My doppelganger drama

Chapter 467 Drama: Snake Rush

Time was tight, and after simple preparations, the investigative scholars conveyed the general strategy to the entire team, and the adventurers in the team quickly spread out.

There are five key points in Skeleton Dragon.

Four tentacles, and that beak.

The four tentacles are the skeleton dragon's deadly weapons. Even if they are scratched, a fully armed adventurer is at risk of serious injury. If they are hit directly, life or death will be unpredictable.

Every tentacle must be dealt with as a powerful monster.

The team divided into five teams for this purpose. While delaying the four tentacles, the fifth team went to confront the skeleton dragon's front.

In this case, it is very difficult to kill the skeleton dragon with the adventurers' weapons alone.

The Skeleton Dragon can sustain for so long under the high pressure of the Dog of the End. As a mollusk-type monster, its regeneration ability is even more exaggerated. Hitting it with an adventurer's weapon is not much different from poking it with a toothpick.

I am afraid that only adventurers with top-level weapons made from powerful monster materials can cause a little trouble for the skeleton dragon.

Therefore, the decisive player cannot rely on dragging down the skeleton dragon.

The original idea of ​​Qi Dan and other scholars was to gather all the explosives the team carried on this trip, compress them, pack them and stuff them into the beak of the skeleton dragon, and try to break it internally.

But Wan Yizai just gave a brand new clue.

Orochi the Serpent can restrain the Skeleton Dragon.

This involves the issue of gluttony on both sides.

Both have strong energy absorption efficiency. Just by simply eating something, they can absorb and convert it into their own energy in a short period of time.

And if what you absorb is pure energy, you can take other people's energy as your own in a very short period of time.

For both Oroch and Skeleton Dragon, there is no doubt that they are in conflict with each other.

This is why Oroch has been fighting against the Skeleton Dragon since his debut.

It is really greedy for the body of the skeleton dragon.

Really greedy.

The swallowing of the big snake can further reduce the skeleton dragon's energy, and at the same time causing large-area wounds is also beneficial to slow down the skeleton dragon's regeneration.

Although Orochi, the big snake, is much weaker than the Skeleton Dragon who has been growing steadily for a long time due to his stunted development, he will not be an opponent at all in a head-on battle.

But in terms of body structure alone, Skeleton Dragon is indeed inferior to Oroch.

Therefore, as long as it is used properly, Orochi can also become the key to fighting the skeleton dragon.

After this clue was put forward, everyone thought it was feasible after analysis. Even if there is no such relationship, it would be great to just attract other monsters to take away some of the skeleton dragon's attention.

But after all, you are bringing another monster back into the game, so the risk will be much higher accordingly.

They didn't think that the big snake would obediently fight alongside them.

The initial plan to detonate explosives in the beak is to be carried out, and the plan to enter the big snake is carried out simultaneously.

However, due to a shortage of manpower, the team that attracted Orochi was coordinated by a team of investigators.

Before leaving, Lidalu looked at Qi Dan who simply put on his equipment and said: Pay attention to safety.

It's just to attract monsters, not to conquer them. Senior, you should pay attention to safety. Qi Dan tightened his gloves and raised his head and smiled at Lida.

Lidalu also smiled heartily when he heard this and said: That's right, let's see how hard I give Skeleton Dragon a few hard blows.

Don't be brave, senior.

Don't be brave.

After the two of them finished speaking, Lidalu turned around and followed the advance team.

He was part of the team that faced Beak.

Qi Dan turned his head and looked at Wan Yi after meeting with other investigative scholars: Let's go find Oroqi!

The big snake is not difficult to find. After all, it is so big that it is very obvious even if it is motionless, even if it has been carried away a long distance before.

Due to the decrease in skeletons, this area has now become a relatively flat ground, which is much more convenient for human movement.

The dark red hill in the distance undulates slightly.

Everyone walked in and saw that it was Eurochi. At this time, the fat snake was lying on the ground upside down, with its four short legs pointing up in the sky, and its eyes were still circles.

Are you a Pokémon? Wan Yi asked upon seeing this.

Because the body shape is too strong, even though the snake's head is pressed at the bottom, it is actually a round ball no matter which direction it is viewed from.

Everyone walked in cautiously and saw the other seven little heads wrapped around the big snake lying on the ground dying with a look of weakness.

The team moved quickly and installed thunder bombs next to several of the big snake's heads.

The name sounds very cool, but in fact it is a bomb that does not cause much damage when it explodes. It mainly makes a loud noise and has many functions. It is used to wake up the big snake.

After Wan Yi finished his job, he touched the back of the big snake's butt.

But looking at the fat ball in front of me, I couldn't find where the tail was for a while.

You can only start and explore by yourself.

He was still very curious about whether the monster with Yamata no Orochi as its prototype had a unique weapon in its tail.

Huh? Wan Yi brushed his hand and seemed to touch something.

Everyone, stay away! Prepare to evacuate! Qi Dan shouted.

Everyone quickly moved away. Qi Dan basically reached the limit that the lead could reach, and the others moved further away.

Subsequently, it was directly detonated by Qi Dan.



When the button was pressed, everyone put their heads in their hands and covered their ears. To be honest, they had never tried to detonate so many thunder bombs together.

However, there are many cases where adventurers were knocked unconscious by thunder bombs during operations due to mistakes.

The huge sound was like thunder exploding.

It was like a bolt from the blue.

Even though Qi Dan was as far away as possible, limited by the limit that the lead could reach, the distance was still not as safe as others. After the explosion, he covered his ears, but his head was still blank for a moment.

What followed was constant ringing in the ears, loss of direction, and dizziness.

When his vision barely recovered, he found that he had turned around and saw other investigative scholars in the distance.

They shouted anxiously and waved at Qi Dan.

What are they talking about? What am I doing?

oh! correct! Big snake!

Qi Dan's eyes widened suddenly, and he turned around suddenly. His scarlet eyes were also a little confused, but there was no doubt that he was forcibly awakened by the explosion.

Turn over, stand firm, and get up. Of course, the movement of getting up is not very obvious.

It immediately noticed the little thing in front of it and almost didn't think much about it. Its gluttonous instinct made it open its mouth and bite it directly.

Qi Dan is far from able to fill his teeth in front of this big mouth.


Bite empty.

Wan Yi directly grabbed Qi Dan and flew past. Qi Dan was carried by Wan Yi and felt the hurricane slap on his face. When he reacted, Qi Dan had been taken far away from the place.

So I said it would be better for me to press the button. Wan Yi said casually.

Sorry, thank you, consultant. Qi Dan responded honestly.

The big snake shook its head, shook off the dirt from its mouth, stood up unsteadily, and then raised its head and let out a sharp roar.

“Zizzi ah ah ah——”

It didn't pay much attention to the humans who ran away in front of it, because as soon as it woke up, it saw the skeletal dragon doing something in the distance.

That big thing smells much better than humans.

Oroqi didn't care at all that he had been thrown out not long ago, and he took short steps to rush towards the skeleton dragon.

After taking two steps, it suddenly felt a little light, and then it suddenly fell to the ground, and its round figure began to roll directly towards the skeleton dragon!

What's wrong with it? This time, investigators couldn't help but wonder.

No, does such a small tail have a great impact on balance? Wan Yi couldn't help but ask.

The others looked at Wan Yi's other hand. When Wan Yi came back just now, he had a big bag in his hand. The situation was so urgent that no one had time to ask questions.

Then he saw Wan Yi honestly taking out a fat and thick tail that was still moving from the big sack.

What did you do? Everyone was stunned.

I just feel like this tail is not very necessary given its size, so... Wan Yi shrugged.

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