My doppelganger drama

Chapter 470 Play: Epilogue

Monsters are called 'monsters' because they are beyond common sense.

Strength is the most real truth in this difficult world. But based on the experience of this trip, it seems that pure strength cannot bring about a perfect ending that meets our human imagination.

Keba... no, the new name is Coffin. Coffin, tore up a straitjacket and collar, shrouded his whole body in sacred brilliance, and left under the escort of the black knight. Where did they go in the end? People know that the whole new continent ended with the barking of dogs, which brought an end to the turmoil that affected the world.

It is perhaps the greatest honor of our lives that the investigative team has witnessed this process.

We accomplished our original goal, discovered the cause of the monster's unrest, and even witnessed its end. We couldn't decide anything, but we braved the dangers and reached the land of bones at the end.

Of course, there are not many bones left in the Land of Bones, but the remaining skeletons and remaining corpses are enough for subsequent scholars to study for several generations.

Although we seem to know a lot, when we look back and think about it, we find that there are still many mysteries that we have not yet explored.

What are those strange aborigines? What is the specific relationship between the Dog of the End and the monster turmoil that spanned a long time? What is the relationship between Coffin and Keba? What impact will Coffin have after defeating Keba... …”

Wait, wait, there are too many.

We humans live in this world as if we are in a vast ocean. The waves on the sea surface have exhausted us, but occasionally if we look into the bottom of the sea, we will find that there are more frightening things that have not appeared.

What can humans do? Let's take control of our little boat first.

Some people may be afraid because of the depth of the sea, but some people will only feel excited because of the occasional glimpse...


Qi Dan was slapped hard on the shoulder, interrupting his writing.

What are you doing? You've been scribbling all the way. Lida looked past Qi Dan with his height and saw the contents of Qi Dan's notebook.

What is this? Postscript to the story?

Action Notes!

This doesn't look like a report format.

This is for myself. Qi Dan rolled his eyes at Lidaro.

Haha, I didn't expect you to have such a sense of ritual.

I just don't want to forget what I have seen and thought about in the past when I grow old. Qi Dan muttered.

Lidalu smiled heartily after hearing this: Your angle is not bad. I'll write a little while I'm not yet thorough.

Senior, please take note of your temperament, so that you can brag about it to the younger generations in the future! Qi Dan said with a smile.

Lidalu was stunned for a moment, then reached out and knocked Qi Dan on the head: You are so capable, you will finally defeat your senior.

The two of them laughed.

At this time, Captain Hilde stood up and clapped his hands and said, We will be back at the Bay Camp soon. Let's continue on our way.

The vast team returned to the Bay Camp with a relaxed atmosphere.

Under the uneasy gaze of the remaining members of the camp, everyone in the investigation team talked about various experiences during the trip. Everyone's uneasiness was soothed, and then more surprises, fantasies, and excitement emerged.

Cheers soon filled the entire camp.

The monster unrest is over.

The migration activities of powerful monsters will most likely stop.

The greatest danger faced by the expansion and development of the New World is no longer there.

Although there are still many difficulties, people in this world have obviously seen more light.

The Bay Camp immediately began to prepare for a celebration banquet, and everyone was cheering.

That day, the sky was getting darker, but the fire in the camp shone brighter and brighter.

Qi Dan rarely drank wine, and then the wine made him bold. He loudly told people that he helped design and gave the skeleton dragon a hard time. In the end, the Black Knight's victory was all due to his achievements. Rounding it all off, he It can be regarded as indirectly avenging his parents.

Suddenly, everyone around him applauded and cheered for Qi Dan under Lidalu's heckles.

Captain Hilde directly raised his glass to praise Qi Dan. In an instant, this drunken bragging turned into an achievement that everyone in the entire investigation team recognized.

The sunset has not yet completely set, and the atmosphere is completely heated up.

In the end, Qi Dan couldn't stand the drinking atmosphere of a group of rough guys around him and fled in embarrassment.

