My doppelganger drama

Chapter 468 Repertoire: Unclear

On the Skeleton Dragon side, the adventurers are also racing against death.

Based on the strategy given by the scholars, they roughly analyzed the behavior of the skeleton dragon's tentacles and obtained several possible safe zones. At the same time, they tried to spread the tentacles as far apart as possible, and one team dealt with one tentacle to prevent the skeleton dragon's tentacles from reaching them. There are too many opportunities for chain attacks.

The skeleton dragon has a cunning character and a strong ability to seize opportunities. His tentacle combos also showed considerable strength in previous battles.

Therefore, adventurers will definitely not let it play as comfortably as it did before.

Monsters often have to fight each other head-on.

Human beings were fine when they were at a slightly lower level. Facing the truly powerful monsters, they simply didn't have the capital to go head-to-head.

However, human beings have more active wisdom, larger clusters, and more united beliefs.

Analyze, calculate, judge, do your best, every time a powerful monster weakens, it means that humans are strengthening!

This is the capital of human beings in this world who have survived and fought so far between the monsters!

The second team will pull a little further to the west!

Team 4, pay attention! It's very close to the skeleton dragon's beak over there! Keep your distance!

Team up, cheer up. The tentacles you are responsible for still have some skeletons that have not been used up!

Team 2...Team 2 is well done! Don't hurt it! Try to remove as many of its bones as possible first!

Team 5 is almost here! Everyone, hold on, prepare the bait and let it grow its mouth!

The adventurers cooperated, and a lot of shouts and roars continued to be heard.

Finally, the adventurers pushed the compressed explosive barrel in the moment the skeleton dragon's beak opened.

The skeleton dragon bit down subconsciously, but it didn't break into pieces.

While the five teams of adventurers were evacuating together, Lidalu struck the skeleton dragon at close range with his sword, and then used the strength of the skeleton dragon's struggle to eject away.

Soon, the explosives detonated!


There was a muffled sound.

The skeleton dragon's body trembled, the movement of its tentacles became sluggish, its bright eyes became blurred, and its eyeballs turned violently.

Tsk! This guy was just knocked out by the explosion!

It seems so, but not even with so many explosives!?

It seems we have to rely on another plan.

All the brain and nerve structures of the Skeleton Dragon are in the body under the carapace, very close to the mouth.

Therefore, the moment all the explosives exploded, although it did not cause much substantial damage to it, it did blow up its head and stun it.

The remaining wounds that are not critical begin to regenerate within a short period of time.

But it hasn't had time to recover yet.


It got hit on the butt again.

From the perspective of other adventurers, a dark red meat ball suddenly rolled and hit the skeleton dragon's butt directly. The impact caused the skeleton dragon to move forward a certain distance.

Then the skeleton dragon stopped paying attention to the annoying human being, and while its tentacles grabbed behind it, its body turned slowly.

As soon as his tentacles touched the familiar touch of scales, the skeleton dragon felt a bite on his butt.

Oh shit! It's that crazy snake again!

The skeleton dragon is angry!

The fat snake didn't quite understand the situation, but it smelled the meat aroma that it had been thinking about, so it opened its mouth to eat.

Although the Skeleton Dragon quickly fought back, the Skeleton Dragon could not feed Orochka in turn with the tentacle's paraesophagus alone, and Orochka's butt was very embarrassing to the Skeleton Dragon.

Orochi can eat as much as he wants, and all eight heads will be eaten together.

And if the Skeleton Dragon wants to eat Orochi, it can only find a way to bring the meat to its mouth, but its tentacles have a certain difficulty in directly attacking the big snake, and turning around... don't have any doubts about the turning ability of a crawling mollusk. What hope!

The big snake chased after its butt and gnawed on it. The skeleton dragon became angry and continued to attack the big snake with its tentacles. However, the big snake, except for dividing its heads to cope with the attack, focused entirely on eating.

Regarding the matter of eating, Orochi is obviously more pure.

The adventurers immediately evacuated and met up with the Orochi lure team that had just returned.

Great, it worked!

Yeah! I didn't expect that the snake that brought us big trouble at the beginning actually brought us good luck in the end!

Consultant Wan Yi, what do you have in your hand? Ah? A snake's tail?

Isn't this a ball?

Everyone couldn't laugh for too long. Two large monsters were fighting with great force. They had to seize this opportunity and leave first.

Wan Yi followed the team and left, but in another part of the scene, another Wan Yi looked at the little princess and the supervisor in front of him who were tinkering with something.

Is there any result? Is it really feasible? Wan Yi stepped forward and asked.

I was still drinking with Brother Modern, and he suddenly pulled me over. Brother Supervisor complained, I can't stop until I touch Regulus XIV and Shanju with my own hands!

It doesn't matter to me. Although I am quite busy with the things I am responsible for. The preparations for the independent newspapers and periodicals of the Rainbow Society have been almost completed recently. It is the busiest time. Of course, since it is the main body that asked me to come, then of course I will I'm here soon! The little princess looked cute to Wan Yi.

Then he was looked down upon by Wan Yi indifferently.

You would rather smile at Coffin, that silly dog, than give yourself a good look when you pretend to be a real pretender! the little princess cried bitterly.

Stop talking nonsense, what about what you said before?

