My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 283 Undersea Cave

The mini-submarine dived for more than a minute.

But it still hasn't reached the bottom of the sea.

During the dive, its camera clearly captured many wild ocean Pokémon.

For example, there are giant fin flying fish and small ball flying fish swimming in groups, as well as schools of gun fish that are like their companions giving birth to Pokémon. The sight of them swimming by is quite spectacular.

A little deeper.

Thousand needle fish and love fish swam by one after another. The former had a torpedo-like evolution hundreds of years ago, but it has disappeared in modern times, which is strange. To be honest, Kashiwagi has always felt that it might be the simplest design in the Pokémon series.

No matter how deep...

We're almost at the bottom of the ocean.

You can see pearl oysters opening and closing, and lantern fish clinging to the seabed looking for food.

Although the environment was dark, it was quiet and peaceful. Kashiwagi felt like he was watching the animal world, and his mood was very peaceful.

At this time.

Liuyuan suddenly said: "Do you mind if I watch it at double speed?"

"Uh, please."


He pressed a button, and the screen suddenly became extremely fast. Many fish Pokémon swimming past turned into fleeting black shadows, and a slightly harsh sound gradually appeared in the speakers.

How many times is this accelerated?

Sixteen times? Thirty-two times?

"Can you see clearly like this?" he couldn't help but asked.

"You don't need to see clearly, I just need to focus on the key points."

Yanagihara smiled and said: "Isn't our purpose to see if the micro-submarine has detected Lugia and deliberately pursue its traces?"

"...makes sense."

Kashiwagi felt that he was attracted by the gorgeous underwater world and almost forgot his original intention. Fortunately, the international police were more professional and were not moved by external objects.

The video continues to play at accelerated speed.

Someone very considerately brought a chair. He thanked him and sat aside to watch attentively.

Unfortunately, he obviously didn't grasp the key points in this regard. The various images that flashed by quickly made him feel dizzy after watching them for ten minutes. At the same time, the micro-submarine received instructions to float up and handed it over to maintenance personnel for maintenance.

In order to hear their exchange clearly, Yanagihara picked back the multiples.

Unfortunately, the maintenance staff did not provide any effective information and returned the mini-submarine to the bottom of the sea.

The screen went black.

"it's over?"

Kashiwagi rubbed his temples and asked softly.

"No, this is the first video. There are eight videos in total, each with a different length. The total length is almost forty hours."

Yanagi Yuan glanced at the video file and replied: "Don't worry, it will be over soon, more than an hour. If you can't hold it any longer, you can take a rest. I'll be there."

"...Please let me continue reading."

Kashiwagi shook his head, he had not forgotten his mission.

Although going out to look for Lugia was more of a gimmick and reason given to him by Shanmin, but he really found Lugia right in front of him, how could he miss it?

Just bear with it.

Yanagi Yuan glanced at him and said nothing else. He clicked on the next file and continued to read it in multiples.

Time flies by.

Although there is still no trace of Lugia, through the floating maintenance process of the mini-submarine, it can be clearly discovered that the maintenance workshop is located on a large ship.

And every time it is inspected, the sea area will be changed for seabed detection.

Obviously, the purpose of lowering the micro-submarine is not only to test the results of Dr. Akihabara, but also to collect the seabed data that Aquan mentioned before.

The other party has admitted this and has not hidden it.

What made Kashiwagi a little curious was what happened after the submarine exploded. Because the submarine exploded on such a large ship, the two thieves found an opportunity to steal clothes at sea?

Think about what must have happened before the explosion.

With this idea in mind, he continued to watch the multiple videos.

Unexpectedly, Yanagihara just clicked on the penultimate video, and a melodious cry suddenly came from it. It was like a song, and it was like a deep sound mixed with a sharp whale call.


Kashiwagi couldn't help but make a sound, and Yanagihara's hand happened to stop at the multiple.

"What's wrong?" The latter turned around and asked.

He asked, "Didn't you hear the sound just now?"

"It's the cry of a group of roaring whale kings. What's the problem?" Liuyuan was still a little confused.

Kashiwagi shook his head quickly, "No! No! This is not the cry of the Roaring Whale King. Although the two are somewhat similar, they are definitely not. This melody -"

As a Pokémon lover who has watched the theatrical version of "Lugia's Explosion" over and over again, as soon as he heard the familiar melody, it was as if his genes had awakened and he would never forget it.

That's Lugia's cry!

"You mean it was Lugia who spoke just now?" Liuyuan clicked the play button, and many roaring whale kings immediately swam past the screen.

This made Kashiwagi a little embarrassed, but he still said with great certainty: "Really, it is the sound made by Lugia! If you listen carefully, it has a melody. The cry of the Roaring Whale King has no melody."

He pulled the progress bar, and the song-like chirping came from the stereo again.


The man who looked like an ordinary office worker was silent for a moment, then turned around and shouted: "Jiya! Are you still awake?"

Five seconds later.

A woman wearing an eyepatch stood up and said, "What's wrong...Captain..."

"I need you to retrieve the Lugia voice data from the database!" Yanagihara said loudly: "Act quickly!"


The international police officer named Jiya immediately stood up and operated on the computer in front of him.

A sound file suddenly popped up on Liuyuan's computer. After a few random operations, the screen jumped to a software.

Two sounds were displayed up and down, one was the cry in the video, and the other was Lugia's cry preserved by the international police.

He pressed the data comparison button.

Two shouts came from the speakers immediately, and colorful wavelengths jumped on the computer screen and merged into one.

"It seems you are right."

Yanagihara said to Kashiwagi.

The latter just nodded without replying.

After confirming that there might be traces of Lugia in this video, Yanagihara slowed down the speed, from thirty-two times to eight times. The picture was still terrifyingly fast, but Kashiwagi began to feel accustomed to it.

He stared at the screen, hoping to find the corresponding figure.

And as if it was summoned by him, when the mini-submarine fell into a trench, a seemingly non-existent silver light passed from the bottom of the camera.

Yanagihara quickly pressed the pause button, then went backwards and zoomed in.

The silver-white down feathers and black dorsal fins immediately caught their eyes, and there was no doubt that this was Lugia.

Yanagihara was silent for a while, and the multiple changed from eight times to two times.

in the screen.

Porygon, who was controlling the mini-submarine, seemed to be aware of its presence, and chased Lugia in the direction he was swimming without hesitation, and increased his power.

More and more Lugia figures have been recorded.

But it seemed that the other party did not notice the mini-submarine, a visitor from land, and was still swimming freely. After a while, it swam into a groove in the trench and disappeared.

The mini-submarine quickly followed up, and when it got into the groove, it discovered an extremely incredible scene!

It was actually an undersea cave that could float out of the sea!

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