After just a few drinks, he dared to yell in a completely different way than usual. He didn't dare to think about drinking a few more drinks. The serious young man still wanted to leave some foundation for his usual image.

He came to the beach and looked at the last glimmer of the setting sun and the reddish clouds in the distance, his eyes dim and he walked slowly.

Mom and Dad, I probably didn't embarrass you... Grandpa will be very happy if he knows about it, right away...

Qi Dan murmured.

Suddenly, he saw a long shadow stretched by the setting sun.

He raised his head and saw Wan Yi's figure.

Consultant Wan Yi is a very powerful person. Every time you notice him, you always feel that this person has a strong presence, but after you divert your attention for a little bit, you will always ignore him.

Consultant! Consultant! He waved and walked towards Wan Yi.

Wan Yi turned his head and showed a smile: Qi Dan, why aren't you at the banquet?

You know I don't like parties.

But I see you just shouted very loudly...

That...that is... Qi Dan was a little flustered and incoherent.

You did a great job. Without you, the Black Knight wouldn't be able to kill two birds with one stone. Wan Yi turned his head and continued to look at the calm sea and said calmly.

It was the clues you gave me that led to the formulation of that tactic. Qi Dan said honestly.

Without your brave execution, the Black Knight would have spent a lot of effort. Wan Yi said.

Qi Dan didn't say anything more and stood quietly beside Wan Yi, feeling the wind blowing by him and looking at the sea view. After drinking, he felt an unprecedented tranquility.

By the way, consultant. After a while, he spoke again, After I came back, I heard that the facilities that can connect to the Old Continent are almost completed, and we will be able to communicate with the Old Continent soon.

That's it, then you can immediately report what you have seen to your grandfather.

Yes. Qi Dan responded and said, What about you, consultant? Don't you have any relatives you want to contact?

There is no such thing in this world.

Um...this world? Qi Dan felt that this wording was very strange.

He looked at Wan Yi.

Wan Yi smiled and said, I've almost done what I should do. It's getting late, so it's time to leave.

Counsellor, what are you talking about?

Let me tell you, I am actually a traveler between worlds. I can always touch others and become a part of them without any sense of disobedience. But after I have seen enough of the scenery of a world, I will leave quietly again.

... Qi Dan fell into silence after listening.

Ahaha, it's funny, isn't it?

If it's you, consultant, it seems very possible.

...Are you drinking too much?

Isn't that what you said yourself, consultant!?

Hahahaha! Wan Yi raised his head slightly and laughed.

Qi Dan was ashamed, looked at the sea seriously and said: Even if the consultant says that you are the Black Knight, I will believe it.

This time, after a brief silence, Wan Yi smiled and said, Aren't you very smart?

Because it's obvious, some small movements. Although I don't often observe humans, consultant, sometimes some of your highly performative movements are very impressive to people. Then, I saw it on the Black Knight. Qi Dan's hair Moved by the wind.

You kid, you will definitely become a big shot in the future! Wan Yi said loudly to the sea.

Well! I also believe that I will become a big shot! Qi Dan also shouted to the sea.

The sound echoed slowly until it subsided.

Wan Yi said: Then I won't stay any longer and say hello to me and Lidaro.

Are you really leaving now?

Do you know what I've been watching since the beginning? Wan Yi suddenly asked irrelevantly.

Just when Qi Dan looked confused.



Black wind and thunder flashed.

Two horses, one black and one blue and white, swept directly from the horizon to the seaside and came to Qi Dan and Wan Yi.

Shanju took a few breaths, and hummed at Regulus with some reluctance and grievance.

Zidan's eyes widened.

Regulus stretched his limbs with light steps, held his head high, and was full of heroism.

The little emperor tried extraordinary horse racing for the first time and met a friend who could finally play extraordinary horse racing with him. He also continued his undefeated record and felt very happy.

Qi Dan was stunned.

