My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 244 Angel Fragrance

【Simulation starts】

In the pixel style background, an ancient house located in a beautiful garden slowly comes into view.

in the garden.

Lots and lots of Pokémon walking around, wandering around. Basically, they are grass, insect and general Pokémon, types that can be found everywhere in the wild.

The camera pans to the door of the ancient house.

A big sister in a pink shirt and white skirt walked out of the old house, followed by Poison Rose, who was not even knee high.

"This is...which big sister?"

Kashiwagi was stunned for a moment. He really didn't recognize which NPC in the game her appearance was from, so he had to temporarily classify her as a big sister.

A narrator appears.

[When you were eighteen, you decided to listen to your friends’ advice and travel to see more Pokémon to verify and improve your research results]

Research results?

Kashiwagi looked at the pixel man in surprise. According to the researcher, this shouldn't be the case. The occupation of this simulated subject is quite confusing.

But before he could wonder for too long, the narrator gave him the answer.

I saw the pixel villain walking up to a snake bear with a swaying movement and a blue bad mood pattern popping out of its head. He took out a strange small bottle and shook it under its nose.

Soon, the snake bear became energetic and ran around the big sister happily.

In the blink of an eye, more snake-print bears emerged from the grass, happily playing with the snake-print bear.

[You looked at the snake bear that was recovering from health and smiled happily. It is precisely because of these cute Pokémon that you have been working hard to develop various flavors for so many years]


Kashiwagi suddenly realized that he finally knew who this was - [Sister Fragrance]!

This type of trainer often uses grass-type Pokémon in the game, and is always surrounded by various light spots that symbolize fragrance.

Well, it's not easy for me to remember this person's name.

He complained secretly, wondering why Sister Xiangxiang, who focuses on developing flavors, would challenge the gym... Wait, if the simulated object does not intend to challenge the gym and the conference, does that mean there is no reward, or is it the last resort? Basic rewards?

It shouldn't be possible.

At least he can become a simulation target, so he should be able to challenge the gym and participate in the tournament.

Baimu was beating a drum in his heart, and then he saw Sister Xiangxiang leading Poison Rose into the forest, walking in the mountains and forests with ease.

It can be seen that this woman often wanders around the forest, but she seems to be looking for something...


Sister Xiangxiang squatted under a tree.

[You got a five-year-old herb, which makes you very happy]

Herbs? Kashiwagi saw Sister Fragrance and Poison Rose busy in various places in the forest, like the industrious three bees, and knew in her heart that what she was collecting were materials for making fragrance.

But in a blink of an eye, he discovered that Sister Xiangxiang was not only collecting raw materials, she also healed injured Pokémon in the forest.

The latter always knows where wild Pokémon will lick their wounds or recuperate after they are sick or injured. They can easily touch the nests of those Pokémon and then tentatively lure them out and heal them of various injuries. .

The objects she treats range from walking sticks to acorns, and even Pokémon that are not easy to get along with, such as Arbor and Toxoplasm, she will treat them equally, or use incense to cheer them up.

Occasionally, when encountering uncooperative patients, Poison Rose will take action and use grass knots or parasitic seeds to make them docile.

[You found the injured Arbor monster, and you treated its injuries. It was very grateful that you offered you the fruit, but you smiled and refused]

God, angel!

Kashiwagi couldn't help but admire her. He felt that Sister Xiangxiang was like the barefoot doctor in the Pokémon world. She could treat wherever she went and her medical skills were particularly good.

So far, he hasn't seen any Pokémon that says it can't be cured.

If Xiaogang were allowed to meet this angel sister, he would be so excited that he would burst into tears and propose on the spot, right?

in the screen.

Along the way, Sister Xiangxiang used medical skills on various injured or sick Pokémon, basically using raw materials available in the forest to make healing medicines.

Of course she didn't take any payment.

When encountering some grass-type Pokémon, she will collect some body fluids or pollen from them. The narrator said that they are the main raw materials for making fragrance.

Not long after, Sister Xiangxiang had passed through a huge forest and arrived at a small town that looked a bit "quaint".

Why is it said to be primitive?

Because most of the houses here are in Japanese ancient architectural style, only a small part are made of modern concrete. Inexplicably, Kashiwagi felt like he had traveled many years ago.

I think the simulation timeline this time should be relatively early.

[You came to Fuyan Town, yearning for the hot springs that are said to be able to cure all diseases, so you couldn’t wait to contact your friends]

Sister Xiangxiang stood on the street waiting for someone, and soon a classic Beetle drove over, and a woman in a dress got out and picked her up.

Kashiwagi almost couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of cocoa.

Black-skinned beetle!

When is this timeline?

He could swear that this simulation was definitely the earliest one he had ever seen, dating back to the era of classic cars.

There won't even be a conference, right...

It shouldn't be possible. The grandfather of Yasha, the leader of the Kamayan Gym, was one of the Four Heavenly Kings and then resigned. I think the Alliance Conference should have existed a long time ago.

in the screen.

After Sister Xiangxiang arrived in Fuyan Town, she took a bath in the hot springs at the invitation of her friends.

Among them, the content they talked about included the gym.

[You heard from your friend that there is a very powerful gym in Caoyan Town. She strongly recommended that you challenge it and said that the opponent has Pokémon that are not found in the Hoenn region]

[You are very interested in this]

After the narration ended, the screen changed.

Sister Xiangxiang found Fuyan Gym and knocked on the door.

Then, a young man walked out of the Fuyan Gym. After seeing Sister Xiangxiang, many words appeared on his forehead and then quickly disappeared.

[You learned from the gym owner that you must have three Pokémon if you want to challenge the gym, which makes you feel regretful because you only have Poison Rose]

[You brought up the idea of ​​meeting the opponent’s Pokémon again, but the gym owner rejected it]

The owner!

This is really Asha’s grandfather!

Kashiwagi looked at the young pixel man and realized that the timeline might be fifty or sixty years ago. Asha's grandfather also worked as a gym leader before becoming the Four Heavenly Kings. After he resigned as the Four Heavenly Kings, he came back to become a gym leader.

Sister Xiangxiang in the picture left regretfully after being rejected, but she obviously would not be discouraged like this, and decisively ran to the nearby forest to search for Pokémon to tame.

Kashiwagi was amazed by his strong execution ability.

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