My doppelganger drama

Chapter 485 The troupe recruits new members

The next day, the renovation of the theater started without further delay.

A decoration team was hired in the name of Phantom Group to take over the project, and the Green Goblin had already done some tricks in it.

Buying a theater and a theater company is indeed a big expense, even if one is a grand theater that has been in decline for a long time, and the other is a bonus that has declined.

However, by reselling the Hells Group's medicines, Wan Yi actually had quite a lot of funds, so this little money was nothing at all.

After the establishment of the Phantom Group, the Green Devil immediately laundered the money in his hands. In this process, Wan Yi's shadow was everywhere, but he was not afraid of being traced.

But to be on the safe side, it’s better to spend as much of this money as possible.

Theaters and troupes account for one part, and the other part is what is needed to run a company.

Although the Green Goblin really wanted to grab a large part of it himself, after all, he was in urgent need of money during this period.

But considering that the theater's stronghold was still under construction and the progress of his armor was currently stuck here, he decisively put back his excessive thoughts and focused more on the company's operations.

At the same time, a piece of news that was not very eye-catching also spread in the drama circle under the Golden Circle during this time.

Flower Moon Theater Company has announced a new recruitment.

Everyone in the industry was shocked when they learned that the renovation of the Pendulum Grand Theater was under construction and that the Huayue Theater Company was recruiting new people.

Even though theater performances have declined, some status in the circle will not change easily.

Pendulum and Flower Moon, no matter which one they are, have glorious pasts that cannot be ignored in the industry.

But he still couldn't escape the ending of being eliminated and sinking.

But in the current situation, is it someone who is desperate and insists on going against the current, or is it the last afterglow of the dramatic performance?

Almost everyone is not optimistic about this. It's not that they don't have confidence. It's just because they have struggled for so many years that they have a deeper understanding.

Therefore, people in the circle basically didn’t pay much attention to this news.

At most, I thought that when the Pendulum Grand Theater reopened, I could go over and admire the current situation.

On this day, Brother Philosophy ended today’s interview.

Interviewing for a theater company is not easy, at least here.

The front desk staff, backstage staff, and interviews must be separated. Wan Yi himself naturally has no knowledge in this area, so Brother Zhi used to be just a facilitator. In the end, he still had to rely on people from various majors in the theater troupe to be the chief examiners.

During this time, the remaining people in the troupe spent some time with Brother Zhi, and realized that he was not always the arrogant and meticulous person he seemed to be when they first met.

When he learned about the impressions of the troupe members on him, Brother Zhi immediately raised several questions.

Forget about being meticulous, he just wanted to handle the matter quickly. After all, it was the task of his boss. Even according to Wan Yi's internal rating, as a brother he should be on par with Green Goblin.

But Brother Philosophy still only thinks of himself as a little minion who can die at any time.

The comment of being arrogant is even more strange.

Wan Yi feels that he is very approachable when dealing with others.


Wan Yi feels that whatever he thinks should be Brother Philosophy’s own problem.

The philosophical brother argued with the ontology for half an hour. In that debate, he argued about the relationship between the self, the id and the superego, criticized Wan Yi's ontology, and differentiated between Wan Yi Zhong and Wan Yi. Individual similarities and differences.

Finally, he passed the blame to Wan Yi's body and received applause from all the clones.

Brother Philosophy totally lives up to his name.

But he felt that he was just blaming the main body.

Speaking of which, the troupe is recruiting new people.

Not ideal from a public perspective.

Not many people are willing to come, and even if they come, they all knock on the door and explore the way with strange motives.

Although some people were recruited to fill the vacancies in the backstage staff.

But judging from the current prospects alone, it is obviously not a situation that can be viewed optimistically.

After greeting the rest of the troupe, Brother Zhi was ready to leave.

I think it has been brewing in the past few days, and Wan Yi who can't wait will be able to join the job soon.

They have been looking forward to it for a long time.

Captain. As he was walking down the corridor, a soft voice called Brother Zhi, and Chu Xin walked from the side.

Brother Philosophy said: Are you practicing alone again?

Chu Xin nodded: Because you said you would help us find channels for temporary performances at any time, so I have to be prepared at any time.

This girl is full of enthusiasm for this job.

This attitude is unusual.

After all, what Wan Yi has seen is that most of the people living under the society established by the Sky Island Alliance have only two goals, optimizing their survival needs and maintaining and strengthening their existing strength.

Everyone's working environment basically revolves around fighting and killing. In this regard, no matter how good the work done by the Silver and Gold Alliance in the Golden Circle is, no matter how much it looks like a complete world of surreal society, it will never be able to completely Cover up the differences.

Therefore, it is indeed very refreshing to meet someone who puts his mind on things that have nothing to do with survival and strength.

Let's combine work and rest. Although I have promised, we can't perform normally without all the staff. You'd better give yourself a little vacation first. Brother Zhi said.

I know. I came here to ask how the recruitment is going.

To be honest, it's not very good, but it will get better soon. Brother Zhi answered truthfully, and the second half of the words was a statement rather than encouragement or speculation.

Chu Xin did not care about this, but nodded and said: Thank you for your hard work, but leader, I hope you can pay attention to the position of playwright when recruiting new people.


The playwright in the group was Mr. Wu Haosheng a few years ago, but the old man was old and frail, and finally passed away due to illness. He failed to cultivate satisfactory apprentices during his lifetime.

Brother Zhi also remembered that the position of playwright of the Flower Moon Theater Company had indeed been vacant for many years.

Mr. Wu Haosheng, that's right. It seems that in the past few years, all of you have been acting in plays he left behind, or some old classics. Brother Philosophy agreed.

But drama must be innovative and developed. Brand-new scripts need suitable playwrights to create them. Chu Xin said seriously.

Brother Zhi gently raised his flat glasses, then raised his chin.

This is indeed a troublesome matter.

Wan Yi wasn't worried about most positions, but for the position of a serious creator... that's not to say that Wan Yi couldn't do it. With so many Wanyili, there are always a few people who feel itchy and want to write something.

For example, someone on Sky Island No. 014 has copied all the well-known Internet articles in the complete world.

But it's not copying, and Wan Yi doesn't need to make money from this.

They are adapting.

To put it bluntly, I am writing fan fiction.

The setting is one thing, but other plots can be rewritten as Wan Yi likes.

Putting aside these playful things, there are many people who seriously create literary works, write novels, essays, and poems.

In the performance hall of the Nightmare Carnival, Wan Yi also mastered the script and performance.

But, it’s all for fun after all.

Just talking about novels, they are all the kind that can be written to death on a single-player novel website in the previous life. Not to mention the others.

Unless you have some fragments of drama skills, you don't dare to do this job randomly.

Miss Chu Xin, you seem to be the person adopted by Mr. Wu Haosheng? In response, Brother Zhizhi returned his gaze to the exquisite woman in front of him.

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