My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 285 Competitors

Why did an originally existing underwater cave disappear mysteriously?

Judging from Kashiwagi's current knowledge.

Perhaps only [Secret Power], a move in the game that can open up a secret space on the rock wall, can explain this strange phenomenon.

Or, it's a fantasy place.

A very special place in the gem replica game. In the game, you need to fly high in the water city to find and go to it. It does not exist all the time, just like the original Fantasy Island.

The mini-submarine on the screen stood still after it surfaced. After waiting for a long time, no one came to retrieve it. Yanagihara checked other documents and found out that the instruction to surface was not given by the big ship.

The internal components of the mini-submarine were accidentally damaged when it was hit by a swarm of megalodons, causing Porygon to misjudge the ship's return command, and the network link was also disconnected. And when it floated on the sea violet, its strange and unfamiliar appearance immediately attracted the curious prying eyes of many long-winged gulls.

The brave ones flew over and pecked at it, as if they wanted to take the mini-submarine apart to find out what it was like.

The Porygon that was attacked immediately changed its attack mode——

Use sound waves to repel wild long-winged gulls.

Just like Menas, the God of Love, expels a group of wild Gyarados, this sound wave is quite efficient and the wild long-winged gulls can escape in no time.

Unfortunately, their previous attack still caused some damage to the mini-submarine. In addition, the mini-submarine was already damaged, and the camera suddenly became blurry.

Suddenly, it seemed like black smoke was rising from the shell of the mini-submarine.

The camera was completely plunged into darkness.

Judging from the time, there are still more than ten minutes, but Kashiwagi has almost guessed the subsequent plot when he saw this.

I'm afraid this is the countdown to the explosion, right?

The radio equipment seemed to have failed, leaving only a long series of chirping sounds.

Yanagihara pressed the double speed, but there was no content in the follow-up. There was only a final "pop" as the end, which was probably the echo of the explosion of the mini-submarine.

"It seems that's all the video content is."

He began to retrieve other document information and looked through them one by one.

Kashiwagi couldn't understand it at all and could only wait for the other party to explain the situation to him.

Soon after.

Liuyuan closed all the pages and said: " seems that the New Water Fleet is indeed deliberately looking for Lugia."

"Why do you think the underwater cave Lugia entered disappeared mysteriously?" Kashiwagi took the opportunity to ask, maybe the other party knew the answer.

Unfortunately Yanagihara shook his head.

"Sorry, I can't give you an accurate answer. There are too many unsolved mysteries about the legendary Pokémon, which are not something that a little international police officer like me can spy on through a video."

"That's it..."

He couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Yanagihara pulled out the chip from the machine next to him, walked to the front and stuffed it into a box broken into small squares, assembled it and charged it again.

The box that once had a bumpy appearance is back.

The international policeman put the black box in front of him, "Just like when I first came here, I have deleted all the records that I have checked, and I will never leave any traces. You can rest assured to return it to them."

"Return it?"

Kashiwagi was a little confused, "Aren't you going to keep it? As evidence or something."

"The backup has been made, but it is not evidence of a crime. How can there be no evidence of evidence?"

Yanagihara smiled and said: "Like I said, even if it is proved that the New Water Fleet is looking for Lugia, what does this prove? Even if the other party has conquered Lugia, as long as they have not committed any criminal acts, we will not do anything. Ways to interfere.

"And you are also looking for Lugia, right? Leo told me, 'In order to return the green space to Ole, the leader of the Rainbow Team, Kashiwagi, decided to pursue Lugia's footsteps,' am I right?"

Kashiwagi's face quickly turned into an embarrassing shape.

Why does this sound so much like "they decided to become idols in order to save the academy"? What the hell is Shanmin doing?

"It should... be like this. Because some wrong things once caused Lugia, who lives in the Ourei region, to leave. I want to try to persuade it to go back."

he whispered.

Yanagihara replied: "Then if the New Water Fleet is looking for Lugia to protect the natural environment, wouldn't you be competitors?"

"Well, if that's the case, sure."

Kashiwagi held the black box and suddenly felt a little embarrassed.

After all, everyone is going for Lugia, why is he the good guy and the New Water Fleet is the bad guy? It's a bit like using any means to discredit your competitors.

But to be honest, he really has no intention of kidnapping Lugia back. At most, he can give her some gentle persuasion, and if it doesn't work, forget it. And the New Water Fleet has a criminal record...

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he was in the wrong?


Yanagi Yuan seemed to understand what he was thinking, and comforted him: "It is a good thing to be vigilant. It is understandable that you extremely distrust this kind of organization that has committed crimes in the past, but I personally suggest that you look in the better direction.

"If you think Dr. Akihabara can participate in this, he must know the inside story. Things like core members not knowing the target plan will only appear in movies and TV series. If you have any questions about what the New Water Fleet is doing, you might as well go Ask him."

Having said that, he stopped worrying about it.

"Thank you."

Kashiwagi thanked him, and Yanagihara waved his hand to express his responsibility.

Immediately, with the help of Beard, he returned to the Pokémon Center.

By this time, the beach bonfire party had ended, the streets were deserted, and the Pokémon Center was half-closed. Only the side emergency door was still open.

Kashiwagi walked in and saw a dozing happy egg at the front desk, and couldn't help coughing.

"Ha, happy?"

Happy Egg woke up with a start and saw what he thought was the trainer of the injured Pokémon. He quickly went to wake up Miss Joy.


Kashiwagi quickly stopped him and said softly: "I'm just reminding you, I feel like you are about to fall asleep."

Hearing this, Happy Egg held up the nurse's hat on her head, looked at him quite speechlessly, and patted his arm to express her gratitude, "happy~"

I originally wanted to pat him on the shoulder, but this young man was 1.8 meters tall and couldn't reach Happy Egg because of his short hands.

Kashiwagi gave him a thumbs up and went upstairs quietly.

Return to the room.

His body and mind quickly relaxed, he took off his bag and lay on the bed, holding the black box high.

Do you want to give it back?

Judging from the image data, the New Water Fleet had already received the image before disconnecting the network data. In other words, if the New Water Fleet's target is Lugia, this black box will have no use value to them.

The meaning to Dr. Akihabara is different. Some of the mini-submarine data recorded in it have commemorative significance, and can serve as experience accumulation for the next construction of a device carrying Porygon.

Sure enough, I'd better pay it back, and ask Dr. Akihabara about the new water fleet.

He made up his mind.

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