My doppelganger drama

Chapter 486 Worthy of the Golden Circle

Yes, I am a refugee in the Golden Circle, and I don't remember anything when I came to this world, and I am not very old. Because of my luck, I met Mr. Wu Haosheng, who adopted me. Chu Xin nodded. .

Can you write a screenplay?

Ah? Chu Xin was stunned.

Brother Philosophy raised his chin at her.

Chu Xin was a little at a loss. It was the first time he saw her fluctuating emotional reaction: I, I have learned it. I first learned creative writing from my husband, but later I stepped onto the stage because I liked performing more...

But it's really hard for me to suddenly create after such a long time...

Then you can practice slowly and pick it up again. There is no rush about the script now. Huayue Theater Company still has enough excellent scripts to support it. I can also find some classics from the complete world to make do. Brother Zhi said .

Unexpectedly, Chu Xin's original panic disappeared in an instant, and she looked at Brother Philosophy with slightly shining eyes: Mr. Leader, do you have a classic script for the complete world?

Yes. Brother Zhi nodded.

Wan Yi has read a lot of scripts, which were all given by his university tutor. After understanding Wan Yi's experience, he liked to take Wan Yi to watch various film and television works and dramas. Naturally, he would not miss some classics from the era.

According to that person, if you are unhappy in your life, you can try to live in another life and story and leave the unhappy things behind.

Although Wan Yi always found that person annoying, what he said always made some sense.

Among those classic dramas is Phantom of the Opera, which Ke Hansheng said before that this world has not been pieced together.

Wan Yi can also retrieve it directly from memory.

So it's not impossible to make a guest appearance as a playwright, but he's just a shameful copycat.

In this world, if you don't indicate the source when copying texts, the risk of being identified is too great.

Can you show it to me? Chu Xin looked very interested in those classic scripts.

Don't you have no memory of the past? But you still seem to respect those classics. Brother Philosophy asked.

Mr. Wu told me a lot about the goodness of a complete world. He said that the world is so broken. Drama is only a short-term solace. Only true completeness can fill the gap. In short, I have heard many classics about a complete world from him. .”

Chu Xin said cautiously, her eyes a little hazy, as if she was recalling many things at the same time.

I don’t know if it was Chu Xin’s personal filter, but if that gentleman really said that, he seemed to be a very thorough person.

The society of the Golden Circle is fake after all.

In a sense, this world is probably the same.

These thoughts in Brother Philosophy's mind were fleeting, and he said: The script cannot be created directly for you, and the fragments of the script also take time to put together. It is very difficult to put together this kind of creative work, you should know that.

In various creations, imaginary things can be pieced together more easily in a broken world.

But creating the work itself is difficult.

Brother Philosophy always has an indescribable meaning to this phenomenon.

Fortunately, he was just copying, not really looking for fragments to piece together, but it wasn't that troublesome.

Please be sure to review it for me when the time comes, and I will work hard to write the script. Chu Xin said seriously.

Well, don't put too much pressure on yourself.

The two said hello and walked out together.

There was not much conversation along the way, they were all immersed in their own world.

Speaking of which, Brother Zhi just ignored that Chu Xin said that he was a refugee with no memory.

Chu Xin's reputation is very popular among people in the Golden Circle who know about dramas, but she is actually a refugee. This information is not included in the information given by the Green Devil.

Was it suppressed intentionally?

But she herself didn't care about this matter and told Wan Yi easily.

Looks silly.

Just when the two of them came outside, they happened to see a group of people walking over.

Brother Zhi stopped, and Chu Xin also stopped subconsciously.

This group of people originally wanted to pass by directly, but the leader turned around and after seeing Brother Zhizhi and Chu Xin, he led the group directly towards them.

Chu Xin, an actor from the Huayue Theater Company, and Wan Zhe, the new theater troupe leader and theater agent, who is affiliated with the Phantom Group?

The leading man looked at the two men and then directly said their names.

Are you from the Silver-Gold Joint Investigation Bureau? What's the reason for your visit at this time? Brother Zhi also directly revealed their identities and asked.

After being directly identified, the leading man gave Brother Zhi a thoughtful look: The theater is being renovated and the troupe has changed owners. Let's do a routine inspection.

Chu Xin frowned slightly. When she saw the posture of these people, her displeasure was already evident, and she was even more undisguised at this time.

Huayue Theater Troupe and Pendulum Grand Theater were investigated several times by the Bureau of Investigation some time ago, and their actions were very rough every time, causing a lot of trouble for the performances.

Even during a performance, they would just barge in and interrupt the show.

The troupe theater, which was already in danger, was made even more miserable by them.

Now it is obvious that the investigation bureau discovered the activities in the theater and troupe, and then came directly under such circumstances.

It was within Wan Yi's expectation.

We just happened to meet each other. Let you lead the way and call all your recent recruits over.

It's already eight o'clock in the evening. Brother Zhi said.

The investigation bureau is working, do you have any opinions? The troupe members are rampant, and an entire empty island is buried with them, and these people are good at hiding. The low-skinned faces of you actors are probably a sinful face. The leading man said nothing. He said it unceremoniously and acted very domineeringly.

Even if that terrorist group really sneaked in, how could they still use the name of the theater troupe to make random false accusations against people. Chu Xin said bluntly.

The leading man's attitude towards the beautiful woman became slightly softer, but his tone was still so sinister: Because the possibility of darkness under the light is not ruled out. The investigation bureau has been working on this for several months. This is not against you. Please cooperate, Miss Chu Xin.

When Chu Xin heard this, she turned away and did not continue to speak.

She knew that she had a direct temper, and if she continued speaking, she might say something too offensive and cause trouble. At this time, she could only look at the group leader.

Brother Zhi said expressionlessly: I understand. Anyway, please go inside first, but they are all under renovation, so there are no conditions, so please don't mind.

The Bureau personnel ignored him and walked directly to the theater that was being renovated.

Falling behind, Chu Xin saw that they had walked out for a distance before she said to Brother Zhi: It has been several months and there is no news of any clues about the capture. How dare I say that they are working seriously, or the people from the terrorist organization are still there? If they didn’t come, it’s because they simply lacked the ability.”

Brother Philosophy smiled. His face was that of a very ordinary intellectual. It was very clean. His smile made people feel like a spring breeze: This is the golden circle.

In one sentence, everything is said.

Chu Xin also sighed softly: Because of my relationship, people from the Investigation Bureau like to come here to find results. They know they can't find anything, but they have to make a show of it.

Because of you? Brother Zhi said in confusion: They still watch the show?

Chu Xin also smoothed her hair on her temples calmly: To see my beauty.

Brother Philosophy was stunned for a moment.

Well... Wan Yi hasn't been exposed to it for a long time. No, it should be said that apart from the influence of the little princess's ability, he has never seen many people in this world who act for the beauty of others.

All I can say is that it deserves to be a golden circle.

However, what Chu Xin said just now was really calm. Her tone was just stating the facts, without pride or showing off.

The combination made Brother Philosophy unable to react.

I can only trouble everyone to work overtime. Brother Zhi shook his head.

This is the Golden Circle. Chu Xin was a little disappointed. She had lived here with nothing until now, but she didn't have much of a good impression of this place.

Don't worry, they will get their comeuppance sooner or later.

It's not a drama, where does this kind of truth come from? Chu Xin replied calmly.

It seems that this young lady does not need this kind of comfort.

such a pity.

But reality is often more unexpected than dramas or even fanciful novels. Brother Philosophy said.

He wasn't comforting or praying.

Likewise, he was just stating the facts from his own perspective.

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