My doppelganger drama

Chapter 466 Repertoire: respective dramas

Second battle.

Faced with such an obvious gap in the first round, is it really possible for Coffin to win?

The answer is naturally...


Facing the incarnation of the symbol of will, no matter how much the power is increased, it can only delay it and never truly defeat it.

At this time, Wanyi Monument Skeleton Dragon's energy reserve has far surpassed that of the Doomsday Dog as an incarnation, but it is still in such a mess.

Correspondingly, as long as the energy is not stretched, as long as a certain symbol can be supplemented, it is truly possible to compete with the Dog of the End on the same stage.

This symbol of will cannot be conjured out of thin air.

You must know that the Dog Light of the End was split due to an accident. Calculating the time within the limit, it made so many preparations, but in the end it almost fell short because of Wan Yi's small intervention.

Now the only option is to stop the loss.

However, the will of the wolf mother in Coffin, which can be jokingly called the broken heart, has always existed in Coffin's body.

But Coffin never realized that such mysterious things are still a bit too difficult for puppies.

Mother Wolf had no intention of mobilizing this symbol before today.

After all, it is a deal with himself, and the existence of this symbol is also the dark history of Sloth, the Dog of Doom. If the two symbols conflict, it is hard to say what the end of the entire boundary time and space will be.

But now, Mother Wolf is still showing off, and she is showing off completely.

What deals, what respect for oneself, what boundaries bring about the future.

None of its business.

Is it important to have a baby?

This kid wants to live!

That is of course unconditional support!

Letting go of his persistence at this juncture, Coffin gained the strength he had been waiting for for a long time.

Symbols are not something that can be easily combined with other things.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t have split up because of the hesitation in the heart of the Dog of the End.

This symbol of quiet survival is obviously not suitable for aggressive monsters.

However, Coffin subtly accepted her mother's awakening kiss without any barriers.

After all, he is a child raised by a wolf mother.

The essence of mother and son is exactly the same.

Wan Yi looked at Ke Fen's back, and the phantom of the wolf mother appeared beside him.

Your child is so handsome. Wan Yi praised the wolf mother with a smile.

Mother Wolf looked at Wan Yi, yawned again, then walked away gracefully and disappeared.

The Dog of the End has crushed the Skeleton Dragon's limbs together with the remaining garbage bones countless times, but the regenerative activity of the Skeleton Dragon, which has energy to rely on, is also unprecedentedly strong.

The skeleton dragon itself will cut off the wounds caused by the dogs to inhibit regeneration without hesitation, and then continue to regenerate.

The Skeleton Dragon itself is also extremely fanatical, and will never tire of attacking no matter how many times it is injured.

However, there were very few fragments of skeletons left on this hill of bones from this battle, and the bones on the skeleton dragon were once again approaching their limits.

It's just that the skeleton dragon, who is completely on top now, doesn't care about this small problem at all.

Without it, the bones would have to be raised on their own!

At this moment, an energetic bark sounded.

The Skeleton Dragon and the Dog of the End were stunned at the same time, and then they saw that Coffin didn't look like he had been crushed and defeated not long ago, and ran over happily, with saliva flowing from the corners of his mouth.

The Dog of the End immediately noticed the difference between Coffin and before.

The previous Coffin was just a puppy waving the remaining fire in half of his body.

Now it has directly taken the long-dormant nuclear fusion as the foundation of energy and started to soar into the sky.

The source of power that should have been nearly exhausted in the recent unrelenting battle burst out with infinite vitality.

Woof! The dog of the end roared with some unnecessary emotions.

But it didn't wait for the response it hoped for. The wolf's consciousness in Coffin's body immediately fell silent.

It's just a read and can't be read back.

Without any time to think, the Dog of Doom rushed forward and collided with Coffin.


Violent fluctuations in space and time set off, strange faults overlapped in space, and time collapsed and loopholes appeared.

The two were involved in this short-lived alien space.

The scene fell silent for a moment.

The skeleton dragon was dumbfounded.

It originally thought that it should be considered the protagonist, but as soon as the real protagonist came back, it took all the drama.

He doesn't even intend to let him have a hand in the battle.

Its monster scarlet body trembled violently and roared continuously, venting its anger.

The surrounding monsters had long since hid far away due to the appearance of the Dog of the End. Only the big snake Orochi was rushed away in the aftermath of the battle due to the sudden increase in the power of the skeleton dragon, and his life or death was temporarily unknown.

The skeletal dragon raged like a tantrum.

But the stone tablet behind it slowly sank and disappeared, and it felt its body become lighter.

This lightness is not only the weight, but also the swelling energy of resentment.

After enjoying the experience of feeling like he was omnipotent, it was difficult for the skeleton dragon to accept the situation of his body being suddenly hollowed out.