Shan Ju will come to you often in the future. You take good care of them. Wan Yi touched Shan Ju.

Although this pony was very timid, Wan Yi found it in an inconspicuous corner of the Land of Bones afterwards.

It may have been frightened, but it accidentally became a survivor that was not swept away by the Doomsday Dog.

I asked it if it wanted to go together, but Wan Yi's kidnapping failed. Obviously it wanted to find Qi Dan more than Wan Yi.

Shanju rested his head on Qi Dan's shoulder. After Qi Dan was a little at a loss, he hugged Shanju's head and patted it gently to comfort him.

Wan Yi rode on Regulus XIV: I'll give you one last performance, don't blink.

Man and horse become one, qualitative change...

The black knight showed his figure calmly on the sea.

After standing still for a moment, he glanced at Qi Dan.


Qi Dan didn't react and found that the black knight was holding a small box in his hand and making a familiar voice towards him.

It was a sound he often heard in the forest before...

The next moment, the black knight passed by like the wind, circled on the horizon under Qi Dan's field of vision, then accelerated further and disappeared.

Qi Dan and Shanju stood at the beach together.

Ugh... I didn't expect that I could run faster with someone.

Shanju was stunned and then thought about him.


The wine bottle was smashed on the beach.

Qi Dan turned around in response and saw Lida Lu, whose mouth was almost dislocated and her eyes were about to pop out.

Regarding the fact that Advisor Wan Yi was a black knight, Lidalu and Qi Dan finally reported it.

When everyone in the investigation team could not believe it, they searched the Bay Camp and could not find consultant Wan Yi again. In the end, they could only believe that what Qi Dan and Lida Lu said was not their drunken imagination.

A few days later, construction of the contact facility was completed.

Qi Dan excitedly shared his knowledge and experiences with his grandfather who was far away at the headquarters of the Old World Archives.

After learning about the situation in the New Continent, the Old Continent and the New Continent compared each other's situation and confirmed that the monster unrest had been basically eliminated, but various natural disasters had not completely ended, and the construction of the New Continent needed to be accelerated.

All survey teams and pioneering teams in the New World received huge praises.

After that, new choices appeared in front of Qi Dan and other people in the New World Investigation Team.

Now that the investigation of the monster turmoil has ended, there is no need to keep so many outstanding investigative scholars and adventurers in the New World for a long time. You must know that the Old World still has many difficulties to overcome.

The Old World issued a series of recall orders, giving members of the New World Investigation Team the choice of whether to go back.

After thinking about it, Qi Dan chose to go back.

However, Lidaru chose to stay in the New World. According to him, there were many powerful monsters stationed in the New World, and he wanted to take advantage of the tail end of his peak to challenge them again.

Qi Dan soon boarded a ship returning to the Old World with a large amount of information.

Seniors and juniors waved goodbye to the boat on the shore.

The two who have been supporting each other for a long time have also parted ways. There is no sadness and they are moving towards a broader future.

Qi Dan sat on the edge of the boat, in the same position as the day he set out.

He was sorting out information and flipping through the book in his hand.

Hand-drawn drawings, descriptions, and markings of characteristics and habits of various monsters.

From the weak to the powerful, there are many pages in the back filled with the terrifying monsters seen during this trip.

The complete form of the serpent Orochi, the skeleton dragon, the complete form of Coffin, and even the form that he finally described as the Son of God, Keba, the dog of the end.

Finally, there’s the Black Knight…


When Qi Dan turned to the page of Black Knight, he suddenly froze and touched a piece of paper.

A picture, but it is obviously not hand-drawn. It seems to have been recorded directly and realistically using very sophisticated techniques.

The content of this picture is in the jungle when there is a fog around.

Consultant Wan Yi rode a black horse with a funny look on his face, standing between Qi Dan and Lida Lu who were looking around, and made a scissor hand gesture.

Haha... Qi Dan couldn't help laughing.

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