My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 243: Killing Love and Proving the Way

It is said that practice brings true knowledge.

Some of the actions and scenes set up in the plan have very different effects in actual use.

Kashiwagi and Dazuiwa had to adjust while practicing, and use whichever one looked better.

In these days, they also watched a lot of videos of other big-mouthed kids participating in glamor contests. Most of them had little reference value - not creative enough, made frequent mistakes, and had simple techniques.

Only a small part can give them some inspiration.

But because of individual differences, it is difficult to perfectly reproduce the performances of those big-mouthed kids.


They don’t intend to copy, but they are mainly worried about conflicts of inspiration and inexplicably turning into plagiarists.

In just a few days, the Yaofeng Fire Dance has advanced from the first version to the fifth version, and the performance time has also been extended from the originally estimated thirty seconds to one minute and thirty seconds.

Including the connection in the middle, there have been changes. It can be said that except for the moves, everything else is very different from the original.

Failure is common, and occasionally there will be situations where the entire process fails, which makes the big-mouthed baby often feel depressed. Fortunately, sweets and the trainer's encouragement can help it regain its happiness.

One problem after another was gradually resolved with hard practice.

By the fifth day, Big Mouth Baby was able to perform the entire process smoothly. Even he couldn't believe it. He was confused for a long time after finishing it for the first time, and then eagerly watched the playback on the camera.

Since then. The success rate of Big Mouth Baby is getting higher and higher, and some things that he did not dare to think about before are becoming easier and easier, as if he has been completely transformed.

As a trainer, Kashiwagi also felt sincere joy and was a little surprised by the changes in his body.

Coordination and combat are not two distinct fields. There are many levels of interaction between the two. Not to mention that Dazuiwa has already been promoted to two levels in less than a week, and he has been promoted to another level after defeating Chao Beibi.

In total, Big Mouth Baby is at level fifty-nine, only one step away from level sixty.

In addition to this, there is also Big Mouth Baby's mastery of the accuracy of his moves, his ability to withstand dizziness, etc...

Even if these physical objects are put aside, just in terms of mental energy, Big Mouth Baby can be called a makeover.

Once in Huangtie Town.

Kashiwagi calls her a troubled daughter who went to the countryside to help the poor. She is panicked and confused about her future, and her life is basically muddling along, drifting with the tide.

But since he found what he really wanted to do, Big Mouth Boy has gradually moved towards maturity, and his every move is full of confidence. What kind of existence they will become in the future may depend on their achievements in the gorgeous competition.

“Passing the first review is a win!”

He said this to the big-mouthed boy.

There is no threshold for the gorgeous competition. In other words, there is a huge gap between the upper and lower limits of combat power. He dare not say that he can definitely win the second review, but he is still a little confident.

Even if they lose, it is enough for them to make an impression on the audience and judges in their debut competition.


Big Mouth Boy nodded. Generally, only eight or four people can advance to the second review, but there are dozens or even hundreds of contestants, so the competition is quite fierce.

Those who can stand out from them are not ordinary people.

Talk about it.

The Kanaz Gorgeous Contest is over, Kashiwagi plans to find a teammate for Big Mouth Baby——

The initial plan is auspicious eggs, and I have talked about related things with them recently. He thought that since he couldn't use moves to attack his opponents, maybe it would be good to use moves to create various gorgeous scenes?


What matters is whether Geely Egg wants it or not.

Anyway, Boss Cordora is reluctant. It can fight, plant trees or even mine, but performing in the gorgeous contest is not within its scope of interest. If Kashiwagi strongly requests it, it would be fine for him to participate.

The Big Steel Snake prefers to dig holes in Yellow Iron Town and does not want to waste time practicing the skills of the gorgeous competition. Single-headed dragon and Galar Sun Coral belong to the categories of those who don’t understand and those who understand and pretend not to understand…

All in all, Geely eggs seem to be the most suitable at the moment.

In the future, Kashiwagi will also try to capture some Pokémon that are interested in the gorgeous contest, such as Uglyfish and Uglyfish... It would be a waste not to find a way to grow beautiful scales on one!



Kashiwagi drank hot cocoa and leaned cross-legged on the sofa to draw the simulator.

Without a doubt, another blue talent moment once a month.

The results of the recent three ordinary simulations were quite satisfactory, giving him a reward level four below lv.50, as well as [Hypnosis], [Strange Power] and [Metal Explosion] respectively.

It was a surprise to him that [Metal Explosion] appeared. It happened that this move was more suitable for Boss Cordora, so he learned it from the latter. The first two moves were shelved because there were no suitable learning objects.

Looking at it so far, he has accumulated a lot of moves.

[Spinning Silk], [Feather Perch], [Strengthening Mind], [Thunder], [Kick Down], [Hold on] and two [Magic Shine], as well as five skill blind boxes.

A few days ago, I gave [Mist Field] to Big Mouth Baby, intending to use it in the future gorgeous competition. [Electromagnetic Wave] in the three ordinary simulations in the last round was given to Geely Egg, and [Curse] was given to Boss Cordora. .

Added another contribution to the team's combat effectiveness.

I don’t know who will be simulated this time.

He opened the emulator.

【Choose your birthplace▽】

Kanto and Johto have already been selected, and they happen to be in Hoenn, so we might as well start in Hoenn.

He chose silently.

Click on Gender.

Last time it was the ranch uncle, this time it’s the woman’s turn...will he get a coordination trainer? Give me some experience as a coordination trainer!

Kashiwagi clicked on the Pokémon with anticipation.

Poison rose?

He was stunned, but he didn't expect that this time it was actually the beginning of evolution. Last time, he failed to choose a Pokémon, so he directly started with the Flame Horse...

Continue to click on talents.

Fixed talents:

[Kind-hearted (willing to help others)]

Optional talents:

[☆Properly cultivated (Pokémon’s overall quality is higher)]

【The Way of Killing Love (No Love and Marriage for Life)】

[My family is poor (it’s a burden to raise Pokémon)]

[Appearance comes from the heart (more attractive to Pokémon that match the appearance)]

Hey...the optional talents this time are so weird.

Cultivating the right person is definitely a must-choose, so if you don’t choose the Love-Destroying Path, does that mean there is a chance of falling in love? Sometimes love is a motivation and sometimes it is a drag. The first time it was obviously a drag.

Even if you are from a poor family, there is no need to take a second look, the rest is just a matter of heart.

What does it mean?

Maybe she will be very ugly, or maybe she will be very beautiful?

The two talents made Kashiwagi hesitate, and couldn't help but glance at the beautiful scales placed aside, "...Sure enough, it's still a matter of heart?"

With the lucky scales, even if the relationship is not guaranteed, it will still be a beneficial relationship.

He chose Cultivate Youfang and Xiang Shenxin and silently pressed start.

A screen of light unfolded.

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