My doppelganger drama

Chapter 483 Theater Negotiation

Brother Philosophy looked at the recent plays shown on the screen at the front desk of the lobby.

There were not many performances today, and the time was not suitable, so Brother Zhi chose the most recent play that had already started.

Tickets are not cheap.

Walking into the venue with the ticket stub, he caught a glimpse of an actress who was performing on the stage.

With short black wavy shoulder-length hair and emerald-like shining eyes, he can attract the attention of the audience immediately when he stands on the court.

It seems that this is an opera. Brother Zhi didn't pay much attention to what the scene was before he came in. He only realized it when he heard the loud singing.

Without thinking much, he came to his seat and sat down.

The prime position in the front row. Brother Zhi was not surprised that he could still get this position after the start.

There were only a few spectators sitting in the auditorium, maybe only a dozen or so.

The theater is very spacious, the weather in the Golden Circle is slightly cold, and the heating is turned on just right, but this also makes the theater empty at this time.

Brother Philosophy's entrance did not disturb many people. They could notice that the actors on the edge of the stage were paying attention, while the dazzling woman was focusing on her performance.

After a while, the opera comes to an end and the actors take their final bow.

The small audience simply cleaned up and left, with only single digit applause.

Brother Philosophy offered his own applause.

Wan Yi actually couldn't watch opera, but the nosy tutor at the university liked it very much and took Wan Yi to see it. It was a little more lively at the time, but not as deserted as here.

The people who went to see it were all elderly people.

Wan Yi couldn't see it, but it was still easy to be drawn into the atmosphere. Sometimes he was also happy to enjoy such an atmosphere.

Brother Zhi couldn't tell how good the performance of the woman on the stage was, but at least it did give him a good experience.

The slightly exaggerated applause stood out because it was too loud, attracting some attention.

Especially the actors on stage looked a little surprised.

It was completely over. Brother Zhi did not get up and sat quietly in his seat.

After a while, a person hurriedly walked out from the backstage of the theater and came to Brother Zhizhi: Hello, I'm sorry, the ending of the backstage performance was delayed a little.

Brother Zhi shook his head and said it didn't matter.

The thin man in a brown suit breathed a sigh of relief and sat down in the seat next to Brother Philosophy.

Sir, are you the representative of the Phantom Group this time? the man asked.

After hearing this, Brother Zhi thought of it and touched his pocket.

I’m really not used to it. The Golden Circle is a place where the superficial skills are really perfect.

He took out his business card and handed it to the other party, who also exchanged business cards.

The man is the current owner of this theater, Ke Hansheng.

After that, there was a conversation in a more casual atmosphere.

Have you seen the theater environment, sir? the other party asked proactively.

Well, although I don't have a high level of appreciation, it looks good. Is the troupe that just performed the one that is resident in the theater? Brother Philosophy nodded and said.

There is a permanent theater troupe in this theater. Brother Green Goblin showed Brother Philosophy some information, but he didn't read it carefully. He didn't think it was very important. He only recalled it a little after watching a performance.

Yes, the 'Flower Moon' Troupe was also a famous troupe in the Golden Circle in the past. The troupe is full of talents and is good at performing various types of plays, and opera is just one of them. Ke Hansheng introduced immediately.

To be honest, even though he had confirmed it with the other party many times beforehand, he still couldn't believe it.

In this day and age, there are actually people willing to acquire their theater.

Although it was a bit rude, the first thing that came to his mind was rich fool.

Of course, the premise is that if the other party really acquires the theater for profit-making purposes. Ke Hansheng also knows that there is no shortage of nouveau riche in the financial circle who are willing to spend huge amounts of money for their own interests.

But after receiving the contact, he investigated the other party's information.

But I have never heard of it at all. I only know that it is a new group recently formed by several small and medium-sized companies. There is not much other news.

This makes him not very confident.

If possible, could I please know your intentions behind purchasing this theater? Ke Hansheng asked.

