My doppelganger drama

Chapter 446 Play: Black Knight

Main body, the pony is in danger.


The main body, My Little Pony is in danger!

I know.

You know how you can be indifferent!?

It's none of my business. No one else has touched me. Why should I do anything? Wan Yi replied in his mind without any shame.

The investigation team also noticed the abnormality in the fog and realized that a conflict had definitely broken out between the Flash Horse and the Mist Dragon.

If the flash horse turned around and ran away, only a handful of the big beasts could catch up with it.

But the Mist Dragon's ability just restrains its ability to pick up speed.

Due to his personality, if Shanju fails to find the correct direction and rush out of the fog immediately, he will be trapped by the fog dragon!

Everyone knows about Shanju's predicament, but they can't do anything, and they won't add anything to it.

Respect and love for monsters are completely different things from interfering in the conflict between two big ferocious beasts without authorization in this situation.

Please main body, please save Rainbow Pony. The supervisor was still stalking me.

No. This guy has a lot of fun.

But after all, he is himself, and there are indeed many Wan Yi who pretend to be a conceited persona and create a crazy persona.

Modern Brother is very free and easy, or his free and easy is also part of his personality. His experience in the magical girl boundary made him quiet for a while.

But soon he became heartless again.

Ontology, if you help me, I will be a firm 'Ontology-preserving faction' from now on!

What kind of faction is this? Wan Yi was confused.

If you don't want to protect me, can you quickly let me die?

Maybe with luck, all Wan Yi can ascend to heaven together after Wan Yi's body dies. That is definitely the perfect ending that all Wan Yi wants to see.

When other clones attack you in the future, I will stand by your side!

...What's the use of this? Wan Yi asked from his soul.

The Body-Basing Faction is currently weak. There is only Brother Grudge. It is in urgent need of increasing its strength. My joining will definitely add infinite vitality to the Body-Basing Faction!

Conspiracy loudly, right? the clone complained.

Wan Yi narrowed his eyes.

Brother Grudge is considered a true protector? Why do I think he is the number one villain?

Why do you think the number of ghost group members in Wanyi group chat has increased so much?

Anyway, main body, please think about it. The supervisor said seriously, his words almost pleading.

Wan Yi sighed: I understand.

He separated and stayed where he was, and Wan Yi quietly left the team.

A little further away the zodiac whistle was blown.

Suddenly, following his call, a breath appeared beside him.

With his hot breath blowing across his face, Regulus directly put his head into Wan Yi's arms.

I didn't keep you waiting long.


Well, then prepare... huh? You said that the previous idea has paid off? Did Mr. Yang help? Okay, let's try it without further delay.

Wan Yi was surprised. He didn't expect that he would just ask Regulus to try more, but he didn't expect that the results would already come out when he turned around.

Although it is just a playful attempt, it is a success if it can make Wan Yi and the little emperor happy together.

Wan Yi rode on Regulus XIV.

The integration of man and horse is completed.

Wan Yi activated his various qualitative changes, and his appearance instantly began to gradually deviate from that of a normal human being. Except that he was still a humanoid creature, it would be difficult for outsiders to call him a human being.

Then, began to tolerate each other.

The unity of man and horse deepens.

The wonderful influence spreads imperceptibly.

This feeling is...


By the time Wan Yi reacted, it had already happened.

Regulus disappeared.

No, it's not that it's missing, but that it has integrated into Wan Yi's lower body.

Wan Yi's lower body turned into a pitch-black horse, while his upper body remained in a terrifying posture after a large number of qualitative changes.

A state where man and horse are one step further.

Didn't expect this.

Wan Yi just told Yang Ye and Regulus that he could prevent Regulus's power from being more completely integrated with his own, so that Regulus could even inherit part of Wan Yi's own abilities.

This is how it turned out.

Regulus XIV blends into Wan Yi!

And judging from the impact just now, this is not just an ordinary deepening.

This is the field·human and horse integration!

After getting the results, Wan Yi immediately checked Regulus' situation, fearing that the pony would be involved in Wan Yi's network.

But after reviewing it, he found that there seemed to be no external access account in the group chat, and he was relieved.

Regulus XIV, as a creature within the boundary, actually controls the domain. Is it because the remaining magical animals in District 13 are the foundation of the world? Lord Yang is really powerful. Wan Yi sighed.

Although, this field is completely different from what Wan Yi has seen before.

Focusing on influencing oneself, relying on the characteristics of the human and horse being one, constantly deepening the influence on oneself and the person riding oneself.

Finally it reaches a certain peak, unity.


Wan Yi felt that it was not just a matter of stitching. The upper body he left behind also became taller after the fit. This was almost a brand new body that was a combination of Wan Yi himself and Regulus XIV.

And there is no discomfort at all, and he can handle the horse's body like an arm and a finger.

Wan Yi's mind was already filled with cries of ghosts and howlings of wolves, clamoring for the desire to merge with Regulus XIV.

Especially the supervisor, who just now was begging for mercy for other people's ponies, is now wallowing in the desire to merge with Regulus XIV.

At Wan Yi's signal, Modern Brother, who happened to be next to the supervisor, dragged the supervisor away to find something to do.

Anyway, don't let him think about My Little Pony.

Then, Wan Yi took steps in the direction of Wu Milong Yu Shanju.


The faint sound of horse hoofbeats echoed frequently in the mist, as if coming from Jiuyou.

Just by simply walking around, the dark aura emanating from his body was pulled out like a ribbon.

in the perception of other monsters.

There should be nothing there.

But the sense of presence is extremely strong.


Mist Dragon finally saw the slowly approaching monster with his naked eyes.

The dark centaur has a dark lower body, and the upper body is wearing a dress and broken armor. The body is wrapped with dark red lines. The negative energy on the head is as rich as ink, turning into a viscous liquid and slowly dripping, pulling out strips like Hair lines.

On the hollow face, a golden ring emerged.

All monsters have basic biological forms.

That's how it should be.

But for the thing in front of me, the lower body is okay, but many organs in the upper body make it difficult for people to maintain faith in the inherent knowledge summarized by humans.

The Mist Dragon has no human knowledge, but that doesn't stop it from being extremely vigilant about this monster that it has never seen before and can't even find any control samples.

The viscous negative energy fluid condensed in his hand and turned into a slender lance.

Shanju was extremely scared now.

These things are all the same! What does it have to do with a cowardly little pony?

Mist Dragon didn't pay attention to the flash horse behind him, and turned around completely to be wary of the black knight who appeared.

But the next moment, the black knight in front of him disappeared.

Wu Milong was shocked and mobilized his senses in all directions.

The fear in Shanju's heart reached its peak at this moment.

On its body...

The Black Knight seemed to grow out of it, walking out of its body.

This process is not fast, but Mist Dragon seems not to notice this at all.

Shanju didn't dare to move at all, and couldn't figure out why this thing in front of him came out of his body.

Nothing else.

Just because of the overwhelming fear, the Black Knight felt like a fish in water.

Before the back half of the body had fully emerged from the body of the flash horse, the black knight had already raised his lance and plunged towards the mist dragon.

The Mist Dragon didn't react at all, because in its senses, there was always only a flash horse behind it that was extremely fearful.


The lance penetrated from the back to the abdomen and was nailed to the ground.

The hoarse screams of the Mist Dragon resounded through the mountain forest, and the fog quickly subsided.

Then, when the investigation team was halfway closer, they saw such a surprising and terrifying scene.

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