My doppelganger drama

Chapter 452 Play: Talking to Dogs

End Cliff, is that the place we need to explore next? Lidalu said,

It's hard to say. Although we haven't fully explored the New World, there are no towering peaks like those described in this document. Qi Dan was not so optimistic and simply thought of this problem.

Currently, many terrain features can be confirmed to have disappeared from the records unearthed from this ruins.

Thousands of years...Although I know that the terrain will change, I won't let such a prominent peak in the description disappear directly. Lidalu said in confusion.

Qi Dan shook his head slightly: There may be many points involved, but it is not difficult. After all, the nature of this world is not limited to geographical changes. Those powerful monsters can also easily cause great changes in the surrounding environment.

Although some signs have been revealed in front of everyone, it seems that if you want to directly find the hidden truth, you still need to overcome many difficulties.

While Wan Yi here was helping to excavate the ruins, Wan Yi on the other side was playing a game of throwing and retrieving with Coffin.

This underground cavity is huge. Even if part of the area is isolated by Coffin, the remaining space still allows Wan Yi to play this kind of game with a big dog of Coffin's level.

The prop used is the head of Yaohuilong.

Use local materials.

Originally, Wan Yi wanted to try to remove the dead dragon head by himself.

But what is very embarrassing is that the dead Yaohui Dragon is not something that Wan Yi can easily deal with without any preparation. After struggling for a long time, his head did not move at all.

Finally it was Coffin who tore it off.

For Coffin, although the Yaohuilong after death is still more difficult to chew, it is completely incomparable to what it was in life.

The gap made Wan Yi so embarrassed that he had to use a little more force to shake Yao Huilong's head.

Wan Yi didn't hold back too much and threw the big dragon head into the wind.

There is no way to show mercy to a dog like Coffin.

But even so, he still had to remind Coffin that he had to wait for the dragon head to fly some distance before he could pursue it.

If there were no such restrictions, often as soon as Wan Yi's leader was released, Coffin could easily intercept him halfway with a single leap.

That would be so boring.

Although Coffin will still be happy.

But Wan Yi himself would not be very happy, so this won't work.

Wan Yi took back Yaohuilong's head from Kefen's hand again, weighed it before slamming it forward.


The dragon head disappeared in an instant, and Coffin also disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Following the trajectory of the green shadow, you can still barely see Coffin's shadow.

After all, it was just a joke.

After blinking a few more times, I felt a gust of wind blowing across my face, and a big dragon head appeared in front of my eyes.

This originally majestic-looking dragon head had completely lost its aura in life because of being thrown away by Wan Yi and Ke Fen.

Now, on this handsome dragon head, the upper and lower jaws are misaligned and loosely staggered, a few teeth are broken in play, the big tongue is exposed, and the cloudy eyes behind it are one white and the other half.

If it were shown to others, Yaohuilong fans might be anxious.

Wan Yi took the faucet and threw it behind him, then sat on it.

It's a bit awkward, but pretty solid.

Woof? Coffin asked.

I'm tired, let's take a rest. Wan Yi replied.

Hearing this, Coffin also calmly circled around Wan Yi's feet and then curled up.

Wan Yi lowered his hand and touched Coffin's hard and prickly hair.

Coffin, have you ever thought about your mother?


Have you never thought about it? It raised you, but it disappeared without a word and never appeared again. Wan Yi lowered his eyes and looked down at Coffin.

Ke Fen raised his head and looked at Wan Yi blankly: Woof!

You said your mother has never left you?


After receiving a positive reply from Coffin, Wan Yi was a little lost.

But soon, he came back to his senses: Why did you come to the New World? To find more big monsters to fight?

Coffin grinned when he heard this, but because this would expose his sharp teeth, he immediately closed his mouth and nodded while maintaining a smile.

The ends of her hair swayed slightly.


Well, I shouldn't have asked you.

Coffin is a good example of someone who knows what's going on but doesn't know why. Everything follows his feelings, and it's hard to get any breakthrough clues from him.

After all he is just a dog.

After Ke Fen and Wan Yi Ni stood sideways for a while, suddenly, he seemed to feel something, he jumped up from the ground and looked into the distance.

What's wrong? Wan Yigang asked.

Suddenly, some melodious sound seemed to come from a distant place, echoing in his ears.

That was a bark.


Woof! Coffin barked in response.

The scolding was quite unpleasant, and I don’t know who I learned it from.

After shouting, Coffin walked away, jumped to the cave wall, and hung steadily on it.

But as soon as he finished doing this, Coffin reacted and turned to look at Wan Yi.

Wan Yi nodded to him, and Coffin shouted happily.


There was a loud noise in the cave, and a large hole was opened by Coffin. The figure of the mad dog in the distance had turned into a small dot.

Follow up. In his mind, Wan Yi issued a unified command.

Follow Coffin, who has already started speeding up. Are you a little pushy?

The person who forces you is yourself, so it doesn't matter.


I seem to have heard something... Qi Dan frowned.

It's a dog barking. Lida said with a serious face.

Many people in the team said they heard the faint barking of dogs, but they didn't know what it meant.

Immediately afterwards, the mountain shook, and in the distance, everyone could barely see the shadow of the green figure flying away.


Good guy, I'm finally willing to give it up, but where are we going in such a hurry?

At about the same time, many signal flares rose into the sky from all directions.

This made everyone in the investigation team look confused.

At this moment, Wan Yi said: The first barking should not be from Keba... No, it should be from Keba, but it is not the Keba we are familiar with.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and Qi Dan was the first to say: You mean...that's not right. We only saw that description in the literature not long ago!

How could it be such a coincidence?

There is no coincidence, because we came here because of that strange migration activity, right? All the monsters are waiting, maybe they are waiting for this moment. Wan Yi talked eloquently.

Having said that, everyone is still in disbelief.

Originally it was just a picture painted by an ancient civilization that was not necessarily true.

Many scholars prefer to regard it as a half-documentary and half-exaggerated historical myth.

But suddenly something happened, and it seemed that this myth was about to be brought into reality...

Anyway, it's time for us to take action. Lidalu didn't know so much knowledge, but he was the first to calm down among the others.

And he was right.

Except for the scholars who were left behind to study the ruins and a few people responsible for protection, the rest of the group picked up their equipment one after another and prepared to catch up with the galloping monsters.

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