listen to the ringing!"

She shouted, alerting Pogaman.

The two turned their attention to their hearing, and soon they heard a crisp ringing sound.

The source of the sound——


Xiaoguang and Bogaman raised their heads in surprise, and the host Vivian also raised her head, and suddenly saw the big-mouthed baby stepping on thunder and lightning and reaching the sky.

It was dancing a mysterious war dance, and its momentum was increasing again and again.

Vivian said loudly: "It's unbelievable! The big-mouthed kid actually came to the sky quietly when the smoke was rising!"

Kashiwagi smiled.

"Sword Dance - Freeze Fist!"


With the soft sound of freezing frost, the two slender ice blades in the hands of the big-mouth baby gradually took shape, reflecting the penetrating cold light under the light!


Kashiwagi shouted, and the big-mouthed boy immediately used electromagnetic force to twist his body, and instantly turned into a terrifying spiral of ice wind, penetrating from top to bottom like a tornado!

"Tidal wave!"


When Xiaoguang shouted, a whirlpool of water twice the size before was lifted up by Pogamanto and suddenly surged into the sky!


The tidal whirlpool and the ice tornado collided with each other, and the two immediately fell into a stalemate.

But the former was obviously no match for the latter. It was gradually cut into pieces by the high-speed rotating ice blades, and turned into cold snowflakes driven by the cold wind, adding a bit more power to the ice blade storm.

this moment.

Xiaoguang and Bogaman understand that ordinary methods can no longer affect Big Mouth Baby's attack, and this battle has come to the last moment!

"Let them know we will never lose! Facing the remaining tidal waves, the water breaks!"


Bogaman suddenly jumped up, and the blue water seemed to be guided by some kind of force to surround its body. As it rotated, it formed a spiral of water and rushed into the blue vortex, towards the ice in the sky. Blade storm rushes away!

boom--! !

The two high-speed rotating energies collided extremely violently like a comet hitting the earth. The icy blue and azure energy, together with the huge dust smoke, exploded under the strong flash!

The shock wave is like a physical wall of air, bringing an extremely violent hurricane to the players and judges in the venue.

The dazzling bright light made everyone present subconsciously close their eyes, and then tried to open their eyes to see clearly the situation at the center of the explosion, not daring to make any mistakes.

In the slowly fading white light, two figures fell to the ground, one on the left and one on the right.

The scores were being deducted on the big screen shrouded in smoke, and the countdown was gradually returning to zero.

Lean less.

The bright light and dust and smoke disappeared completely, the environment of the venue quickly became "dark", and those present could finally see everything in the venue clearly.


A whistle-like sound.

"time up!"

Vivian, whose clothes were a little messy, shouted.

Kashiwagi and Xiaoguang looked at the big screen next to them, and suddenly saw that the former's score column was only one-sixteenth, or maybe even less.

The score column of the latter has completely returned to zero.

no doubt.

This is caused by Bogaman losing his ability to fight.

The two looked at the field again. Big Mouth Boy was panting and looked very tired, while Pogaman was lying on his back, his eyes turning into two black circles.

Vivian announced the result of the game loudly.

"The winning contestants in the finals are--Mr. Kashiwagi and Big Mouth Boy! Let us congratulate him on winning the final victory in the Kaina Tournament!"

In an instant.

Thunderous applause and cheers that shook the world rang out together. The audience's temperament was high, and many people were so excited that they stood up and screamed and shouted.

Countless ribbons fell from the sky above the venue, and music symbolizing congratulations was played on the radio.


Kashiwagi's face was filled with a smile that couldn't be concealed, and the big-mouthed boy was so excited that he turned towards him and plunged into the former's arms.


The lady's reserve was completely thrown away at this moment, and there was only the joy of winning in her heart.

Only those who actually play will know how difficult it is to win this game, and how powerful Xiaoguang and Pogaman are in the gorgeous contest.

Kashiwagi held the big-mouthed baby, and it took him more than ten seconds to calm down.

When the latter realized that he had lost his composure, he quickly left the trainer's arms and combed his messy hair as if nothing had happened.

The two walked towards Xiaoguang who was comforting Bogaman on the opposite side.

"What a wonderful performance. I am amazed by your eureka-like reactions."

"Thank you, and so do you. The fusion of Sword Dance and Freeze Fist is wonderful. I never thought that Freeze Fist could be used like Storm. Congratulations! You are the winners of this ribbon medal and you are well-deserved!"


The two smiled at each other and suddenly raised their hands to give a high-five.


the other side.

The big-mouthed baby also smiled at Bogaman and stretched out his little paw, "Hey~"

It must admit that the latter is indeed very powerful, especially when it causes a blizzard to freeze it. For a strong enough opponent, it is not stingy with praise and kindness.

After all, as the trainers say, yesterday's opponents are today's friends. This is a wise saying in the trainer world.

It was just that after it stretched out its hand, it failed to get feedback from Pogaman.

The big-mouthed baby looked at Bogaman's stunned expression and shook his paw hesitantly, "What?"

Are you okay?

Was the child stunned by it and didn't react?

As everyone knows, Bogaman, who had originally decided to give up the big-mouthed baby, had already fallen into a state of self-doubt when he saw its smile just now.

The goddess smiled at me? Did you laugh? Has it reached out yet?

What a beautiful day is today?

No, I have decided to give up this relationship! How could you seduce me! Hold on Pogaman! You can't be held captive by it anymore!

There seemed to be a miniature version of Bogaman screaming in his heart, constantly trying to wake it up.

But when the big-mouth baby looked worried and asked if it was okay.

This miniature version of Pogaman was killed decisively and ruthlessly!

Little Penguin.

Falling in love a second time!

"Boom~~~" It shook its wings, and its eyes turned into huge hearts.

Seeing Bogaman's appearance, Big Mouth Boy shook his head regretfully.

I'm sick again...sigh.

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