My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 316 The Hometown of Souls

For the two-headed tyrannosaurus that had just gained its eyes, everything around it seemed very novel.

Evening sunset at the end of sea level drop.

Laughing Pokémon.

The rough and dark-colored beach and sand, the dark blue tide that constantly rises and recedes, the bright neon light that lights up in the distance, and the lush flowers and plants.

It has never seen so many colors, and it has never known what the world really looks like.

Everything that is sensed by smell and touch is abstract, and its weak imagination cannot outline such a colorful and beautiful world, and cannot touch reality.

but now.

All of this caught its eye, even the person standing not far away.

The appearance is very strange, and it is quite different from the image of the two-headed tyrannosaurus in his heart, but overall it is very different... well, it is very different!

The two-headed tyrannosaurus convinced himself so, and then rushed towards the trainer like a baby swallow returning to its nest!

Even though it was the first time he saw the trainer, the two-headed tyrannosaurus easily recognized who the trainer was thanks to the familiar smell.

"Hey woo——" "Hey woo——"


Why are there two voices?

The two-headed tyrannosaurus was slightly startled, and his head looked involuntarily towards the source of the sound, and soon he saw a strange guy on his left/right!

"Hey woo?" "Hey woo?"

It braked suddenly, and due to the inertia, it fell to the ground and flipped over on all fours in a miserable state.

But to be honest, what he cares more about than those things is who is so close to him!

It struggled to flip up and roared menacingly at the unknown "guy" next to it, trying to force it to surrender by roaring, but it didn't know that the "other guy" was also yelling at it!

Now the two-headed tyrannosaurus couldn't hold back its temper anymore, and with a roar, it bit the "other"!

"Stop! Stop!"

Just when he was about to take his mouth.

The familiar voice of the trainer made the two-headed tyrannosaurus stop its movements. It has always been accustomed to prioritizing the trainer's instructions over its own will, so even if a strange guy was so close to it, it still stopped.

"Hey woo~" "Hey woo~"

The two-headed tyrannosaurus looked at the trainer who was approaching, his voice a little aggrieved, and wanted him to bite his hand and relax.

Unexpectedly, the "other party" seemed to have the same idea and made the same sound.

This made it a bit unbearable.

The trainer's hand is mine——


Before the two big mouths of the double-headed tyrannosaurus opened, both hands stuffed them into the big mouths with great precision.

The violent two-headed tyrannosaurus suddenly calmed down, sucking gently like a pacifier, with a calm and peaceful expression on his face.

Although I don't know why, the trainer's hand seems to have become a little smaller, but it still has the familiar smell, which makes it very relaxed.

"Woo..." "Woo..."

Kashiwagi looked at the two dragon heads that were as calm as good babies. While he was slightly relieved, he inevitably had a headache, "It really happened."

"What's wrong?"

Xiaoguang came over with a dinner plate and saw the two-headed tyrannosaurus holding his hands and squirming with his mouth, and asked, "Did something happen?"

"Seeing the world for the first time, seeing 'brothers' for the first time, this guy is a little allergic." He showed a helpless smile, "After all, there is an extra me."

Xiaoguang nodded suddenly and said, "Do you need my help? I can help you comfort yourself."

"No, leave it to me."

Kashiwagi rejected the other party's kind offer and left the matter of the two-headed tyrannosaurs to be resolved by themselves.

And noticed something happened here.

Boss Cordora and other Pokémon immediately abandoned their dinner and leaned over. Galarian Sun Coral glanced at their unfinished meal, then looked at its own empty bowl, thought for a moment, and then leaned in. passed.

It still understands the difference between a full meal and a full meal.

What's more, the trainer will definitely nag you if you steal other people's food. It won't do such a troublesome thing.

Bogaman saw the big-mouth baby leaving, and saw Xiaoguang also leaning over the two-headed tyrannosaurus. He looked at his dinner and then at the ivory pig, but chose to put it down and go over to find out.

With so many Pokémon leaving, Xiaoguang's other Pokémon looked at each other and couldn't stay any longer, so they followed Pogaman to join in the fun.


There was only one ivory pig left at the table, which was working alone and determinedly. It didn't catch up with most of them until it finished the last bite. It was still surprising when passing by the Galar Sun Coral.

Why are you flying so slowly?

Galar Sun Coral felt the gaze that looked like contempt, and didn't respond at all. It just flew on its own.

As a result, before he could reach it, he heard Kashiwagi's helpless voice.

"What are you doing over here? It's just adding to the chaos! Let's all go back to eat. Do you want to stand in a crowd and try to suffocate me and the two-headed tyrannosaurus to death? Okay! Let's all go back!"

He drove Boscodora and other Pokémon away, and then took his hand out of the two-headed Tyrannosaurus's mouth.

"Hey woo——" "Hey woo——"

Hearing the uniform screams of the two heads, Kashiwagi moved his hands to rest on them for a while, "Eat first, and we can talk about everything after we fill our stomachs."

The two-headed tyrannosaurus glanced at the head next to him. After all, he was still that good and obedient boy. Even if he felt uncomfortable, he slowly moved to the dining table, lowered his head to eat from the two bowls brought by the trainer.

Kashiwagi looked at the two-headed tyrannosaurus who had settled down and breathed a sigh of relief.

After evolving, this guy's size and weight have increased significantly, and the corresponding food intake has also increased a lot.

So there is no need to worry about the food being prepared at a half discount, causing the two heads to start fighting for this due to uneven distribution. At this time, when it was evenly distributed, not only was there not less, but there was more.

"The two-headed tyrannosaurus is really incredible..."

Xiaoguang watched from the side, full of amazement.

"It's incredible. This little guy still needs more room to grow." Kashiwagi smiled at her and sighed helplessly.

The changes represented by evolution to the two-headed tyrannosaurus are far greater than a pure increase in racial value.

First, it can observe the world with its eyes.

Secondly, it has two heads, maybe it has transformed into them, or maybe it is still the same, but it has two heads, two perspectives, and two ways of thinking.

Either of these two changes alone would not cause much of a reaction.

Unfortunately, they appeared at the same time, which had a huge impact on the two-headed tyrannosaurus, not only on the soul, but also on feelings and cognition.

"But evolution is ultimately a good thing."

Kashiwagi held the two heads of the two-headed tyrannosaurus, and had to be thankful that it had no particular preference for its left and right hands.

Otherwise, the scene of two heads on the left and right fighting for a hand would be so beautiful that he would not dare to look at it.

"Hey woo~" "Hey woo~"

The two-headed tyrannosaurus still likes to cuddle with its trainer. After closing its eyes and rubbing against it, all the familiar feelings come back. The curiosity, excitement, nervousness, panic and restlessness caused by evolution at this moment are all cured by familiarity.

Just like other Pokémon, the smell of their homeland can greatly relax them physically and mentally.

Cypress is the home of its soul.

That warm embrace is the "homeland" it never wants to forget.

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