My doppelganger drama

Chapter 427 Repertoire: Outsiders

Wan Yi finally ended his leisurely vacation and embarked on the road to find Coffin Gouzi.

I argued and argued with my clone, but in the end I had to do it myself.

Because if you go, it means we have gone too. Isn't this a very simple and easy-to-understand truth? This is the reason of the clones.

However, the clones didn't completely let him make the trip alone. At least they sent out the toilet plug to help Wan Yi's original body get to the edge of the target boundary.

On the way, he met the people of the Extreme Sect. Facing their obstruction, the Toilet Stopper directly blasted their defense line and then threw Wan Yi down above the boundary zone.

After entering the boundary time and space, Wan Yi originally planned to take a look at the situation. Most likely, he would find a way to rush to the New World first and wait there.

Just when he was about to think of a solution, Wan Yi received an arrangement from the boundary space and time that he hadn't seen in a long time.

Moreover, it happens to be the identity related to the new investigation team in the script.

Due to various factors, there is still a royal family in this unified country of mankind in the world, but how much power the royal family has in front of the Adventurer General Guild and the National Archives needs to be questioned.

But no matter what, there are still certain cards. After all, it is a big mouthpiece to the outside world.

In the new investigation team, the royal family also sent a group of people as consultants.

In fact, there is no real power, and if you can't find a suitable location during the journey, you may be forced to do hard work, tilling fields and repairing buildings.

But no matter what, Wan Yi, who had obtained this position and identity, blended into this huge recruiting team and embarked on the journey with them.

Advisor of the royal family? Qi Dan was not too surprised after hearing this. He calmed down a little and said, Hello, I am an investigator from the National Archives. I was originally part of the Keba tracking team.

Yes, I know that you graduated early with excellent results from the Archives Union College. After passing many tests, you joined the front-line tracking team at a young age, and even tracked that Keba. Wan Yi complimented.

Some simple information can be obtained after coming here and spending a little time.

Even if this consultant status is useless, he is still an insider after all, and it is still more prestigious to speak out.

Where, I have also received care from many people... Well, Mr. Consultant, are you interested in Keba, right? Qi Dan didn't want to get involved too much in such unnecessary matters, so he talked about what happened at the beginning. .

Just call me Wan Yi. Wan Yi first said this to close the distance, and then sat down next to Qi Dan: Yes, I am very interested in Keba. You can say that you are the most interested in Keba in this world. Can you, a group of people you know, tell me, a layman like me?

It's an exaggeration. I just looked at it a little more than others. If you...are interested, of course I can tell you about it, Qi Dan said.

Facing the live portrait of Keba fighting the Thunder Dragon in his hand, Qi Dan began to talk about it from a more basic and simple perspective.

What was surprising was that the other party was not very familiar with some basic knowledge of monsters, such as classification, structure, distribution, ecology, etc., so Qi Dan immediately regarded the other party as a complete layman.

However, after getting a little deeper into Keba and talking about Keba's individual characteristics and habits, I was surprised to find that the other person seemed to know a lot about this aspect.

They even gave some novel explanations for some Keba habits that their team still didn’t understand.

Although not to mention how professional it is, Qi Dan thought about it a little and found that it was an idea worth exploring in depth.

Looking at Wan Yi next to him who could talk eloquently about Keba's every move, Qi Dan labeled him a Keba fanatical fan in his heart.

This conversation couldn't help but go on for a long time, and the time came to dusk.

The conversation between the two came to an end.

After realizing it, Qi Dan felt his mouth was dry. Looking at Wan Yi who still seemed to be very enthusiastic, he said, You must be a fanatical fan of Keba.

That's right, but he doesn't have any 'idol baggage' with me.

Him? Qi Dan was a little strange about Wan Yi's nickname for Keba.

Although Wan Yi has never encountered communication difficulties in this broken world due to different boundaries, time, space and national cultures, there are sometimes slight differences.

The biggest difference is a simple pronoun.

In Wanyi's past countries, third-person pronouns all have the same pronunciation, but in many other languages ​​this difference is obvious.

It seems the same is true in this world.

After all, Keba is a human being, isn't he? Old God Wan Yi said calmly.

But it is impossible for human beings to have such extraordinary power. Although there have indeed been many powerful adventurers with bodies that surpass ordinary monsters, Keba is not just a simple body. It also possesses special energy that only monsters can have. It has A powerful special move that can be launched without the help of external objects. Qi Dan said.

That's true, but I still think he's just a human. After all, he was just a wolf boy in the beginning.

Indeed. Qi Dan did not completely deny it.

It or he, different people have different determinations. This kind of controversy still exists in the archives today, and it cannot be easily denied.

Maybe one day Keba will suddenly wake up, choose to give up his beast-like habits, enter the human world, and become a strong human being instead of a big ferocious beast.

This kind of scene is something everyone likes to see.

A little strange, though.

Qi Dan always felt that the royal advisor in front of him had a somewhat different feeling for Keba than the fanatical fan he knew.

No one would think of Keba as a harmless puppy.

But this person seems to think so.

How strange.

But Qi Dan didn't think about it carefully.

The world is full of wonders, but there are always people with weirder brains.

Wan Yi stood up and said: Thank you, you let me know a lot about Coffin in the eyes of you professionals.

What is 'Kefen'? Qi Dan asked subconsciously.

I have a big dog at home who is very noisy. Many times, he is always confused with the dog you call him. Wan Yi said casually.

Qi Dan was confused.

It's getting late, the canteen on the ship should be open. Don't starve yourself on the first day of departure. Our supplies are quite sufficient, so there's no need to skimp. There will be a sailing banquet in the evening. After saying that, Wan Yi turned and left. , walked into the cabin and disappeared.

Qi Dan paused on the spot and turned to look at the setting sun behind him.

My mind involuntarily recalled my past experience of observing Keba at a closer distance.

It seems that what that person said is not unreasonable.

Shaking his head and putting aside the strange thoughts, Qi Dan did feel a little hungry, so he got up and went to the cabin canteen to see the sailing banquet and eat something on the way.

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