My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 313 The promised battle

"The Pokémon Contest Kaina Tournament is coming to an end!"

"Who will be successfully promoted and awarded the Longevity Ribbon Medal? Let's wait and see!"

Vivian's exciting voice surrounded the venue.

Xiaoguang and Kashiwagi stood at the edge of the venue, chatting softly while waiting for the host to finish reading the opening remarks.

She said: "After a lot of hard work, we have finally reached this point. Thank you for your hard work."

"You too, thank you for your hard work."

“I’m really looking forward to the next game.”

"Because I can finally fight with all my strength without any scruples?"

"That's right!"

"Then I'll wait and see. I'm bound to get this ribbon medal."

"Each other!"

The two of them looked at each other, their eyebrows full of fighting spirit, and walked to their designated positions under Vivian's introduction.

On the big screen.

Two huge heads and a circular score picture appeared together.

Vivian's slightly shrill voice sounded, "The first game of the third round - the final, the time limit is five minutes, there is no timeout in the middle, the game begins!"


With a crisp sound, the five-minute countdown began.

Kashiwagi and Xiaoguang threw the Poke Ball forward together.

Bang bang!


Bogaman jumped out among countless translucent bubbles, and the way his little wings flapped was extremely lively and cute.

But when it saw the big-mouthed baby with petals falling to the ground opposite, the expression on its face froze.

Even though I had been prepared in my heart, it was still a little hard to accept the actual encounter with the little penguin.

"For the first time, I have a Pokémon I like so much. With the full support of the trainer, the two joys overlapped each other, and this double joy brought more and more joy. We should have had a dreamlike happy time, but why did it become like this? 』

It had to make a choice between its beloved Pokémon and its soul friend.

The answer is actually clear.

Sorry, my love!

Just let it go with the wind~~

There were tears in the corners of Bogaman's eyes, and he gritted his teeth and clenched his small wings into fists, intending to turn all the anger of broken love into strength to defeat his former crush.

"Bogaman, get out of the way!"

A sharp cry.

It looked up and saw a black shadow flashing directly in front of its sight. It was a big-mouthed kid charging straight at it with extremely exaggerated explosive power.

Vivian said loudly: "What a terrifying explosive power! Big Mouth Baby's forward speed is so fast that even the naked eye cannot react!"


Bogaman was startled, but his veteran fighting experience made him not panic and jumped up immediately!

In a moment.

It relied on rotation to narrowly avoid the frontal charge of Big Mouth Baby.

The gorgeous dodge made Kashiwagi the first to have his points deducted.

However, there was no trace of disappointment on his face. Instead, he showed a smile of complete control, "We also use spin! Thunder and lightning——"

Before he finished speaking, he saw the big-mouthed baby do a forward somersault and tap the ground with his toes, and then suddenly rotated with the weight of the giant jaw, and violently chased in the direction where Bogaman was dodging!

Its body surface flashed with electric light, and it quickly gathered near the giant jaw.

"Bubble light!"


The front Bogaman had just landed. When he saw the big-mouthed kid chasing after him, he immediately opened his mouth and spewed out countless bright blue bubbles in an attempt to resist the opponent's rush. However, the latter spun too fast, and all the bubbles of bubble light were blown away. The giant jaw flashing with electric light shattered into particles of light that filled the sky.

Xiaoguang's score on the screen began to decrease, but this was not the end of Big Mouth Baby's offensive.

I saw the ferocious giant jaws opening like a flower blooming, and thunder and lightning seemed to jump back and forth between the cold white teeth, with heart-stopping energy fluctuations.

"Keep running away!"

Xiaoguang did not panic and remained calm.

One advantage that small individuals bring is dexterity. The target is smaller, so the opponent's moves need to be more precise to hit. Therefore, it is common for moves that are not in a wide range to be unable to hit.


Bogaman jumped forward again, trying to brush against the giant jaws flashing with thunder and lightning.

The giant jaw hit the ground, and it almost dodged by sticking to the big-mouthed baby in a thrilling escape. But it didn't expect that when it successfully dodged the skill, it didn't even have time to breathe a sigh of relief and make eye contact with the goddess.

A small fist with thunder and lightning suddenly solidified and wrapped around the top came towards me!

The big-mouthed baby seemed to be waiting for it to come to the door, and swiped at it with precise movements, as if it had been practiced thousands of times!



Thunder boomed.


Along with Bogaman's painful cry, it was directly knocked away horizontally, and the flashing electric light exploded on it, as bright and dazzling as a dancing silver snake.


Nervousness finally appeared on Xiaoguang's face.

But fortunately, Bogaman was far more durable than its racial value indicated, and with its forcible characteristics, it was impossible to put it into a paralyzed state, so it successfully stood up.

"Bah, bah!"

"It's indeed a deceptive Pokémon! Bigmouth used electromagnetic levitation and giant jaws as a disguise to hide its intention to use Thunder Punch, and struck the Pokémon the moment it jumped up! It resulted in an extremely effective attack!"

Vivian's excited explanation attracted warm applause from the audience.

Xiaoguang's score dropped sharply until two-thirds were left. Apparently, the judges were satisfied with the unusual performance of Big Mouth Baby.

"No problem! Bogaman! The battle has just begun now!"

She cheered Pogaman on, "Tide Twister!"


The round-headed little penguin raised its wings high, and its body surface glowed with a bright blue light. When the big-mouthed baby pounced again, it formed a huge and turbulent vortex and threw it forward!


The whirlpool of water made a huge trembling sound.

"Charge over! Frozen wind!"

The Big Mouth Baby didn't hesitate at Kashiwagi's order. He spun himself again and set off a cold gust of wind to hit the tidal whirlpool. The cold energy turned the tidal whirlpool into a huge ice sculpture at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was then rotated. The big-mouthed kid was mercilessly smashed into pieces!


The ice sculpture shattered and turned into ice crystals that scattered all over the sky.

The gorgeous scenes are dazzling.

But when Xiaoguang saw that the tidal wave was broken, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, "Right now! Bogaman uses Blizzard!"


In an instant.

Then Bogaman opened his mouth and flapped his wings wildly. The ice crystals scattered in the air were actually mobilized by it, turning into a frenzy of ice and snow visible to the naked eye and rushing toward the big-mouthed baby!

Even though the latter tried to break through by spinning, he was unable to block such a violent blizzard for a while and was frozen in mid-air!

"The water breaks!"

Xiaoguang took advantage of the victory to pursue, and Bogaman suddenly jumped up and turned into a spiral of water, slamming into the frozen Big Mouth Baby!


The ice cubes shattered and water splashed everywhere!


Bogaman's figure seemed to be dancing in the air. The water and ice combined to form countless bright ice crystals, and fell to the ground together with the groaning Big Mouth Baby.

On the big screen.

Kashiwagi's score was immediately deducted by nearly one-third. The score brought by singing the counterattack horn was too exaggerated, making him and Xiaoguang almost equal!

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