My elf trainer simulator

Chapter 242 Heart of Coordination

It is indeed easier to imagine than to do it.

Kashiwagi and Dazuiwa made a preliminary attempt to expand the scope of Fairy Wind, which went very smoothly.

But it becomes difficult to reduce the destructive power and improve the stability. In order to ensure that the range is large enough, the energy output has reached the current extreme, but the destructive power and stability have not dropped to the standards he set.

For example, the meteors mixed in the white mist on Chinese Valentine's Day look just like fireworks. They only have a tolerable burning sensation when touched, and they will not explode suddenly and create a pile of choking white smoke.

In comparison, Big Mouth Baby's fairy wind is so strong that it can blow people around, or even blow them away.

In fact, just looking at the shape and color of the moves is very intuitive.

The Fairy Wind will create dark pink fluffy energy while raising strong winds, which are the focus of damage to enemies.

What Kashiwagi wants to do right now is to disperse the flocculent energy and turn it into pink light spots to improve the stability of the move and facilitate the connection of the next move - this is by no means a whim, he only decided this after seeing actual examples.

For this reason, Big Mouth Boy watched the move demonstration video over and over again and practiced it over and over again.

After all, this is just the starting move.

The Fairy Wind also needs to be connected with the Flame Fang that allows it to fly, electromagnetic levitate and rotate to release. The three skills are smooth and uninterrupted. How to ensure this is the second problem.

What's important in fighting is to use all your strength in one blow, and ensure that the energy output reaches the extreme with every punch and kick.

But the glamor contest is different.

Gorgeous competitions often limit the energy output for the viewing effect of moves, ensuring that the next move can be connected in time at the expense of power, making the moves pleasing to the eye.

It's not like there are no coordination trainers who can perform full output, but those are relatively advanced skills. Because the power of moves affects coherence and stability, an accident can easily cause an explosion of energy conflict.

The explosion is not a big deal, the key is the smoke generated when the move explodes.

This is something that most coordination trainers want to avoid. It’s not that the rules don’t allow it, but the smoke can easily affect the judges’ viewing of the performance. If you use it well, it can create a sense of mystery. If you use it poorly, it will only cause the judges to miss the highlight of your performance.

Among them, Xiao Wang, the top coordination trainer in the Sinnoh region, Xiaoguang's former rival, is a master of using smoke to create a sense of mystery.

"It's not easy to coordinate trainers."

Kashiwagi could not help but feel emotional, and deeply understood the meaning of the word "coordination".

Not only the coordination between Pokémon and trainers, but also the coordination between various attribute moves, and even the coordination between multiple Pokémon.

"Keep practicing. The theme has been set. All that's left is to work hard to achieve it."

He turned around and said.


Big Mouth Boy nodded firmly.

Although there is no breakthrough in Fairy Wind for the time being, the entire theme is not impossible to proceed without it.

"When the ball is thrown, landed, and danced, the fairy wind is released to increase the light powder effect of Buling Buling, and then the electromagnetic levitation is used to jump up, and the flame teeth are released to rotate at high speed to form a flame whirlwind dance, and finally explode into light particles."

Kashiwagi held a drawing board and relied on the painting skills he got from Tutu Dog to gradually analyze what Big Mouth Baby was going to do.

It is difficult for the big-mouthed baby to understand the trainer's thoughts through words, but he understands everything just by looking at the pictures.


"It does seem complicated, but in fact it only takes a minute or two to use it continuously... The fusion of electromagnetic levitation and flame teeth, you might as well try it first."

He sketched a red and yellow flame tornado in the album, "The difficulty may lie in the coverage of the flame fangs. It may require you to maintain a certain high speed so that it can cover the entire body."


The big-mouthed baby nodded lightly, stood a little further away, and floated off the ground using electromagnetism.

"Let's start, let's put the Flame Fang first." Kashiwagi said softly.


The large jaw, which was almost the same size as the body, opened slightly, and bright red flames instantly burst out from the sharp white teeth.

Kashiwagi said: "Very good, let's start spinning."


The big-mouthed baby twisted its body and began to rotate in a clockwise direction.

I have to say that it does have a good way of controlling electromagnetic levitation. When it spins, its body seems to exert no force at all, and it spins faster and faster.


A gust of wind was picked up by the rotating Big Mouth Baby, mixed with small electric currents and flames. It picked up the dust and smoke on the ground and gradually enveloped its body in red and yellow light.

"Not fast enough!" Kashiwagi shouted, and the big-mouthed baby immediately started spinning even faster!

When the wind became more rapid, the flames indeed expanded with the movement.

Not only that.

The fine currents of electromagnetic floating seemed to be involved, as if to form a dazzling mixed storm of fire and lightning.

But just when he showed a surprised smile, the raging flames suddenly disappeared, as if they were blown out by the wind.

The big-mouthed boy slowly stopped and covered his mouth, his expression a little ugly.


"Are you okay?" Kashiwagi quickly moved over to observe the big-mouthed baby's condition.

Fortunately, the latter was just a little dizzy and nothing serious.

"It seems that too fast a speed won't work either."

He took some fresh and cool candy and fed it to the big-mouthed baby to suppress the dizziness in his head, "Take a rest and rest."

The first reason for the flame extinguishing was that the spinner was dizzy due to too fast rotation, making it difficult to continuously output attribute energy. Secondly, the wind caused is too strong, which affects the temperature necessary for the flame to burn.

Theoretically speaking, wind can assist combustion, and this is the same in the Pokémon world, so it is important to control the speed so that the flame is not extinguished and can assist combustion.

The order in which moves are released at the same time may be changed.

Kashiwagi waited for the big-mouth baby to finish resting, and couldn't wait to start the second try before telling him his decision.


The second trial begins


Kashiwagi gave the order.

The Big Mouth Baby floated in the air and began to rotate, slowly increasing the speed.

When it was almost done, he hurriedly shouted: "Flame Fang!"

When even though he saw the big-mouthed kid who turned into a small spinning top, a little fire light lit up, and then the fire light turned into a bright orange-red line of fire, forming a halo of light like a fluorescent light.

"More firepower! More firepower!"

He continued to give instructions.

The rotating Big Mouth Baby immediately enhanced the flame output on the sharp teeth of the big jaw, causing the lightning and flames to spread out from the aperture, like a protective film.

next moment.


The fire storm ignited!

The current mixed in it made a crisp explosion!

"Are you dizzy?"


"Very good, then let's keep this speed! Steady!"

Kashiwagi was always observing the situation, counting the seconds in his mind.

one two three……


"Okay! Stop!" he yelled.

The body of the big-mouthed baby suddenly stopped, and the flames and lightning opened to the side like a curtain, and then slowly dissipated like flying butterflies and orange-red petals, revealing its bright and cute face, "嘁哚!"

"——Successful! Twice successful!"

Kashiwagi laughed and rushed over to pick up the big-mouthed baby, regardless of how hot it was.

The big-mouthed boy was startled, but then he smiled happily and gently rubbed the trainer's neck. It took a full two seconds before he screamed and broke away from his arms.


A lady cannot be picked up! So immodest!

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