His already bad temper became even more intense.

At this time, the investigation team originally in the VIP auditorium suffered a disaster.

When most of the monsters recede, when the heavyweights Coffin and Keba disappear, when all the weird things are gone.

The most conspicuous people at the scene are humans like them.

The skeleton dragon locked onto them directly.

Good guy, I finally got it on myself. Wan Yi from the investigation team said with emotion.

Everyone, get back! Hilde shouted quickly.

Suddenly, the great escape began.

The skeleton dragon's tentacles were thrown out one after another to surround the group of humans.

It stirred up the hill of bones and knocked down the large skeletons around them as obstacles on their way forward.

Finally, the team was trapped.

Damn! What do we do now?

Fight it!

Are you kidding! That's the monster that was in a stalemate with the Dog of the End just now! How can we fight against it! We don't even know how to fight!

Wan Yi smiled slightly, feeling that it was time to stand up and give some advice.

As a result, Qi Dan took the lead and said with a firm voice: No, we have a chance, and the chance is not small!

The skeletal dragon approached slowly, but Qi Dan directly called everyone in the team to gather around him and took out the information he had not had time to collect when he gathered around to watch the show and the full-body map of the skeletal dragon.

The energy intensity of the skeleton dragon can be judged to a certain extent based on the color of its body. When the skeleton dragon was fighting Keba, its body was completely scarlet. But after the stone tablet behind it just disappeared, the red color faded a lot, and gradually It's leaning toward purple, and we can boldly judge that the Skeleton Dragon consumed a lot of energy in the battle just now.

Everyone glanced nervously at the approaching skeleton dragon and nodded solemnly. This judgment was very likely.

Qi Dan visually judged the speed at which the skeleton dragon was approaching, and continued: And, according to my observations, the skeleton dragon needs its own secreted mucus to adhere to the bones. Its mucus also has a certain shaping function and can change quickly in a short period of time. The shape of the skeleton makes you satisfied. But the above premise is limited to small and medium-sized skeletons.

Yes, in order to fill the defects in the skeleton during the battle with Keba, it quickly adhered to small skeletons. Occasionally, it would use medium-sized skeletons when it had spare time, but it would never use large-sized skeletons. Can it be speculated that the use of large-sized skeletons rashly would be a problem for it? It may be a thankless task, the strategic value is not high, and it may even drag yourself down. Some scholars immediately followed Qi Dan's thinking.

At this moment, everyone looked around and understood what Qi Dan meant by raising this point.

There were not many small and medium-sized skeletons around anymore. The fight with Keba put a lot of pressure on the skeleton dragon. The skeleton dragon itself did not react, and there were not many suitable skeletons around for it to use.

And he just came back from the fight with Keba, plus the consumption of many monsters before.

There are not many bones left on the skeleton dragon!

It is precisely because without the help of the skeleton that its soft tentacles can hardly move smoothly underground. As the battle situation changes, the number of underground surprise attacks that the skeleton dragon often carries out in the early morning is getting less and less. This is why the skeleton dragon has so far failed to The reason why our interception was awkward was also there,” Zidan added.

The enemy's weapons and armor have been stripped off, and the energy reserve is obviously not sufficient. Now it is just a powerful giant squid! Lidalu said loudly.

As Zidan said.

It's not a desperate situation.

They have a chance to fight back!

After realizing this, everyone's original dejection was wiped away, and they looked at the approaching skeleton dragon with fangs and claws as one.

Which adventurer wouldn’t want to try hunting and conquering this powerful and unusually flamboyant monster!

Hilde raised his hand: There is no time. Scholars quickly formulate a strategy. Adventurers check their equipment for the last time, grab their weapons, and be mentally prepared for me!

Oh! everyone shouted in unison.

Skeleton Dragon Crusade! After preparation, start immediately!


Wan Yi watched the people around him respond and quickly prepared themselves, feeling a little out of place.

Okay, the 'director' with all kinds of manipulation behind the scenes is not suitable for this occasion, right?

Why don't you shout along? You seem to be a bit out of place.

It's so funny that I'm pretending to be someone else, Qi Dan.

Wan Yi listened to the sarcasm in his mind, shook his head helplessly, and looked at Qi Dan, who was having a heated discussion with other scholars.

At this time, Qi Dan has become the center of a group of investigating scholars.

He is the youngest, his knowledge reserve is as good as anyone's, he is more attentive, and his dedication to the skeleton dragon is better than anyone else in the team, so even though he was watching from the sidelines before, he did not miss any details.

You are also the protagonist of this drama. Wan Yi sighed with a smile.

Consultant Wan Yi, what did you just say?

Qi Dan turned around to take a few breaths and asked.

It's nothing, it's just that I have some clues, and I hope it can provide some help in this crusade. Wan Yi replied with a smile.

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