Buy one and play with it. Brother Zhi said casually.

...Is this so? Ke Hansheng looked at Brother Zhi's eyes under his plain glasses, feeling a little blocked in his heart.

Is there any problem? As for the price, as long as you offer a suitable price, it will be easy for us. Brother Zhi asked.

I'm not afraid of your jokes. This theater has been rumored in the Golden Circle for a long time. If it weren't for the fact that there is really no room for us to survive in the current environment and the revenue is in deficit every year, we would not be willing to sell the theater.

Make a price.

Uh, no... Ke Hansheng was stunned for a moment.

Brother Zhi said calmly: Let's just set a price. We just want this theater. It's not impossible to pay a slight premium.

In his opinion, this kind of rhetoric is nothing more than an attempt to increase the friendship a little bit.

The vast majority of items that are “not for sale” are simply not priced high enough.

Sir, you misunderstood. I just want to have a chat. After all, if the deal is concluded today, I will leave here. Your group said it was to buy it for fun, but I feel that you should have some experience in dramas. It's touching. Ke Hansheng was ashamed, but he also understood Brother Zhi's thoughts and explained quickly.

Why do you see it? Brother Zhizhi finally looked at the dean with a serious look.

The Phantom of the Opera is a complete world classic. Unfortunately, the relevant fragments have never been found and pieced together, but the impression of this drama still exists in my memory. You are the Phantom Group, and you want to buy a theater. Although It's not a very reliable guess, but people who work in this field subconsciously think of this connection. Ke Hansheng said with a wry smile.

Brother Philosophy nodded and said, Then let's talk about it.

Ke Hansheng briefly told Brother Zhi about the heyday and decline of this theater.

These are all included in the information given by Brother Green Goblin. Brother Philosophy can recall them by scrolling through his memory. But many things cannot be fully explained with just one piece of information.

It is an experience to hear the stories of people who have been there.

The Golden Network has been developed and promoted in the Broken World for only a few decades. Before that, boundary live broadcasting had not yet emerged. At that time, the entertainment model of the Golden Circle was not much different from that of most empty islands.

Because of the prosperity of the entertainment industry in the Golden Circle, various theatrical performances had a good status in the Golden Circle at that time.

The only ones on par with it are the enduring movies that are pieced together from scattered fragments.

The reason why there are so many down-and-out theater troupes and abandoned theaters in the Golden Circle is for this reason. They are all relics from the past.

The emergence of the Golden Network brought not only various strategic values ​​to the Golden Circle. After it was promoted, the new live broadcast model that emerged quickly impacted the old industry.

Coupled with official support, all kinds of theatrical performances were swept into the garbage heap of the times in a matter of seconds.

In addition to the circus, after all, the circus is also sharpening its brains in order to operate these days. It spends a lot of money to put together various strange creatures for performances, which can be regarded as breaking into its own market.

Other theater groups are not so good.

You will definitely lose money when you buy a theater company, sir. At the end, Ke Han said from the bottom of his heart, even though he didn't really deserve to say it.

Yeah. Brother Zhizhi always said aloud that he was listening, and basically didn't say much.

But after telling Brother Philosophy a lot, Ke Hansheng's complicated thoughts were a little relieved.

Phew, I'm sorry for letting you hear so many complaints from me.

No, it's a valuable experience.

I'm glad you think so. Do you need to visit the backstage area next? Ke Hansheng pointed to the stage.

After we buy it, we will carry out a major renovation, but there is no need for it. Brother Zhibo shook his head and refused at first.

But upon hearing this, Ke Hansheng's eyes suddenly widened: Decoration? All of it?


This...can't be the case. Ke Hansheng's inner evaluation of the Phantom Group became even more doggy.

He was destined to lose money, but he actually started a major renovation?

After watching the opera just now, I'm a little interested in the backstage, so let's go and have a look. Brother Zhi ignored Ke Hansheng's words and stood up.

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