My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 284 Sea Purple Pansy

Never imagined.

The micro-submarine of the New Water Fleet has found the underwater cave where Lugia lives!

Kashiwagi was so shocked by the scene in front of him that he was speechless.

Yanagi Yuan, who had always been extremely calm, also frowned and crossed his hands under his nose, making a thoughtful gesture.


When the mini-submarine moved forward for a while, it soon touched the boundary of the water. Beyond it was flat land. When it was illuminated with its own lights, there was only darkness, as if the light had been swallowed up.

However, when the light shone on the ground, no trace of Lugia's movement was found.

Did Lugia fly in?

This question is not only shared by Porygon, but also by Kashiwagi and Yanagihara.

But there is no doubt that the mini-submarine does not have the ability to cruise on land, and there is no way to escape from the water and run to the ground to continue exploring. Therefore, the polygonal beast circled twice and found that there was really no other way, so it could only sink.

After sinking.

Porygon searched for other holes on the sea floor that could be entered, but unfortunately found none.

It started back the way it came.

Yanagihara paused quickly when he saw this, and cut out to operate. He saw a string of numbers and strange words flashing on the dark page.

Seeing that Kashiwagi looked confused, he said: "This is the remote operation command of the mini-submarine. From the above description, you can find that it maintains the cruise mode at the beginning, and changes to the follow mode when it finds Lugia."

"Follow mode?"

"Well, it's used to chase the designated aquatic Pokémon, including Lugia, of course."

"So when the mini-sub discovered Lugia, the outside world knew about it?"

"You know, the image data of the mini-submarine has been transmitted to the outside world at any time through the Internet. This black box not only stores the image data, but also includes various parameters of the internal mechanical components."

Yanagihara seemed to understand what Kashiwagi was curious about, and typed on the keyboard twice more, "But after entering the underwater cave, the data connection was forced to be disconnected due to unstable undersea signals... Apparently there was some kind of power in the cave that affected the signal. Spread."

"Affecting signal propagation..."

"Yes, you will encounter similar scenes when you come into contact with various powerful Pokémon. Their mere existence releases a force field. This force field is fine if it is farther away, but it will affect if it is closer. Every aspect.”


Is it a sense of oppression?

When Kashiwagi heard Yanagihara talk about the so-called force field, he subconsciously thought of [sense of oppression], a characteristic that belongs to many legendary Pokémon and seems to be extremely useless.

Of course, this thought passed away briefly, and after all, it was not the focus of the current discussion.

Yanagihara plays the video again.

It can be found by combining the data church next to it. After being unable to enter the underwater cave to continue tracking Lugia, Porygon reported the discovery to the large ship on the sea and transmitted the recorded video.

The big ship on the sea also gave instructions for the mini-submarine to float up.


The mini-submarine came to the surface of the sea as quickly as possible.

As soon as they emerged from the water, the camera captured the faces of a group of new navy sailors excitedly surrounding the mini-submarine, with faces that couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Sure enough, Captain Aquan is right!"

"There really is Lugia...why does it appear here?"

"Who knows, you have to find out first whether it is a Pokémon native to Hoenn before you say such a thing."

"Hey! Say less! Work more!"

At someone's urging, the camera was turned off, apparently entering a power outage maintenance phase.

But it is not difficult to hear from these words that an important purpose of this mini-submarine launch test is to track down Lugia living on the seabed.

So what will the New Water Fleet do next?

And after so many days, will the New Water Fleet, which has certain image data, have already gone into the water to capture Lugia?

Kashiwagi doesn't think Lugia can be captured with the technology possessed by the Shinsui Fleet.

You must know that in the context of animation, the black technology mastered by humans exceeds that of most legendary Pokémon. Even someone as strong as Giratina has been captured and absorbed 99% of his power.

Yanagihara saw his frown and said, "Don't worry, we are all paying attention to their actions, including the time they tested the mini-submarine. We just don't know what they saw."

He typed on the keyboard and looked at the data above and said: "If I remember correctly, they have never been to this sea area again."

"Never been there again?"

Kashiwagi was stunned, "Why?"

"It depends on the next image." Liuyuan pointed at the screen.

He clicked on the last video, which was playing what appeared to be the last launch of a mini-submarine.

And soon.

Kashiwagi got the reason why the New Water Fleet did not go to that sea area again——

The underwater cave is gone.


It was as if everything I saw just now was a dream. It was obviously the original location, and it was obviously deep in the same trench, and the original underwater cave disappeared without a trace.

It can even be said that it has never appeared.

Apparently the Porygon who controlled the mini-submarine was also a disbeliever. He got a drill bit from somewhere and actually dug a rock hole at the original location.

However, no matter how hard it drilled in, there were only stones inside, and there was no trace of the underwater cave at all.

The miraculous situation caused the mini-submarine to fall into some kind of contemplation.


It began to explore in other directions, and after leaving the trench, it discovered some human traces that had not been noticed before but did exist - countless submarine pipelines.

Moving forward along the pipeline, the mini-submarine discovered a new world.

It is an abandoned submarine energy mining facility.

But just when it was about to get into the facility to find out, a large number of megalodons suddenly rushed out of the interior. They hit the surface of his mini-submarine in groups, forcing it to surface quickly.

After resurfacing, the sea surface is a new world.

What appeared in front of them was a huge, island-like offshore platform. Its back half sank into the sea, causing the front half of the deck to tilt up and float on the water.

"This is..." Kashiwagi saw this. Although there was a big difference between the actual situation and the game, he still thought of what it was.

"Sea violet."

Yanagihara thought he was unclear and answered his question, "In the past, a technological product left behind by a very powerful large company in Hoenn was forced to be discarded because it could not be disposed of after bankruptcy, and it has been stranded until now. Now it is almost a wild treasure. Is it Kame’s paradise? It’s quite similar to the Cactus.”

The Cactus is the abandoned ship where Guanghai is located.

Have Abandoned Ship and Sea Violet co-existed? Because the sea area is larger and broader than in the game?


The question is why did the underwater cave disappear? Is it because it was opened up with secret power?

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