My doppelganger drama

Chapter 447 Drama: Confinement of Fear

The Mist Dragon, which was supposed to be hunting, was pinned to the ground with a lance and struggling.

The black knight slowly stepped out of Shanju's body, and Shanju was still pitiful and helpless.

In the eyes of the investigation team, this scene could be said to be something that could only be found in a fantasy novel, yet it appeared in front of everyone in a very real way.

Qi Dan reacted immediately after being stunned: Black Knight? But the form is not quite right!

It and its horse have become one? Is this what it really looks like? Lida looked grim.

There has never been such a monster!

But now he's even more of a monster than before.

Just as they were making their judgment, Mist Dragon's struggle finally came to fruition.

It tore off the part of flesh and blood that was pierced through with force, making its waist and abdomen, which was not strong enough, look like it could easily break. A bloody hole appeared on its body, but it successfully used this to get rid of the spear.

Using all four limbs, it could be said that he was rolling and crawling to distance himself from the black knight. The misty dragon chose to escape without looking back.

Bullying the weak and fearing the strong is its fundamental character. Under the current situation, it has absolutely no point in staying.

Releasing a weak mist to cover its body, the Mist Dragon fled away from the lake and towards the forest.


A black streamline drew a gorgeous trajectory, approaching from behind it in an instant and wrapping around in front of it.

Black tentacles grew out, imprisoning its running limbs, and then lifted them up.

It keeps struggling, but in the face of this more complete blockade, it can't even stop its efforts.

The lance magnified in the eye.

With a chi sound, it passed through its neck, and then swung it hard, drawing blood and flesh, breaking it on the spot, and chopped it off.


The dragon's head fell to the ground, and after a final reflexive struggle for a moment, the body lost its vitality.

When a large beast-level monster dies, a large amount of residual energy in its body is released, benefiting the surrounding ecology and environment.

However, the energy of the Mist Dragon itself is not very strong, and its size is not large. It is completely incomparable to the original Sea Titan.

The Black Knight looked at the body of Mist Dragon in silence for a moment, then raised his head and looked at the investigation team and Flash Horse.

A deathly silence lingered around the lake.

It wasn't until the first insect chirping sounded again that this subtle deadlock was broken.

In an instant, the figure of the black knight disappeared without a trace.

The investigation team remained vigilant for a long time, and they breathed a sigh of relief when the Black Knight seemed to have really disappeared and had no intention of attacking.

Facing unknown monsters is both exciting and terrifying.

Not to mention a big ferocious beast.

Among all the records of adventurers on the Old Road, according to incomplete statistics, without intelligence, the mortality rate of the strongest level adventurers when facing large ferocious beasts is over 95%.

This statistic does not include those adventurers who may have been killed by large ferocious beasts in the wilderness, so the number could be even higher.

Black Knight, there is no doubt about the strength that he has shown.

The Mist Dragon is not very powerful in terms of physical strength, but no matter what, it is still a big and ferocious beast.

Not to mention, the Mist Dragon was penetrated by the fog it was best at and suffered heavy losses. Then it was unable to maintain the production of fog and fell into a desperate situation.

Easily killing the Mist Dragon showed that the Black Knights were among the top-notch beasts.

This result is disappointing.

Woo... A whimper suddenly sounded.

Qi Dan, were you scared to tears? Lidalu looked at him immediately.

But Qi Dan finally put away his surprised expression: How could I be scared to tears? You are the one who was scared stupid, Mr. Lidaro.

Who is crying? Advisor? Lidalu looked again.

Wan Yi narrowed his eyes: I'll make you cry if I ask again.

Haha. Lidaro scratched his head.

Afterwards, Wan Yi turned directly to look at Shanju not far behind him.

No one in the team would be frightened to tears by such a scene. Although the Black Knight was indeed frightened, it was just pure shock.

So if people are not crying, then it can only be...

Shanju didn't know when he was lying on the ground with his limbs bent.

His eyes were filled with tears and his body was shaking slightly.

This is the frightened child.

The investigation team looked at each other.

Um...what should I do? Lidalu asked the others.

I don't know. This kind of situation is not unheard of in the records, but it is limited to ordinary monsters. It is indeed unique that such a big vicious beast behaves like this. Qi Dan was calm but suppressed a kind of excitement.

Everyone started discussing, but it was difficult to come up with a good solution for a while.

And Wan Yi said: It doesn't seem to be completely frightened and can't run away. There is something on it that is holding it back.

After Wan Yi reminded them, everyone took a closer look and discovered that the limbs of the flash horse seemed to be wrapped with black lines, which were very similar to the unknown substance dripping from the black knight.

But generally the substances on the Black Knight's body will dissipate on their own after leaving the Black Knight's body for a period of time, but this does not seem to be the case on the Flash Horse.

Noticing that Shanju was in a completely unable to move state, everyone relaxed a little.

A flash horse that doesn't run is just a stronger horse.

And this is absolutely a unique opportunity in the world.

The investigation team quickly divided into two groups.

While guarding the flash horse, he went to recover the body of the mist dragon.

At the same time, a signal flare was directly fired to notify other nearby teams.

Not long after, the entire investigation team gathered together. After hearing the experiences of Wan Yi and his team, everyone was amazed and filled with emotion.

Although it was just a witness, being able to participate in such a change, involving three big ferocious beasts, and developing such a dramatic event was definitely the envy of others.

The body of the Mist Dragon was transported directly back to the Bay Settlement.

The situation of the flash horse is very strange, it is almost nailed in place.

And according to the investigation, when many people gather around the flash horse, the black lines on the flash horse will proliferate in large numbers to strengthen the control.

After the people disperse, the stripes will return to a certain extent.

After observation, it can be basically confirmed that the reason for this change seems to be the fear of the flash horse itself.

When this magical conclusion was drawn, the scholars in the investigation team were all shocked.

Although this world is generally very magical, the power involving this kind of subjective state of mind naturally does not exist. The most mysterious thing is the monster that can control illusions, but compared with this fear imprisonment, it is completely insignificant.

Wan Yi was listening to other people's discussions, approached the flash horse, and reached out to touch it with its fearful eyes.

When Wan Yi touched it, he treated it as a supervisor, which should calm him down a little.

It's not my fault, it's because you were too timid, and it happened to happen that I was trying out new forms and wasn't very good at controlling the output. It's best for you to untie these remaining parts yourself. Wan Yi whispered.

Ugh... Shanju cried out in grievance.

Wan Yi patted it on the head: Good boy, come on, this is the disaster you are destined to overcome.

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