My doppelganger drama

Chapter 429 Play: Poseidon and Dog

Although many people are drunk, most of them are quite measured and just a little tipsy is enough. They still need to maintain a minimum level of sobriety during the trip.

This shout instantly broke the originally peaceful atmosphere, and the people who were talking and laughing suddenly became serious.

Qi Dan was stunned for a moment when he heard the name Sea Titan. Because he was not familiar with the ecology of marine monsters, he did not turn around at once.

It is indeed it, old friend. The southeastern coast of the mainland is its roaming area. It is not unexpected to encounter it. The investigative scholar who had previously answered Qi Dan's question said with a smile.

Qi Dan also realized the symbolic meaning of the name Sea Titan at this time.

The sea monster is a water dragon type monster, rated as a big vicious beast!

The giant sea monster that occupies the southeastern coastal waters is regarded as a terrifying monster by the fishermen in this area as the god of the sea!

But in fact, the sea giant is a relatively gentle monster. It rarely floats to the surface of the sea, and basically lives under the ocean, and has basically nothing to do with human fishing and hunting activities.

There are just many sightings recorded by fishermen.

Because it is a sea monster, it is very difficult to observe and track it. In addition to its gentle habits, although it exists in the catalog of big and dangerous beasts, no tracking and investigation team has been established.

But there are still teams that regularly confirm its status.

But we don't know how far the sea giant's territory extends. We are already far away from the land. We don't know if it has a tendency to migrate to the new world. Another mature scholar said.

Go ask the investigation team that just came back! The more impatient person ran out directly.

Qi Dan also followed out out of curiosity.

Crossing the bridge between the fleets and coming to another large ship, I saw the investigation team who seemed a little shocked.

Coincidentally, Qi Dan saw the old man Khaki who was leading the team, and the other party also saw Qi Dan and waved to him.

Mr. Khaki, what do you say about Poseidon's situation?

Facing Qi Dan's question, the old man Khaki looked strange.

Qi Dan was puzzled.

The old man Khaki finally spoke concisely: There was a conflict between Poseidon and Keba.


Qi Dan was stunned.

Why Keba again?

Although it was nice to see familiar monsters again, did this goodbye come a little too soon?

And every time I heard about it, it was about it fighting other monsters.

There is an indescribable feeling.

Well, let's wait and see first. When monsters conflict in the wild, we usually just wait and see. Old Khaki shook his head and said.

Unless the monster conflict occurs in a human-inhabited area, humans will definitely not interfere in the struggle between the big beasts.

Some people put on life jackets and got on the boat, but they were still ready to see it with their own eyes.

Keba is known as the Beast Killer among adventurers.

Because Keba has hunted many prestigious ferocious beasts since his debut, and among the big ferocious beasts, the Ten Thousand Fierce Dragons have also fallen under its claws.

This strange behavior is very curious.

And the most important thing is that this Beast Killer has never lost a single record of monster conflicts that can be confirmed!

The Ten Thousand Fierce Dragons were chewed until only a few bones were found, and the Thunder Dragon fled with its wings broken off.

These two most dazzling achievements are unique in the monster world.

Triton is a mysterious sea monster, and its conflict with Keba in the sea is one that many people are not willing to miss!

When Qi Dan wanted to go, he found that the boat was already full of people.

Want to go? Suddenly, a familiar voice came from the side.

Qi Dan followed the sound and saw the consultant, Wan Yi, who was standing there at some point.

I didn't notice him at all just now...

But Qi Dan didn't think too much and said bluntly: I want to.

follow me.

Wan Yi waved.

Qi Dan turned around and found that old Khaki had gone to have a small meeting again, so he followed Wan Yi directly.

When we came to the bottom of the boat, there was a black motorboat.

Qi Dan looked at the motorboat and didn't recognize what such a small boat was for. The design style was also very unfamiliar, but he was not a professional in this area and couldn't tell anything.

We can only seat a few people, so I'll make do with you. After Wan Yi sat on it, he threw Qi Dan a life jacket from nowhere.

After Qi Dan put it on, he sat obediently behind Wan Yi and asked, You...don't you use it?

No need. If I hadn't taken you with me, I would have just gone on horseback.

horse riding?

Just as Qi Dan asked, Wan Yi turned the handle.

The engine roared and the motorboat started to drive out. Qi Dan was so scared that he grabbed Wan Yi's clothes.

Wan Yi gave it a little free rein and didn't intend to attract too much attention.

I didn't expect the news from Coffin to come so soon.

Is this some kind of fate?

Anyway, I still have to go and see it first.

My dog ​​went to bully other people's children again.

There was no special reason why I brought Qi Dan with me. I just grabbed it when I saw it. He chatted with me all afternoon and provided a lot of information about Coffin from the perspective of people in this world. In return, he fulfilled his little wish. Not a problem.

After sailing for a certain distance, the sea gradually became unstable at night.

Wan Yi! Qi Dan suddenly shouted to the front.

In front of them, a huge wave suddenly hit them like a wall of water.

Wan Yi didn't answer, quickly adjusted, and then raised his body.

The motorboat flew onto the huge wave, started to ride, easily climbed over it and then fell back to the sea.

Qi Dan was so frightened that his face turned pale.

And this is just the beginning. The sea in front of us has stripped off its gentle coat and has become violent and full of dangers.

Qi Dan held on to Wan Yi tightly, and saw Wan Yi jumping up and down on a motorboat, making Wuhu sounds from time to time. He seemed to be having a great time, but Qi Dan's own heart almost jumped out of his throat.

For a young scholar who has been immersed in books and materials all year round, this strenuous water activity is still a little too exciting.

Qi Dan closed his eyes and no longer wanted to look.

Qi Dan, we're here.

Hearing this, Qi Dan quickly opened his eyes and carefully wiped the seawater on his face with his hand.

Looking around, he saw the shocking scene.

On the majestic sea, the huge and white body reflects a dreamy color under the moonlight. If one sees it directly, no one will question what is wrong with calling it a god.

But at this time, this god didn't look good.

The scales on the body were broken in many places, and ferocious claw marks extended on the beautiful body, destroying the original beauty.

The sea giant made a melodious cry, and its body kept rolling in the ocean, but at this time, there was nothing it could do about the tiny demon figure.

Coffin was covered in blood, of course not his own blood, but the blood of the big fish dragon in front of him.

After delaying the big monster in front of him on the sea, he quickly gained the absolute upper hand.

The opponent's huge body has become a burden, and he is gradually facing the fate of being consumed by Coffin to death!

Under the moon, among the waves, the Poseidon will fall to the claws of the devil dog!

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