My doppelganger drama

Chapter 428 Repertoire: Giants in the Sea

After spending a long time in the sea water, Coffin mastered a slightly more comfortable swimming method.

As he shuttled rapidly through the sea, he held a big fish half as big as himself in his mouth. He quickly swallowed the big fish into his belly while swimming.

The escaping blood was quickly drained away by the water he stirred.

Sure enough, he hates sea water.

It's very difficult to perform in here, and every move you make feels like something is pressing down on you.

The big fish in the boss's territory seems to be very good at moving in this environment. It's really awesome. Do you want to try to imitate it next time?

Coffin thought vaguely in his mind.

But when they first met, Big Fish was almost eaten by him. After that, Big Fish avoided him the next few times he met... He obviously apologized!

Please, let’s talk about it next time after we get into the boss’s territory.

Suddenly, Coffin, who was swimming, felt a strong current undulating in front of and to his left in the distance.

With his nostrils flaring, Coffin quickly outlined the figure of the being stirring up the ocean current without much effort.

Big! Very strong!

Coffin's big eyes lit up, he used all four limbs together, and quickly approached the being swimming in front of him.

A huge shadow soon appeared in front of his eyes. The slender body was swimming leisurely, but the waves caused by just swimming were strong enough.

If it were close to the coast, this monster could easily set off a huge tsunami.

But these things are not important to Coffin!

He only felt that the existence in front of him must be fun!

It can bring him endless fun during his boring time crossing the sea!

So Coffin rushed forward.

But before he could touch the other person, the monster had already discovered him.

Because although Coffin is small in size, his unreserved presence is too strong. As long as he gets close to a certain distance, he cannot be ignored!

The huge figure swayed rapidly, the water flow fluctuated violently, and then the corner of the shadow deflected.

Coffin's eyes widened, and a huge tail fin was reflected in front of his eyes!


Coffin was caught in the act and couldn't avoid it.

His body flew up a long way before he stopped, and then he saw the figure turning around and rushing towards him.

A big fish, to be precise, an ichthyosaur, with a graceful and explosive body, a single horn that is as straight as a siege spear on the top of its head, and its eyes are so small that they are almost invisible.

The other party bumped towards Coffin.

Coffin ignored the discomfort of exerting force in the water and forcibly adjusted his body to slap his paw in front of him.

The claws collided with the opponent's bloody upper jaw.


The water flow fluctuated violently, and Coffin was knocked away again. The opponent shook his head, swung himself in the water to relieve the force, and then turned his body forward. The powerful and huge long tail was like a long whip swung by a god on mortal things!

Coffin saw it and reacted, but it was difficult for his body to maintain balance in the chaotic water flow, so he took another bite.

But this time it fell rapidly towards the bottom of the sea.

Through the chaotic sea water, he vaguely saw the other party opening his mouth in this direction, and the sea water around the monster was gathering towards an organ somewhere on the other party's body.

Then it is compressed and gathered into the mouth!

Woo... Coffin gritted his teeth, still unable to escape.


The white water column penetrated the layers of sea water and hit Coffin hard.

The tiny figure was trapped by this high-pressure water column and continued to fall, hitting a reef on the seabed midway. However, the fragile stone was naturally unable to withstand this terrifying pressure and easily shattered.

Coffin was thrown into a trench.

The water column dissipated and all the noise was drowned by the sea water.

Coffin lay in the sand at the bottom of the sea, feeling depressed.

There was darkness all around, but Coffin's eyes were not afraid of this, everything around him was clearly visible.

If he were on land, he could definitely flip that fish and grill it.

The same fish in the sea, in Coffin's senses, is far inferior to the big fish brother in the boss's territory!

However, the other party's use of the environment is better than Brother Big Fish.

Coffin doesn't have a good mind, and it's easy for him to eat like this when he's not accustomed to the environment.


Suddenly, Coffin saw a large squid several meters long swimming past not far from him.

Coffin's eyes suddenly lit up when he looked at the other party.

The big squid is a little panicked...

Where did this big boss come from? Isn't it okay if he plans to escape?

Just when the giant squid was watching Coffin uneasily, fearing that the other party would regard him as prey, it was surprised to see the big guy falling down with a huge movement and tentacles spread out on his body!

Actually, it's Coffin's hair.

The already hardened hair is also one of Coffin's commonly used weapons. It can be driven like a tentacle, but Coffin doesn't like that trouble. Usually, just shaking it is already very powerful.

But now, he had an idea and used this ability.

The thick long hair is divided into several strands, and then the water flows.


Coffin jumped up, causing a huge wave of sand and dust, and disappeared in a flash.

Big Squid: ...Okay, okay.

The big ichthyosaur could no longer feel Coffin's breath, so he turned back and continued on his way.

But before it swam very far, that strong sense of presence appeared behind it again.

Is it over?

It was a little annoyed at first, but it was quickly replaced by surprise.

What a speed! Is it a thing? !

Before it had time to adjust its body, a violent impact came from below, hitting its abdomen!

Roar - echoed melodiously, but spread out with a cry of pain and annoyance.

But the impact force is far from stopping, it is still holding it up and bringing it up quickly!

Is this inexplicable little thing trying to...

The big ichthyosaur reacted, but the opponent was charging so hard that it couldn't exert any force now!

About to arrive!

The sea!


The calm sea surface was suddenly broken, and a tall water column rose into the sky. It was unknown how high it was, and with it came a huge figure.

It was night at this time, with the full moon in the sky, and we witnessed the shocking scene of dragon emerging from the water.

However, this dragon is forced and its posture is not so graceful.

At night, because of the sailing banquet, the fleet was still very lively until very late.

However, as the night went on, the noise gradually calmed down.

At the end of the banquet, there was suddenly a little noise, which aroused the curiosity of some people.

Qi Dan was one of them. He originally wanted to go back to his room to rest after eating, but Lidalu pulled him and refused to let him go.

What a disgusting senior.

While Lidalu was drunk, he had already planned to sneak away, but soon he saw several investigators from the archives who had just received some news and were discussing it.

He approached and said, What happened?

Oh, Qi Dan. Someone recognized him and said without any hesitation, An abnormal situation was confirmed in a sea area not far from the fleet. It is said that a very huge monster is causing trouble.

That's it. Qi Dan was surprised, Have you checked in depth?

That sea area is in the human fishing and hunting area, so it is probably an old friend. A team has already been sent out to investigate. The results should be available soon. Can we wait together?

Qi Dan hesitated, it was getting late.

But just as he began to hesitate, he heard a shout.

It was confirmed that the 'Poseidon' appeared in the southeast corner of the fleet!

The big fish in Coffin’s eyes → Luo Xi

Luo Xi:?

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