My doppelganger drama

Chapter 424 Location

It makes me greedy. Wan Yi said, taking a cup of tea from Liang Rendao's hand and took a sip without looking like he was drinking tea.

You are so greedy that you can help yourself to something to eat. What are you going to do with my tea?

I thought you prepared so much tea for us. Wan Yi put the teacup back.

It was originally like this, but it's not like this anymore.

Then I'm lucky, I drank it before you changed your mind.

The playful conversation between the two made Red couldn't help but smile tactfully.

Although Demon Lord and Liang Rendao are much higher than others in terms of strength and vision, they really have no airs when getting along in the theater.

Especially Liang Rendao, who looks like an immortal at first glance, but has a very difficult temperament.

After knowing Liang Rendao's scumbag deeds in the past, it is probably even more difficult to regard him as a respected senior.

Of course, Red and Fukong still respect him in all aspects.

Wan Yi would not be very considerate.

Liang Rendao helplessly eliminated the tea cup Wan Yi drank from, and then made another cup with tea: The context of this play is already clear. With the change of the boundary zone, the internal boundary of time and space changes. There was quite a reaction in Coffin’s world.”

The powerful monsters are marching towards the New World and attracting countless humans. A lot of things will definitely happen there by then.

What is the attraction from the New World? Wan Yi asked.

Liang Rendao took a sip of tea and said: It is most likely that it is the arrangement of the will of the boundary. For the abyss boundary zone, the impact of the collapse of the boundary zone is also a suitable opportunity. Taking advantage of its own fluctuation period, we can also try to completely Unify yourself internally and elevate yourself to a higher level.”

Is Coffin in danger?

If it is within the world of this script, I think it is probably not possible. If it is fully unfolded, Coffin is an evil beast that I have to spend a lot of effort to tame. That is to say, he has a pure heart and is easily seized by opportunities. The good old god said on the ground.

The corners of Fu Kong's eyes twitched slightly.

Are you innocent?

Thinking of the mad dog that chased and bit him, Fukong felt that he didn't know whether the silly dog ​​was innocent or not. Fukong was bitten so much that he no longer wanted to be kind to him.

Oh, sorry, he seems to have never been innocent.

I hope that people who have spent half their lives in the world and half their lives in the battlefield can show any kind of innocence.

His eyes?

After Wan Yi thought for a while, he directly called the clone from the outside world for help.

The biggest reason why he suddenly paid attention to Coffin's activities was that Coffin was different from other people in the play. Coffin was quite original.

When the characters in the play awaken and step into the theater, their spiritual level has transcended the original world of the script, and they will have something to rely on for their thinking and actions. Even changes in the environment will not have a decisive impact on them.

As for Coffin, there is no such thing as a mental state in the strict sense.

To this day, Wan Yi still thinks that Coffin's awakening was a complete accident.

Putting this aside, what you need to know is that Coffin's brutal and direct habits keep him far away from the theater and at the same time extremely close to the script world where he comes from.

Therefore, when some unexplainable change occurs in the world of the script, Fukong can only think about and judge what is going to happen based on clues, but Coffin can join in the mysterious change immediately.

There are many mysteries surrounding Coffin, but they are far less reassuring than a good man.

It is necessary to pay attention to the script and also take care of it manually.

In the outside world, Baojie Wan Yi received the instructions from his body, curled his lips, and put down the cat teasing stick.

Shh, he's not fishing.

The main body has seen it, but if he didn't say it, it means there is none.

Mr. Mask looked at the clone speechlessly.

In fact, it has no interest in cat teasing sticks, and it is not a real cat, it just looks like a cat, but Wan Yi still likes to think of it as a cat, especially the owner's clones who like to make trouble.

It doesn’t look like he’s teasing a cat, but more like he’s entertaining himself.

Meow~. After yawning, Mr. Mask went to sleep by himself.

Just as I closed my eyes, I suddenly felt a furry sensation on my nose.

It drooped and opened its eyes.

Damn it, it forgot that there is a clone of the master in the house who is responsible for cooking.

While Mr. Mask was forced to tease him, Wan Yi, the cleaner, picked up the Guiyi database terminal that was placed casually on the bedside table in the bedroom.

Start searching for information directly based on some features in Coffin's script.

At the same time, Domego and Lucas, who were cleaning up the mess, asked similar topics to their bosses who were temporarily following them.

Gui Yiyi and Baicang, both perspectives are rewarding.

In the Guiyi archives, an abyss boundary zone code-named 'Mantu' constructs a world belonging to monsters, in which humans live in the cracks. Although there are actually many well-known boundary zones with fantasy animals on the ground, but comparison After reading the world map in Coffin's script, I locked onto this one. Baojie Wan Yi said to the terminal while collecting information.

According to the official name of Guiyi Dao, it should be 'Mantu', but after a certain group of explorers who went deep into the boundary came into contact with a mysterious boundary will, they came out and claimed that the name of the abyss boundary should be 'Spiral' or 'End'.

Yes, don't look at me like that. I'm not telling you. That group of people is the predecessor of the current Extreme Church, and that abyss boundary zone is the origin of the Dog of the End.

Meta shrugged at Domego.

Domeko blinked in response, which was quite perfunctory.

Actually, the boundary strip itself does not show any characteristics consistent with the spiral and the dog of the end, but the people of the Extreme Religion have indeed obtained the power of transformation given by the gods, so they can be regarded as having gained the admission to worship Cang. Voucher.”

The true identity of the Dog of the End is also very mysterious within Baicang. I am afraid that only those within the Extreme Church know this secret. Those people are complete anti-social lunatics and nihilists. You'd better just be curious and don't be serious. Get involved with them.”

Bishop Jumping Spider spoke, his tone suddenly became stern, he raised one of his front legs and pointed at Lucas.

Lucas smiled shyly, stretched out one of the spider legs behind him, and lightly touched the toes of the jumping spider bishop.

Bishop Jumping Spider quickly retracted his feet and jumped away: Abnormal! The science popularization is over, come and work!

In the theater, Wan Yi also received all these situations.

Barbarian Map, Spiral, End, no matter what the name of that boundary zone is, he already knows the location of the other party. It is located in a group of free sky islands at the junction of the Earth Union and the Silver-Gold Union. Periodically After two major alliances.

The location is a bit awkward, and it is difficult for Wan Yi to directly send people there on a large scale.

Thinking of this, Wan Yi couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

Yes, usually in this situation, one of the best ways is for him to travel lightly and make another trip in person.

And all Wan Yi people will definitely agree with this approach.

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