My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 245: Love comes from the heart

Sister Xiangxiang’s method of searching for wild Pokémon is very unique.

It was also through this opportunity that Kashiwagi learned through the narration why she could always find injured Pokémon.

In the past, when collecting medicine, I could always find nests left by various wild Pokémon, and sometimes injured Pokémon would even come to rob them. This is a summary of my experience;

Secondly, her nose allows her to easily identify hundreds of herbs and pick out the subtleties of fragrance. Enough to smell the special scent held by injured Pokémon.

So when she walked into the forest, she didn't do anything extra.

[You start to use your sense of smell to search for nearby wild Pokémon]

"What nose, the nose of God?" He complained, but he did not underestimate the fighting power of Sister Xiangxiang and Poison Rose. After all, the previous medical assistance had already proved a lot.

But what surprised him was that Sister Xiangxiang found many wild Pokémon, but every time she just stopped to look at them for a while and then left.

Not satisfied?

The narrator gives the answer.

[You see those Pokémon soaking in the hot springs comfortably, free and free from illness and disaster, but you really can’t bring yourself to disturb their good mood, so you give up]

There are many open-air hot springs in the forest near Fuyan Town. Wild Pokémon like to go there because they can cure all diseases as advertised.

I saw Sister Xiangxiang watching a Pokémon walking towards the hot spring without stopping it.

Kashiwagi knew it was the effect of the [kind-hearted] talent.

It seems that it will be difficult for Sister Xiangxiang to conquer Pokémon through normal means. She may have to rely on gifts or the consciousness of Pokémon——

Huh? Love comes from the heart!

He suddenly remembered this talent, and remembered that the introduction said it would attract Pokémon that matched its appearance.

How is the appearance of Sister Fragrance?

Kashiwagi looked at her pixelated face for a while. He couldn't tell whether her appearance was good or bad at all, but he thought it should be pretty good...probably.

While thinking like this, Sister Xiangxiang walked out of the forest in a depressed mood. The bubbles on her head were full of messy threads, and even the poisonous rose beside her was in a bad mood.

But before the picture could be pulled out of the screen, an exclamation mark suddenly appeared on the edge of the forest.

Immediately, a beautiful flower ran out, holding a light pink glass bottle in both hands, and trotted all the way to Sister Fragrance.

[You saw the beautiful flower holding the fragrance you made in her hand, and belatedly realized that the thing had fallen, which made you feel grateful for it]

The fragrance sister took the essence from the beautiful flower, took out another bottle from the bag and opened it.

[In order to repay the beautiful flower, you showed it your latest achievement. The fragrant smell makes the beautiful flowers dance.】

this! This is!

Kashiwagi's eyes widened, and when he saw Beautiful Flowers finishing her dance, and Sister Xiangxiang finishing her applause and preparing to leave the former and hurrying to catch up, he couldn't help but say, "Wocao!"

The phase comes from the heart so quickly!

The narrator pops up to show his presence.

[You find that the beautiful flowers seem to want to follow you, which surprises you. You didn’t expect that fragrance has such an effect]

no! People come here for your looks!

He held the tea cup tightly, feeling extremely restless. Beautiful flowers, beautiful. It seems that the beauty of Sister Xiangxiang has been determined.

With this appearance alone that can make beautiful flowers fall into their arms, I believe that the next Pokémon will not be so "ugly".

But for Grass-type Pokémon...

Kashiwagi saw Sister Xiangxiang happily conquering the beautiful flower, and felt worried for her. How could two grass-type Pokémon start a fire-type gym?

There is just one missing at the moment, I hope Sister Xiangxiang can come up with one that can restrain the fire attribute.

[You returned to Fuyan Town and told your friends the good news of getting a new companion. Your friend was very happy at first, but became furious when he heard that you had been rejected by the Fuyan Gym]

In the picture, Sister Xiangxiang returned to Fuyan Town and shared the good news with her friend. The friend was very happy at first, but a series of tic-tac-toe patterns appeared from the bubbles on her head.

She rushed to the Fuyan Gym with Sister Xiangxiang, kicked open the door, and caught the gym owner who was training Pokémon inside on the spot.

[You heard your friend angrily asking trouble for the master of the Fuyan Hall, and then you realized that they were childhood sweethearts. Your friend had already mentioned your existence and asked the master of the Fuyan Hall to take care of you]

Childhood sweetheart——

Kashiwagi took a closer look at the hair color of Sister Xiangxiang's friend, and then saw that it was dark red. So Asha's hair color was inherited from her grandmother?

The narration continues to be output.

Of course, the owner of the Cauldron Hall heard the instructions from his childhood sweetheart, but he was a very serious person. He said that being able to challenge with three Pokémon was considered the minimum standard. For others, he would have to obtain at least five badges before he was allowed to challenge her. Gym, acquaintance? Acquaintances are useless.

Grandma Yasha's serious appearance made her head smoke with anger, but Sister Xiangxiang came out in time to smooth things over and make peace.

[You appease your friend and apologize to the owner of the Cauldron Hall, saying that you just want to meet Pokémon that are not available in the Hoenn region]

Fortunately, the owner of the cauldron hall is only serious and not an idiot. After hearing Sister Xiangxiang's words, he directly invited her to meet that Pokémon - the flaming roly-poly from the Hezhong region.

In the era of Fragrance Sister, Hezhong area is a very distant word. Especially for someone like her who never leaves home all year round and does research quietly, strange Pokémon are extremely exciting.

The owner of the Cauldron Hall saw her excitedly taking out bottles and cans, thinking that she was planning something against the flaming red roly-poly, but later he realized that she was mixing a fragrance that would make him feel comfortable.

[You told the owner of the Cauldron Hall about your dream of creating a fragrance suitable for all Pokémon]

The leader of the cauldron gym watched for a while and suggested that she challenge the gym and then attend the alliance conference. The alliance conference gathered trainers from all over Hoenn and even the world. She could see all kinds of different Pokémon at it. .

[When you heard that you could see Pokémon from all over the world, your heart suddenly boiled as you planned to travel, and you made the decision with almost no hesitation]

Sister Xiangxiang's careless appearance made Grandma Asha a little worried. The latter was not sure that the former would be interested in Pokémon battles.

Through the narrator Kashiwagi, we learn that Pokémon battles have not yet become popular around the world, and even the Hoenn Alliance Conference has only been held for the fifth time.

Sister Fragrance, however, said not to underestimate her, and decided to complete the gym challenge trip, with the motivation of seeing more Pokémon and creating a fragrance that all Pokémon can adapt to.

"So this is a prelude? It's a bit long..."

Kashiwagi changed into a comfortable position and lay down.

However, even for this reason, the master of the Cauldron is not willing to let go, and still uses the three elves as the minimum standard.

However, he reminded Sister Xiangxiang that gyms in other cities may not have such high requirements.

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