You don't have to take full charge of everything, but indeed, if you have the opportunity to take down those two big guys, there is no reason to refuse. After the supervisor sighed, he looked at him and the little princess casually posing in front of them. Instruments placed on the floor.

Some of these instruments look advanced and sophisticated, and these were brought by the little princess.

Others look very primitive and occult, and they were brought by the supervisor.

In a petri dish, a piece of meat stained with purple blood was blending with a group of dark blue soft meat.

The little princess took off her gloves and said: It is consistent with your guess of the main body. The cells of these two things are very similar. Except for a few unimportant morphological differences, other things are completely overlapped.

Wan Yi nodded.

He had previously discovered that Orochi and the Skeleton Dragon seemed to have many symbolic similarities.

Normally, he wouldn't have paid much attention to it, just treating it as a creative collision on the boundary line.

But in the critical period involving the will of the boundary leader, I don’t blame him for thinking too much about this aspect.

Anyway, it was a try, and she wouldn't get pregnant. He obtained the body tissues of the two, and then asked the little princess who was reading comics in the office to help confirm.

Originally I wanted to find the Green Devil, but the Green Devil started simulating business again in the Golden Circle. After weighing it, I chose the little princess.

The final result was in line with his guess.

They can be said to be the same type of monster. The supervisor said after looking at the data.

No, why are the Skeleton Dragon and Orochi the same species? The morphological and structural differences are not small, they only have similar habits.

Youwan also raised questions.

You Wanyi immediately answered: Look back at the legend of Oroch. It escaped to the island after being seriously injured in the long past.

Injured? Could it be the ritual of the struggle where the Dog of the End became a god? Orochi is actually a former survivor?!

It's very possible, so it may have left something behind during its escape. Because of its special nature, combined with the land of bones left behind, a lot of energy and resentment, finally... the original skeleton dragon was born?

It's interesting. The monsters in this world seem to be classified into different categories, and each has its own ecological habits. But the higher you get, the less shackles you have, and you can achieve strange connections in unimaginable ways!

This is the basis of the world today. Even a piece of meat must be rolled up if the conditions are good.

Then if the relationship can be confirmed, the supervisor will have the answer.

The topic suddenly came to the supervisor.

The supervisor took the other two organizations of Orochi and Skeleton Dragon and unknowingly opened up the territory.

After a moment, the two pieces of tissue withered and corroded in his hands.

He clapped his hands and tightened the black glove on his right hand.

It can be done. There are many connections. You can intervene directly. It's easier than the blood curse.

Wan Yi nodded.

Then, the whistle was blown directly.

Regulus XIV made a majestic appearance.

The supervisor's eyes shone brightly and he approached cautiously.

He touched it under Regulus's strange gaze, and then the supervisor's hands rubbed it frantically, almost balding Regulus's hair.

Wan Yi slapped the supervisor away.

But just now, the supervisor, who didn't seem to have slept well at first, suddenly became energetic.

It seems that some kind of wonderful energy has been added.

Wan Yi rides on Regulus, and the man and horse activate, deepen, and become one, and the Black Knight appears again.

The supervisor smiled, jumped up and overlapped with the black knight, and blended into one without any obstacles.

Finally, the domain is activated, defeating the cursed domain, and operating at full power.

The black knight raised his right hand, palm facing down, from which a large amount of black negative energy fluid flowed out, and at the same time a huge amount of curses condensed.

Finally, the liquid solidified, forming a black spiral spear in Wan Yi's hand.

The black knight raised his front body, waved his horse's hooves and then stamped hard on the ground, flying out like a black meteor.

Breaking through the sound barrier one after another, he jumped high into the sky and faced the entangled snake and dragon below.

Throw your arm, let go, and throw the cursed spear!



The spear penetrated deeply from the broken tail behind the big snake's butt and penetrated to the front of the body. The curse continued to spread and penetrated directly into the body of the skeleton dragon.

At this moment, the picture freezes.

The movements of Skeleton Dragon and Orochi stopped at the same time.

Soon, the dark spear that penetrated the two disappeared. There were no wounds on the two bodies, as if the piercing just now was just an illusion.

The black knight landed lightly, and the horse's hooves made a crisp sound on the ground.


Orochi collapsed without warning, his scarlet eyes were shrouded in darkness, and purple blood was stained with cursed black, flowing out from his eyes.

The skeleton dragon directly lifted Orochi's body away, howling in fear, and focused on the black knight who suddenly appeared.

It's a bit familiar, with strong negative energy, but I've never seen it before.


Eat him!

The skeleton dragon squirmed forward, and its tentacles whipped towards the black knight quickly.

But the black knight slowly raised his hand and placed it in front of the face that was empty except for the golden ring.



The tentacles thrown out by the skeleton dragon broke and failed to hit the black knight. They were all scattered heavily on both sides of him.

The skeleton dragon still wanted to move, but his cunning and shrewd mind could not figure out what had happened to him.

It was clearly not injured.

It's obviously still edible.

It has yet to defeat any formidable opponent.

Failed to prove myself.

It's not just a squid, it's a mollusk...

It is the master of the Land of Bones...

It can also...

The eyes were filled with darkness, and the skeleton dragon's body completely softened, changing from purple to blue, then quickly dimmed, and finally turned into black gray. In the process, it gradually lost its activity.

I'm sorry for making you die so unclearly. Wan Yi felt the emotional fluctuations of Bone Dragon and added without any emotion in his heart.

This is a curse.

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