My doppelganger drama

Chapter 451 Repertoire: Ancient History

Everyone's hearts tightened.

Yaohuilong... is dead!

Another famous and ferocious beast was defeated.

The strongest shield in the monster world was pierced by this spiral spear!

Moreover, it was Keba who did it again!

Coffin had just finished a tough battle. Although he was very tired, he was still very happy. After all, he met the opponent who made him spend the most effort along the way.

Eating its flesh and blood, Coffin felt more fulfilled than ever.

After all, in order to defeat the Yaohuilong, Coffin even carried out partial alienation, and then successfully broke through the opponent's scales.

But not long after we started eating, someone came. Even if they came, they even flashed a light in his eyes in the pitch dark!

His temper, which had not yet been suppressed just after the battle, suddenly rose.

In this case, he doesn't care whether he is a human or not, he has to...

Everyone, be careful, Keba has a bad temper right now! Qi Dan said quickly.

Everyone's heart tightened.

But suddenly, Keba, who was originally full of murderous intent, suddenly froze, his eyes widened, and he looked in one direction in disbelief.

Wan Yi didn't hide anymore this time, he folded his arms and looked at Ke Fen quietly.

The roar that Coffin was about to make turned into an aggrieved whimper.


Huh? What's wrong? Qi Dan was stunned. Keba's sudden change obviously caught him off guard.

This incident threw the investigation team into disarray.

Wan Yi moved his fingers towards Coffin.

Coffin tilted his head, and after looking at it for a long time, he suddenly stretched out his hand and swung his claw at the top of the cave.

Green claw marks swept across, and the cave collapsed again. A large number of rocks fell down, engulfing the figures of Coffin and the Glory Dragon, and separating the investigation team from him.

The shock came and went quickly, and after a while, everything returned to its original state.

Everyone looked at the path that was suddenly blocked by piles of stones, and for a moment they didn't know what Keba was thinking.

But it is also a good thing to avoid a head-on conflict with Keba.

Coffin shook off the dust, moved his nose to smell the smell in the air, and then immediately turned his head.

His head was hugged by a pair of hands.

Although it was a bit scary for the dog, he was very obedient, made no movements, and relaxed quickly.

Sorry, I've been here for a long time, but I just got to know you today.


You started whining anyway.


Well, I know, you are very tired, take a good rest here for a while. Wan Yi touched Coffin's head and said gently.


Don't rub blood on me, I've taught you so many times.

The investigation team finally chose to return the entire line.

Unfortunately, tracking is no longer possible in this situation. Yaohuilong is dead and Keba is not among the investigation team's tracking targets, so the matter has been settled.

But there are still many things worth exploring about the underground ruins.

After the investigation team withdrew, several veteran archives scholars stationed in the bay camp could not sit still and hurriedly hurried from the bay camp to the temporary camp under the pothole.

Detailed investigation and research on the underground ruins will be intensified in the future.

In the next few days, part of the investigation team stayed to be responsible for the investigation of the ruins, while the other part continued to track various large ferocious beasts after being assigned tasks.

Wan Yi's team unexpectedly stayed and participated in the investigation of the ruins because of Wan Yi's little bit of professionalism.

This made Lidalu quite critical, but she became more honest after being glared at by Qi Dan a few times.

The scholars here are all pure pursuits of knowledge, and they have no barriers to Wan Yi, a person who seems to have nothing to do with the study of ancient ruins.

He is very particular about the ideas and opinions put forward by Wan Yi and is keen on discussing them.

And after Wan Yi helped with several deciphering tasks, the old academics even shouted for talents, and all kinds of inquiries made Wan Yi consider not working with the royal family, and quickly packed up his things and went to the archives.

Wan Yidu was sent away.

After all, after what may have happened to Coffin was over, it was time for him to leave.

And really, he prefers being a consultant to being a scholar.

Wan Yi's ambiguity does not affect his enthusiasm for research.

After spending a short period of time, the appearance of the ancient civilization that once existed in this new continent was gradually described.

It was a civilization with a considerable degree of development. According to the murals collected later, they were also human beings not much different from the people of the Old World.

They lived in this world for an unknown time, but it must have been a long time ago.

Once upon a time, the New World was also a world with a large number of monsters.

Humans and monsters compete and coexist.

The civilizations of the New World tried to show favor to powerful monsters with gentle temperaments, seek ways of peace, and establish mutually beneficial relationships.

Under the protection of powerful monsters, their life was not as difficult as the history of the old continent.

On some stone slabs, there are many figures of ancient monsters carved on them, all of which were recorded excitedly by scholars.

Among them are some old friends who also exist in the records of the Old World.

What attracted Wan Yi's most attention was the description of the Doomsday Dog inside.

And in this description, scholars see familiar names.


The ancient civilization of the New World actually called the Dog of the End the same as the Old World!

The real Keba, the ancient Keba.

It looks like a canine creature and because of its bark-like sound, it is called the Dog of the End.

At the time, it was a shadow of Old World civilization.

It seems to be a symbol of death, sending a spiral of death to all living creatures near it.

These include powerful monsters that exist within the records.

Ever since the existence of the Doomsday Dog was confirmed, it has been stained with a lot of blood.

Then, the appearance of a piece of literature on a stone tablet refreshed everyone's spirits.

In this document, it is mentioned that on a certain day, the heaven and earth changed.

Storms, thunderstorms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, polar expansion.

Wait for natural disasters to occur one after another in a short period of time.

All the powerful monsters began to rush towards a certain place.

It is located at the highest point of the mountains, on the top of a cliff along the coast.

It was called the End Cliff by previous civilizations.

The monsters were fighting along the way, trampling on each other and devouring flesh and blood.

For humans, that period of the world is no different from the end of the world.

The endless monster conflicts force humans to mount infinite resistance. At this moment, the monsters who originally had a good relationship with humans have no time to care about them.

This ruins was one of the fortresses built to resist monster attacks.

The most embarrassing thing is that when the original fortress was about to collapse in the fight between two powerful monsters, it was the passing Dog of the End that killed the two monsters and then left without paying any attention to the humans.

The feared shadow of death gave the people of this fortress a brief lease of life.

The Dog of the End also charged towards the End Cliff.

Human beings have no way of knowing exactly what happened. The towering mountain was far beyond the ability of human civilization at that time to climb.

All I know is that after a long period of turmoil, one day, a melodious barking sound came from the top of Zhongji Cliff.

The bark kept echoing.

In the exaggerated description in the literature, it was the whole world was shrouded in that barking dog.

That was undoubtedly the voice of the Hound of the End.

Since then, things have calmed down.

The Dog of the End is nowhere to be found.

The human beings of the ancient civilization luckily survived the disasters of the monsters, but the devastated remaining strength did not seem to be able to survive the subsequent natural disasters that wreaked havoc for a long time.

Sadly perished.

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