My doppelganger drama

Chapter 445 Play: It’s all the dog’s fault

Mist? There are several kinds of monsters that control the mist. The total number is not many, and the scale is so large. The only monster that dares to target a big beast like the Flash Horse is the Mist Dragon! Although Qi Dan didn't look at it! You can see the figure of the Mist Dragon, but it is not difficult to tell what it is just based on the scale and habits of the fog.

Fog Dragon... Because this monster likes to use fog to cover its body, and it has high-intensity perception within a certain range covered by fog, it is extremely difficult to track, so although there is a record, no tracking mission has been arranged. The scholar who led the team said.

Why is it coming towards Flash Horse? Is it because it is passing by, or is it actively attacking?

Qi Dan raised doubts.

The Mist Dragon is indeed a very aggressive monster, with a cunning character and a tendency to bully the weak and avoid the strong. But it itself is one of the most ferocious beasts at the top of its ecological niche. Wherever the mist covers it, other monsters can only pray that they are not targeted by this nasty monster.

The dense mist is the killing playground of the Mist Dragon.

The investigation team who knew the mist dragon's temperament were all alert and alert that the mist dragon might attack from any direction in the mist.

Wan Yi is the only one who is relatively relaxed.

The Mist Dragon's ability to hide in the fog is not a simple and crude invisibility, but a very strange way of breaking apart its body in the vision of others into countless parts, and then blending them into the fog.

But this is of little use to Wan Yi.

Perhaps it has something to do with Wan Yi's vision being fragmented all year round. When several Wan Yi look at each other together, the other person's body becomes relatively complete.

Also relying on this, Wan Yi could see the opponent's figure in the mist.

The Mist Dragon just walked directly past the team.

He even glanced at the team members jokingly.

However, its target is not the investigation team. Unless the monsters in this world have been beaten by humans, it is impossible to take weak creatures like humans with a weak sense of existence in their eyes.

Evil beasts and ferocious beasts will occasionally regard humans as prey, and large ferocious beasts will basically ignore individual humans.

Mist Dragon's target is Flash Horse.

The blue and white pony was a little panicked after being covered in fog.

After seeing its performance, Wan Yi knew that what others said and the description in the book were not wrong.

Really cowardly.

After the fog covered it, it was already spinning in circles, looking at a loss.

Under the cover of the mist, a Wan Yi clone came so close to Rainbow Pony that the other party did not notice it. It seemed that the mist had a strong interference with the perception ability.

In fact, for humans, with the current visibility, even teammates in the camp have to get very close to see clearly.

I don't dare to act rashly at all.

The chirping of insects disappeared, and the sounds of other living creatures were also silenced.

Occasionally there are some very faint calls.

There also seems to be interference with the propagation of sound.

Lidalu dug out a small lantern from her bag.

Golden light swayed out, slightly expanding the visible range.

What is this? Wan Yi asked directly.

Lidaro answered directly: A lantern made of phoenix stone as a wick can emit penetrating light in various environments. It is very useful for monsters like this that are good at blinding their sight.

As expected of a veteran hunter, he was very well prepared.

I still remember the direction of the flash horse. Should we take this opportunity to get closer and have a look? Another adventurer in the team next to him suggested.

Okay, I think this is an opportunity. The other party may be heading towards Shanju. If Shanju doesn't run away immediately, there is a high probability that Shanju will be caught up and a conflict will break out. Qi Dan thought for a while and agreed.

Everyone quickly made a decision and moved towards the flash horse together.

In Wan Yi's eyes, while the flash horse kept spinning, the foggy dragon had already approached within ten meters of the flash horse.

For the big ferocious beast, it is already a very dangerous distance!

The next moment, the flow of mist around the flash horse changed slightly.


Several bright and sharp purple lights flickered from the mist, crisscrossing across it. A monster with an unknown shape to the naked eye landed lightly on the ground, and the mist surged.

However, the killer in the fog seemed to have missed the mark.


Lightning flashed, and the whirlwind pushed away the surrounding fog. The flash horse stopped fifty meters away, looking at the place where he had just stood in horror.

so close! It almost got scratched just now!

Already torn apart, Mist Dragon turned around and continued to charge towards Shan Ju.

The mist was stirred up, transforming from static to violent.

Whoosh whoosh!

The fog-mysterious dragon itself constantly shuttles back and forth like an arrow, looking like a ghost in the fog.

But every attack could only be missed, and the flash horse seemed to be teleporting, dodging every attack it made at a very fast speed.

The Mist Dragon made a sharp chirp in displeasure.

Suddenly, Shanju seemed to be frightened, and his steps were a little disordered.

The Mist Dragon did not miss this opportunity and flashed through the fog again.

The flash horse dodged again, but soon let out a panicked cry.

On the neck, a faint scarlet line was left between the blue and white fur.

It hurts.

The Misty Dragon raised its ferocious front paws and tasted the fresh blood with its slender tongue, becoming even more excited.

Shanju still didn't dare to start speeding.

It lost its way in panic. Although it is very timid, it is not stupid. It sprints very fast, but when it cannot see clearly, it is no joke to hit something at its speed. .

Therefore, the Flash Horse can only be run over by the Mist Dragon within a limited range.

It still doesn't understand how it got into trouble with such a ferocious hunter when it has been hiding in this place.

As for head-on confrontation.

Sorry, this is not within Shanju's basic thinking.

The Misty Dragon is forcing Flash Horse into a desperate situation.

The goal can be achieved quickly. Hunting with your brain is easier than those big guys with no strength.

It thought so in its smart mind.

In recent days, more and more powerful people who are no less powerful than it have come to this new world, and it has been forced to change its temporary territory several times.

I was living a good life, waiting for the final moment to come, but unexpectedly a dog that looked like a human appeared.

Mist Dragon originally wanted to give the mad dog some color and make it stay away from its territory.

Then he saw the other party hunting in his own territory. A hill was cut in half by the other party with a tail on his head.

So Mist Dragon strategically retreated from its temporary territory.

After that, they found a place to rest. Not long after, a very deformed monster with seven heads ran into its new territory and ate there as soon as it entered.

Wu Milong was so angry that he did it directly.

He was almost bitten to death by seven heads and ran away.

After wandering all the way, it finally found a good place.

The owner here is a super soft persimmon. He has no strength and no matching courage, so he can be hunted and killed.

It had a very brief relationship with this soft persimmon in the previous land.

It watched that soft persimmon being frightened into panic by a few weak humans, so it was deeply impressed.

I didn't expect it to dare to come to this new world.

Mist Dragon felt that his fortune had turned around.

After following him for a few days, he decided to take action.

Although this soft persimmon seems to have been targeted by humans again, it doesn't matter. Several humans are easily lost in their own mist and are completely outside the scope of its attention.

After recalling the hard work and sadness of the past period of time, Wumilong can't wait!

at this time.


The sound of horse hooves came.

Mist Dragon instantly became vigilant.

The second hoofbeat?

The flash horse is still in the same place, and the sound of horse hooves comes from another direction, but the weirdest thing is... within the range of its mist control, there is nothing in that direction...

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