My doppelganger drama

Chapter 484 Real Theater Troupe

Backstage, Brother Zhi found that there were still a lot of people here. Some were still packing their things, while others were divided into different small groups and chatting.

Brother Zhi took one look and didn't pay much attention to it. As for the backstage, it quite matched his impression.

It was cleaner than expected, maybe Ke Hansheng asked them to clean it in advance.

The people present are basically all the members of the Flower Moon Troupe...

Um...wait? Everyone? Brother Zhizhi responded casually, then suddenly turned around and said in surprise.

Are there only so many people present?

All members?

He thought it was because after he and Ke Hansheng chatted for so long, the backstage had already been packed up and gone to get off work.

I originally thought it was keeping a lot of people, but it turned out that was all.

Seeing Brother Philosophy walking in, everyone in the troupe seemed to be looking at him and discussing his affairs.

Want to get acquainted?


Ke Hansheng nodded: Nowadays, various theater troupes are gradually declining, and members have withdrawn one after another. It is difficult to perform some larger-scale plays. It can be regarded as a vicious circle... Oh, just to comfort myself. The troupe does not have a formal leader, because I have a close relationship with the theater, and I am kind of the acting leader.”

Glancing at the others, he continued: If the theater is transferred to you, it will be your business whether to renew the contract with the Flower Moon Theater Company.

He didn't say much until he ordered.

Logically speaking, if the other party is willing to buy the theater and start major renovations, there is no problem in raising a declining theater troupe.

Although he does hope that if the other party can show mercy, he can continue with the troupe for a few more years.

But here Ke Hansheng can't push himself too far.

It's a small theater troupe. It's not bad. Let's buy it together. Then he heard a casual word from Brother Zhi.

Ah? Ke Hansheng was stunned.

If you are the acting leader, we should be able to discuss it together. What should I say? The theater and the troupe are packaged and sold together, so that the price can be higher. Brother Zhi gently raised his glasses.

Big dog owner!

Rich people!

What a silly son of a landlord!

Several loud emotions flashed through my mind.

Finally, it converged on Ke Hansheng's face, forming what he felt was the most beautiful smile in his life.

But Brother Zhi took one look and turned away. This smiling face could only be used for air.

After all, buying a theater was derived from considering Wan Yi's various needs. Initially, he just said he wanted to buy a theater troupe to play in. This is the fundamental purpose.

After the theater is renovated, there will definitely be people who want to come and play. We must give this kind of Wanyi a place to go.

A troupe that no longer has many members but was once somewhat famous is indeed a good choice.

We have a contract with this theater, so it would be a good idea to buy it together.

Without further ado, Brother Green Goblin had already given full responsibility for this matter to Brother Philosophy, and he directly completed the deal with the Pendulum Theater and the Flower Moon Theater on behalf of the Phantom Group.

The name Pendulum is quite nice, so there is no need to change it.

It just sounds like it makes people want to play cards.

After the contract was signed, Brother Philosophy shook hands gently with Ke Hansheng.

Ke Hansheng exhaled, his eyes full of melancholy.

Will you stay in the troupe?

Me? No, after paying off my debts with this money, I will probably use the rest to leave the Golden Circle. I am already quite old, and these days of living in the Golden Circle have made me physically and mentally exhausted. Ke Hansheng shook his head and said calmly. said with a smile.

Looks like there's a retirement plan.

Yes, there are friends over there at Dawn Sky Island Group who will take me in.

sounds good.

After the two briefly exchanged a few words, they returned to the backstage. Ke Hansheng clapped his hands and called everyone in the Huayue Theater Company to announce the change of ownership of the theater and the theater group.

Everyone is quite surprised.

You can vaguely hear whispers.

It's actually true!

It's really a deal. Is there such a big dog these days?

I do not mind……

It seems that the news has been conveyed a long time ago, but actually realizing this obviously loss-making transaction is still a bit dreamy for these people.

I will also step down from my position as acting leader and officially withdraw from the troupe. Thank you for your hard work in the past few years. Ke Han finished speaking with emotion and bowed deeply to everyone in front of him.

