My doppelganger drama

Chapter 469 Play: Son of God

Wan Yi didn't want to spend too much effort on Skeleton Dragon and Orochi, it was unnecessary.

However, after discovering the close connection, it was another matter.

Although it was said that it was going to be solved easily, Wan Yi actually made a little more pre-arrangements.

The curse prepared by the supervisor for Skeleton Dragon and Orochi is the compatibility curse, which targets two individuals who have an extremely close relationship.

This relationship is preferably based on blood, genes and other aspects.

After meeting the conditions, allowing the curse to act on both of them at the same time can have a great effect.

However, there is no guarantee of the resistance of the creatures in this world to such extremely supernatural things as curses. Even if the power of the curse is greatly increased by Brother Grudge's domain, he is still a little worried.

Therefore, when Wan Yi asked Brother Curse to strengthen the skeleton dragon, he placed some special negative energy of resentment on the skeleton dragon, which could assist the extension of the curse and detonate it together, strengthening the power of the curse.

As for the fractured surface of the cut snake's tail, Wan Yi also used tricks to briefly inhibit its regeneration ability for a while.

For targets with bloody wounds, the probability of the curse being successfully implanted will be greatly increased.

After continuous preparation, there was a shocking scene where Wan Yi shot through the two monsters.

Everyone in the investigation team looked at the black knight who appeared mysteriously again, and they didn't dare to breathe.

The skeleton dragon and Orochi, who had brought them great trouble one after another, died in front of them in the blink of an eye.

The one who took action was the Black Knight, who had never appeared before, but once he saw it, he would never forget it.

Many people believe that this may be another wave of uncertainty.

Although humans are often troubled by the huge impact of huge monsters like Skeleton Dragon and Oroch, when it comes to hunting, what they fear the most are the less conspicuous monsters like Black Knight and Flash Horse. , but it moves swiftly and elusive.

Because if this kind of monster becomes violent, it will be very difficult to target it. Those who face it often die without knowing how they died. In an encounter, the survival rate is completely disastrous.

The Black Knight had no intention of getting closer, but turned his head to look at an open space.

There, a green space-time crack suddenly tore open in mid-air.

The loopholes in overlapping space and time are constantly being formed and destroyed, and this situation is repeated in a short period of time.

Then, a figure fell first, kicking up dust.

Everyone looked closely and saw the strong figure, which looked like the dog of the end.

That's it!

This scene is heart-wrenching.

But soon, when they observed more carefully, they discovered something was wrong.

The ribbons flying around the body of this Doomsday Dog were broken many times, with only a few sparse strands remaining intact.

Further images subverted their perceptions.

The head of the Dog of the End is missing.

This is just the corpse of the Dog of the End!

Then, another figure as big as a man fell from the sky and landed on the body of the Dog of the End.

At this time, the crack in the sky finally closed because it lost the power of destruction.

Coffin, who is in a complete state, completely black and wearing a mask, stands slowly, holding a ball of abstract lines in his left hand.

And that is undoubtedly the head of the Dog of the End.

not him!

Coffin wins.

For the people in the investigation team, it was unbelievable.

Because when Coffin faced Keba before, the scene of being crushed in all directions despite having similar powers was still vivid in his mind.

For Wan Yi, this is a matter of course.

The current dog of the end is just an incarnation descending to earth with power.

The Coffin in front of us is a walking god that is synchronized with the symbol.

Which one is strong and which one is weak can be known at a glance.

Woof! Woof! Woof! Coffin looked up to the sky and barked three times, his voice loud and powerful.

Declare your victory to this world.

Then, he squeezed the head made of lines in his hand tightly, and the mask tore open a big mouth, revealing Coffin's own mouth, and put the head of the Doomsday Dog into his mouth.

There was a clear sound of chewing.

Coffin ate the incarnation of Keba.

At this moment, he was the winner of this struggle that stood to the end and fought to the extreme.

The moment he swallowed the Avatar's head, he also swallowed the final fruit of victory in this ritual of struggle.

It is useless to incarnate and descend to earth to win the battle.

But if the incarnations that were originally symbols of evolution have become stepping stones for the Rite of Struggle, it means that the winner of the new Rite of Struggle is born, and its symbol should be more successful than the failed combination in the past.

Coffin suddenly felt something in his heart, grabbed the collar around his neck with both hands, and tore it off with all his strength!

He took off his mask, revealing his handsome face.

Then, he grasped the armor transformed from the straitjacket again and tore it off from his body bit by bit.

These things had already become part of Coffin during the original divine descending ceremony, and he had been wearing them for a long time.

But now, he began to consciously break away from these things that he had long been accustomed to.

No! No! At this moment, panicked shouts came.

The Black Knight looked around and remembered that there was a group of followers of the Extreme Sect.

After the Dog of the End came out, they were all so frightened that they didn't dare to move, but now they ran back again.

Child! You can't take these off! These objects connect you to the great Dog of the End and are the source of your power! the old priest said earnestly.

Is he worried about Coffin losing his power?

It must be impossible.

He was worried that after one incarnation of the Dog of the End was destroyed, Coffin broke free from the straitjacket, causing the Dog of the End to completely lose control of Coffin.

But he didn't know it was over.

When the other half of the boundary will symbol was integrated into Coffin's body, the result was already there.

Coffin bared his teeth at the priest in front of him to scare him away, and then continued to tear at the straitjacket hard.

The followers of the Extreme Sect headed by the priest did not dare to approach, but they were anxious and kept calling around Coffin.

Coffin sounded distraught.

Suddenly, a spear condensed with negative energy pierced the priest's chest and hung him high.

The priest was in a trance and focused all his attention on Coffin. He was completely unable to react at this moment. The abstract lines on his face shook violently, showing his inner peace.

The believers were terrified.

Coffin's mouth twitched slightly, and then he tore the clothes harder.

Wan Yi began to hunt down and clean up the followers of the Extreme Sect.

Their speed is nothing compared to Wan Yi in the black knight state. They rely on their flash ability to look a little like a group of lively puppies, but that's about it.

Every time he kills a person, the Black Knight will backhand the spear with the cultist's body hanging on the ground.

This was repeated, and within a short while, Coffin was surrounded by spears with corpses of cultists.

Coffin is very happy.

In this life, I can only be so happy when I am with my mother and my boss.

Everything the Black Knight did was like putting birthday candles on him on this day of his new life.

Some believers gave up fleeing and just kept praying.

But in an instant, his chest was pierced, he was lifted up, and the spear was driven into the ground.

The Great Dog...the Dog of the End...protects our path to the Pole...

The black knight came to the side of the next believer with the sound of horse hooves. He pinched the opponent's shoulder with one hand, lifted it and threw it in the air. He stabbed it with his spear, then thrust it into the ground with his backhand, and struck again.

Why...why there is no response... the believer murmured when he lost consciousness.


Coffin tore open the armor and clothing on his chest, and further unzipped the ones on his stomach and legs.

The Black Knight clears all the noise for it.

The Holy Son of this world breaks free from the shackles of half his life.

The people in the investigation team watched this scene.

The corpses of sinners stood in front of them.

The prayer never stopped, it just changed its direction.

A savage scene, a sacred scene, a cheerful scene.

It's like a drama reaching another climax at the end.

This play should be about the awakening of the Son of God.

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