My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 282 The Secret of the Black Box

Return to the Pokémon Center.

Kashiwagi immediately contacted Leo, who worked in the international police.

Originally, I was worried about disturbing the other party's rest or work, so I just sent him a message and then gave up. Unexpectedly, the other party called me not long after sending the message.

After listening to his explanation, Leo did not laugh at him for being too sensitive, but asked him to wait.

The wait is five minutes.

"Hello? Are you still there?"

"Still still."

Kashiwagi put down the brush in his hand, stuffed his right hand into the big mouth of the single-headed dragon that was about to scream, and said, "What should I say?"

Leo said through the phone: "Aren't you ready to sleep at this time?"

"No no."

"Okay, a big bearded man will come to pick you up soon, just follow him."

"Ah? Shall I go with you?"

"Of course, as the parties involved, you must leave together. Why do you want to hand over the black box and ignore everything?"

Leo's matter-of-fact tone left Kashiwagi speechless.

In fact, that's what he meant...but it was indeed him who was causing trouble, and it was indeed a bit too much to shirk responsibility.

"Okay, okay. I'll wait."

He responded, and the person on the other end hung up the phone.

Put all the Pokémon to sleep.


Someone knocked on his door. Kashiwagi looked through the peephole and saw that it was the bearded man Leo mentioned. His face was full of beard and his skin was dark. He looked to be at least thirty or forty years old.

After opening the door, their eyes met.

The bearded man spoke first and saluted, "Hello, are you Mr. Kashiwagi?"


Kashiwagi patted the bag and said, "The things are here."

"Okay, please come with me." Whiskers led him out. Unexpectedly, Miss Joy stopped him when he reached the first floor, reminding him that it was too late and the Pokémon Center would be closed.

Kashiwagi apologized to him, and then got into the bearded car with Miss Joy's helpless expression.

The car drove towards Wudou Town.

The other party remained silent along the way, not even glancing towards Kashiwagi. His serious demeanor made the latter feel a little at ease.

But he is wearing this casual clothes, does he mean to be lurking in Wudou Town?

While thinking about it, the car stopped in front of the garage door of a two-story house.

"Follow me and don't stay too far away."

The bearded man turned his head and said something, then opened the door of the residence and walked in.

Kashiwagi followed him, and the moment he stepped through the door, he could clearly feel a red light sweeping him from head to toe.


The red light of a camera overhead turned to green.

He subconsciously said, "This is..."

"The identity verification system confirms whether you have disguised yourself or covered your body with a variety of monsters." Beard explained.

There is no doubt that this residential building is the secret stronghold of the international police in the town of Armed Forces.

Although it's not clear why they lurk, they must have their own considerations.

Following the bearded man into the elevator that looked like a large refrigerator, Kashiwagi was suddenly a little excited as he waited for the elevator to reach its destination. He remembered the movie "Men in Black", where the secret agents seemed to often use such inexplicable devices.


When he arrived at his destination, the environment inside made him a little regretful.

The interior of the secret stronghold is very spacious and bright, but what can be seen with the naked eye is an office-like scene, with neatly arranged desks filled with various computers.

A handful of international policemen were sitting in front of different positions, and they only glanced at Kashiwagi's arrival from the corner of their eyes.

Only a middle-aged man wearing glasses came over.

"Are you Kashiwagi?"

The visitor looked quite ordinary, wearing a white shirt, and spoke very kindly. It seemed that he was working in a clerical job.

"Yes, hello." Kashiwagi glanced at the bulging muscles on the other person's arm calmly.


People really can't be judged by their appearance.

"I am Yanagihara who is in charge of the Wudou Town stronghold. Leo has told me about the black box. Please come with me." Yanagihara walked in with a smile.

Kashiwagi turned his head and glanced at the bearded man, and when he saw him sitting at a certain desk very calmly, he withdrew his gaze.

Liuyuan led him inside and said:

"Regarding the matter of the New Water Fleet and Lugia, we have actually been keeping an eye on it. We even stopped it in Guanghai."

"Do you know Guang Hai?"

"Of course I do. Do you think he can hide such a big thing from us when he renovates a stranded ship?" Yanagihara laughed and said, "When that short video became unusually popular, we reminded him not to expose himself again. environment.”

"And the arrival of the New Water Fleet and Dr. Akihabara... to be honest, we think it's a bit of a coincidence, but without strict evidence, it's really hard to casually identify it as an illegal organization again."

He said softly: "Even if there is indeed Lugia's data record in the black box, there is no way to prove anything. Furthermore, do people looking for Lugia's traces just want to capture it and use it to do bad things? Not necessarily!

"There are so many people in the world looking for legendary Pokémon. Is it possible to catch them all? And to catch thieves, you need to catch the stolen goods... I believe you can understand."

"Uh, yeah."

"You don't have to be disappointed, I am honest and kind to everyone." Yanagi Yuan thought he was regretting not being able to capture the Xinshui Fleet.

In fact, Kashiwagi was just thinking about the possibility that the New Water Fleet was interested in Lugia.

to be honest.

Having targeted Kyogre, the creator of the sea, they seemed to have no reason to capture a Lugia. It’s impossible for the New Water Fleet to degenerate into a money-focused existence like Team Rocket, right?

If what Aquan said is true and the Xinshui Fleet really wants to protect the sea, there is a set of logic that makes sense.

They are trying to protect Lugia from waves of trainers and protect the ecological environment of the ocean.

Liuyuan led him all the way to the deepest place, where he squatted on the ground alone and tinkered with something.

The former squatted down, turned around and said, "Come on, give me the black box."


Kashiwagi took out the black box from his bag and handed it over.

Then, I saw that they first cleaned a piece of the black box with disinfectant, and then attached something like an electrode sheet to the black box.

"power ups!"


Under Liuyuan's command, another person pressed the button on the side.


The flashing electric light hit him, startling Kashiwagi, and the lights in the entire underground stronghold also dimmed.

But as the black box was powered on, the thing came to life like a building block, breaking into countless pieces to reveal the chip-like appearance inside.

"Let us take a closer look at what the data content is."

Yanagihara picked up the chip inside, stuffed it into a DVD player-like machine on the side, stood up and smiled at Kashiwagi.

They came to a computer.

The former did a random operation, and a large amount of data appeared in front of him.

"Image data...sound data...found."

Yanagihara opened an image file, and with a chirping sound, many new navy members and a man with cauliflower head and glasses appeared on the screen.

Kashiwagi subconsciously wanted to avoid it, but the former said: "It's okay. You brought the things after all. As the person involved, you should understand the content. As long as you don't spread it to the outside world, it doesn't matter."

After the words fell, a voice came from the video.

"Doctor, you can conduct experiments at any time."

"Very good! Experimental Porygon Submarine One, ready to go!"

Aquan's voice sounded, followed closely by Dr. Akihabara's voice.


The camera is accompanied by countless bubbles, sinking into the pitch-black sea.

When Kashiwagi heard this, he sat down silently.

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