Everyone applauded.

So about the new leader... Ke Hansheng looked at Brother Zhi, meaning to ask about the Phantom Group.

Brother Zhi shrugged and stepped forward directly: I will directly serve as the new leader of the theater in the future. Please take care of me. The theater will be renovated for a period of time. I will try my best to find temporary performance channels for you. . Regarding matters related to personnel changes and withdrawal from the group, interested parties should come to me directly immediately. That’s it, let’s disband.”

He got into the mood immediately and spoke in a convincing manner.

The rest of the troupe suddenly felt uncomfortable.

One of the important points is that Brother Zhi directly mentioned the personnel changes and withdrawal from the group.

Obviously, with this kind of dramatic performance in decline, there are undoubtedly reasons for persisting until now, and this persistence is also very difficult.

But after all, you have to make a living. Many people have already reached a critical point of swing, but they may be hesitant due to some old friendship issues, waiting for an opportunity.

And now is an opportunity.

The theater changed owners, was renovated and renovated, and the troupe changed owners, so it was natural that a wave of simple cleaning was coming.

Even after such a cleanup, the already small number of members becomes even more pitiful.

After Brother Zhi said this, everyone present was stunned for a moment, and was silent at first.

For a while, no one dared to bring it up directly.

Hurry up and deal with it. I believe everyone has their own lives to face. Don't wait and tire yourself out. Brother Zhi's words were a bit unkind.

But this is him, an ordinary Wan Yi who has been ruined.

After saying this, someone soon came out and said: Sorry, I was accepted for the recent company interview, and I couldn't stay for a few days.

I have saved enough money recently, and I will leave the Golden Circle soon. A woman also came out and said.

Someone spoke up, and immediately everyone else spoke boldly.

Ke Hansheng looked on with bitterness on his face.

Even though he already knew a lot, when he actually saw this scene, he was really sad.

It’s in decline, it’s really in decline.

Then he took the initiative to help Brother Philosophy take over the finishing work and led these people to handle the beginning and end.

Only single digits remain.

What theater group? At first glance, I thought it was a student club from some middle school.

No, there are more serious student clubs than this person.

There are many people who choose to leave because many of their friends have chosen to leave.

As for the rest...

You can go back and think about it again. You can apply to withdraw from the troupe within three days. After three days, I will talk to you about a new contract. Then the troupe and the theater will restart. I hope that all of you who stay will be mentally prepared. Brother Philosophy He said simply to the remaining people.

A large number of acquaintances left, and everyone was not very happy. After a few responses, a few people also left together.

Finally, Brother Philosophy turned to look at the only person who was still in the same place.

The previous female lead left a deep impression on Brother Zhi.

Well, Miss Chu Xin, right? Brother Zhi recalled the other party's name, which was on the theater poster.

She seems to be a relatively silent person. She has never been seen talking to other people in the group before, so she is a bit lonely.

She nodded in response to Brother Philosophy.

Is there any problem with staying?

Will the troupe continue to perform? Chu Xin asked softly, the contrast with her loud singing voice when performing operas was a bit obvious.

Yes, otherwise why would we need a troupe and a theater? Brother Zhi replied without thinking too much.

With so few people left, can we still perform? Many backstage preparations for the performance require the work of many people. Now that everyone has left, it is very difficult to recruit new people.

Brother Zhi looked at her after saying this.

What's wrong? After Chu Xin finished speaking, she didn't hear Brother Zhi's immediate reply and looked at him curiously.

It's nothing. You seem to be the last person here who cares most about the troupe and the performance. Brother Zhi said.

He was confirming whether this woman's mood swings were caused by strange thoughts or genuine concern.

Now it seems to be the latter.

Yes. In response, Chu Xin just looked at the front court and the audience through the gap in the curtain, and responded softly.

Don't worry about recruiting new people. Brother Zhi didn't mind giving reassurance to this potential future troupe head actress.

A lot of people will come then.

Things like manpower actually grow out of thin air when needed.

At least that's the case for Wan Yi.

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