My doppelganger drama

Chapter 450 Repertoire: Ruins

The members of the investigation team walked through the underground cave.

The cave is cold and damp, and the temperature is much lower than on the surface. Walking there is like suddenly walking into an air-conditioned room in the middle of summer.

The battle between Coffin and Yaohuilong seemed to have not stopped after falling into the pit. Along the way, traces from the fight between the two monsters could be seen.

However, apart from the destruction of the scene, the most occasionally seen traces are mainly the scales of the Yaohui Dragon.

Coffin didn't have any debris left on the road.

From this point of view, although the Yaohuilong is difficult to chew, Coffin probably will not be defeated.

Because Mother Wolf was so humble in appearance but possessed terrifying strength, Wan Yi didn't think that Coffin was invincible in this world now.

Although the water in this world seems so shallow.

But who says there aren’t some hidden ditches in shallow ponds?

Rather than tracking the situation over there, Wan Yi's eyes have been fixed on these ruins and buildings, observing possible clues in them.

Extending here and a little further down should be the internal main body of the building. I don't know how well it is preserved. Wan Yi murmured after making a judgment.

Qi Dan said: Mr. Wan Yi, you seem to be very knowledgeable.

I told you it's just an after-school hobby. Wan Yi said casually.

In the past, when I had nothing to do, I was dragged by my instructor to join a group. I hung out in some archaeological excavation teams, and I learned a lot in depth under the influence of my ears and eyes.

Although, the instructor heard that Wan Yi’s rare girlfriend had broken up, so he took Wan Yi on a “official trip”.

Although there are archaeologists in the archives, they are not many. Qi Dan said.

After all, this world is full of monster crazy people, who likes to deal with those immovable rocks. Wan Yi said casually.

Well... Qi Dan didn't mention it again.

He was thinking about whether he could let Wan Yi come to work in the archives. After all, the royal consultant said it nice, but in fact there was no good treatment at all. It was not as good as the archives. At least the archives had always been very generous to its employees.

Wan Yi's ability is obvious to all in their team after getting along with each other during this time.

If you still have first-hand archaeological identification skills, it will be easy to get hired.

However, Advisor Wan Yi didn't seem very interested, so he didn't say anything more.

We have walked all the way, and this place seems to have never left the scope of this ruins. If this place was a ruins from a long time ago, it would probably be a very majestic building. Lidaro spoke.

I wonder what kind of civilization left behind such a building. Someone in the team sighed.

Wan Yi said calmly: But he was still buried in the end. Anyway, it's a thing of the past.

You are so boring. Lidaru muttered.

After continuing for a while, Wan Yi found several broken stone pillars. He quickly walked up to observe them and gently wiped away the sand on the surface of the stone pillars with his hand.

Under the light, he saw a spiral sign.

... Wan Yi was stunned.

Oh ho.

“Finally we’re back to where we started.”


It always feels like destiny.

I guess my leisurely days are coming to an end.

In their minds, the clones immediately discussed.

Wan Yin continued to wipe away the dust and saw the engravings with obvious signs of wear.

The pinnacle of life, the answer to the end of the world... Relying on the ability to communicate unimpeded through words within the boundaries, Wan Yi was not troubled by this obviously different ancient symbol.

However, it was still too badly worn and could not be seen clearly, and I could only capture a few prominent keywords.

Wan Yi paused for a moment before turning around and following the team.

There may be some truth in this ruins that can reveal part of the fog of this new world.

The sound of the entire team walking in the cave echoed one after another.

Most of the roads they walked on were severely damaged, so the spaces were wide open, and except for the occasional difficult section, there was mostly no difficulty.

Wan Yi walked along and saw many building stones that had been blown to pieces.

After the team passed by, the clones picked up some stone slabs that clearly had something recorded on them and tried to piece them together on the spot.

But as the battle grew, other members of the investigation team gradually noticed that there seemed to be something surrounding them.

In the darkness, there were some kind of creatures, peeping at them and following them.

This feeling was very uncomfortable, but no matter how unexpectedly they looked around, they could not really find the source of the feeling.

Although it is conceivable that there is a high probability that it is a group of monsters living in mountain caves.

But the unknown is still too creepy.

Wan Yi stared at the clone's work.

The main body, this seems to be a mural.

I can't spell the rest, but it should be enough to spell this thing out. A clone said with a grin.

Well, that's enough. Wan Yilan agreed with the clone's words.

No need to say more.

The outline of the blurry mural pieced together in the clone's hands can be vaguely seen.

A green wolf, or a dog.


The tail is divided into two halves, intertwined in spirals, with a hollow in the middle that swings high. Dark green spikes grow all over the body, and the most eye-catching thing is its head.

A mess of chaotic spiral lines roughly and messily forms an abstract head, with the mouth barely visible open.

But at first glance, it’s hard to imagine that it’s the head of a creature.

Although there is no certain evidence, there should be no need to guess the true identity of this guy. The clone couldn't help but sigh.

The Dog of the End.

There is no detailed image of the Dog of the End in the Extreme Religion, and it is only represented by symbols such as spirals and fangs.

Now, Wan Yi probably knows what this famous big dog looks like within its own boundaries.

Other clones tried again to collect other clues, but at a glance, many of the latter ones were difficult to piece together completely.

But ahead, the team seemed to have finally advanced to a different area.

The uneven cave tunnel finally came to an end, and what appeared in front of everyone was an open space. There were severely worn patterns on the floor, indicating that the flat land in front of them was built by a former civilization.

The floor was severely cracked and damaged, but overall it was still flat and open.

And in the darkness far in front of the flat land, a huge figure was crawling, and there were heavy breathing sounds, and the sound of chewing came from there.

That is……

Captain Hilde made a gesture, and the entire team immediately dispersed in an orderly manner, picked up their weapons, and got into fighting postures.

Then, slowly move forward.

Everyone held their breath.

The light soon swayed and illuminated the huge figure in front.

As expected, it was Yaohuilong...


Yaohuilong's body showed no fluctuations.

It's the body of Yaohuilong.

The scales on its chest were completely torn apart, leaving a huge hole.

The blood has not dried yet.

The figure in the straitjacket was crawling on the wound, munching on it.

When the light swept over him, he trembled and then raised his head.


Under the dazzling light, Coffin, whose face was bright red, looked like a bloodthirsty evil ghost.

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