My doppelganger drama

Chapter 471 Boundaries bring will

Wan Yi ran with Regulus for a few more laps before calling him back, and then returned to his home on 014 Kongdao.

He looked at the few messages in his address book, glanced at them and couldn't read them all back, and then threw the communicator away.

After throwing himself on the bed, Wan Yi stared at the ceiling in a daze for a short time.

Coffin's matter has finally come to an end, and the actor who is currently the most worried can finally let him relax a little bit from his long-standing worries.

After thinking a lot, Wan Yi slowly closed his eyes and came to the theater.

Opening the door, I found it was quite lively inside.

No wonder everyone is here.

The demon lord and his beloved were laughing loudly, while Fukong, Red and Luo Xi shrank away together. Fukong's eyes were fierce, Red looked helpless, and Luo Xi hugged his little fish tightly and was sweating coldly.

Shang Yang stood behind the Demon Lord and Liang Rendao and watched curiously.

Seeing Wan Yi coming, Liang Rendao took the lead and said, Hey, you're finally back. Have you said goodbye to everyone over there?

How did you know I was going to say goodbye.

Don't you and I still know? You don't look down on people you don't interact with much, and you always take care of those you get along with who are a little bit to your liking. Should I call you arrogant or gentle? Liang Rendao said mercilessly. .

Tenderly arrogant, the Demon Lord concluded with a smile.

Wan Yi smacked his tongue softly.

Suddenly, a figure with dark green hair squeezed out of the way of the Demon Lord and the good man, and rushed towards Wan Yi with a woof, woof cry.

Wan Yi skillfully reached out and hugged this heavy guy, relieved his strength and put him back on the ground: Sure enough, you are here, what about this clothes?

This big boy is naturally Coffin.

But Coffin is a little different now than before.

First of all, his hair color changed from black to green, to dark green and then to black.

My body has grown taller and stronger.

The straitjacket and collar were torn apart by himself when he woke up, and now he wore a dark green t-shirt paired with a loose black jacket with a green fang pattern on it.

The lower body is shorts of the same style.

If you don't look at his actions, he looks like a fashionable young man.

But Wan Yi is more curious about who matched this outfit for him.

It's me. Liang Rendao raised his hand and smiled.

Are you from a cultivating background? Wan Yi's desire to complain was skillfully elicited by Liang Rendao.

I also have Rhett's help in terms of style. Liangren said with a smile and pointed at Rhett who was hiding away.

Rhett smiled gently and said, I feel like Coffin would prefer to wear something looser.

Unexpectedly, Coffin actually nodded, then smiled at Red and said: Thank...Thank you!

The whole place fell silent.

Damn it, I got up so hard, I heard Coffin say thank you. Luo Xi grabbed a handful of dried fish and stuffed it into his mouth.

Wan Yi wasn't too surprised, after all, he was the first person to receive a thank you from Coffin.

What about me! Am I also the one who gave you this outfit? Liang Rendao hurriedly knelt down in front of Ke Fen and pointed at himself.

Then Coffin bit directly.

Liang Rendao grabbed Coffin's head to stop him from biting him.

It makes me so sad that you're like this.

After a bit of commotion, everyone settled down to their seats, with Coffin curled up next to Wan Yi's legs.

Is this the end of Brother Kefen's matter? Shang Yang asked, looking at Kefen who fell back to sleep after the commotion.

Judging from the previous scenes, Coffin only defeated an incarnation of the Dog of Doom. Can it really be considered a complete victory?

There is no need to worry about this. Now Coffin is a double-sided symbol of the boundary zone, a symbol of peace and a symbol of evolutionary struggle. And the Doomsday Dog is still only half of the symbol of evolutionary struggle. At most Thanks to Coffin's sublimation, I have gained a little favor and progress, but overall I am no longer qualified to compete with Coffin.

Before Wan Yi could speak, Liang Rendao took the lead in explaining for him.

Wan Yi looked at her husband and said, You couldn't have taken advantage of me to borrow the aura of jadeite and really tried to find a way to invade and take a peek, right?

The good man spread his hands in a way that was not in line with the image of an immortal, and made a face with his tongue sticking out.

Hahaha, I thought about it too, but my method was not that subtle and my existence was more violent. In the end, I just thought about it but didn't implement it. The Demon Lord said very simply.

Wan Yi shook his head helplessly.

Then he looked at Coffin and said, Coffin has reconciled with his other mother.

Reconciliation? Others were a little surprised.

Wan Yi nodded and recalled what happened after he escorted Ke Fen out of public sight.

Halfway through, Keba, the dog of the end, directly projected his will in front of Coffin and Wan Yi.

But there was no renewed war.

Coffin's existence is very special.

He was raised by wolves, participated in dog rituals, and finally became the winner of the new path of struggle, successfully completing what the original dog of the end could not do.

Reconcile the two symbols.

Coffin is a very pure, silly dog ​​who solves the problem that the Doomsday Dog has been troubled for many years.

However, in a sense, he is indeed an answer proposed by the Dog of the End, but this answer is somewhat different from what the dog expected.

In any case, because of its completeness, Coffin is undoubtedly more suitable to become a boundary leader than an incomplete dog.

The Doomsday Dog is an instinct that is extended by the laws of the world. Someone is more suitable, and it is not dissatisfied at all when it abdicates its position to make way for others.

Then Coffin refused.

Silly dog ​​doesn't want to be the world itself at all.

For him, running outside in person and having an avatar run for him are two different things.

But the symbol of will cannot be transferred.

In the end, Keba could only let go of the past with the wolf under the wolf's funny smile and truly reconcile.

The impact of the reconciliation between the two is that Keba admits that Coffin is also his child. As a mother who holds half of the symbol of evolutionary struggle, he can rely on this relationship to share the position of boundary will with Coffin.

On weekdays, it is used to stabilize the boundary situation.

Coffin will just live his own life. Only when the boundary zone encounters enemies from the outside will Coffin's full combat power be needed to deal with them.

Keba was born for the world, and the world was his priority in everything.

This is the aftermath of Coffin's awakening.

So... is this stupid dog already on the same level as the Demon Lord? Fukong pointed at Koffin, who was sleeping on the ground with snot bubbles in his nose, and said with some difficulty.

It's a pity, but from a personal perspective, yes. The Demon Lord popped up and smiled.

Tch. Fu Kong turned away.

There is still a gap in the size of the boundary belt itself, and the situation of the Demon Lord is closer than that of Coffin. It is still difficult to compare, but there is no doubt that the will of the boundary belt is the highest recognition in the world of the troupe leader. . Liang Rendao explained in detail.

Fu Kong was thoughtful.

Shang Yang's eyes shone slightly: Brother Kefen is so awesome!

Your future is not difficult to achieve, as long as you seize the opportunities in your world. Liang Rendao said to Shang Yang with a smile.

I don't have any particular intention to become stronger. My friends are already very strong. Shang Yang said with a small air.

Liang Rendao nodded slightly: For the beings in the world, becoming the will of the boundary is not always a good thing.

He said casually.

And got a muffled response from Fu Kong.

But what the good man said was right.

The will of the boundary zone must maintain the stability of the boundary zone. The boundary zone is yourself, and you are the boundary zone and the world.

Except for the method of incarnation, the will itself can no longer communicate with the lower world normally.

Coffin relied on having two good mothers to replace him.

But the situation of the Demon Lord is the real warning.

Liang Rendao knows who among all the people in the play is the most persistent in his heart for power, so he reminds him.

Hope he can listen.

But only you can truly judge your own decision.

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