My doppelganger drama

Chapter 425 Repertoire: It doesn’t seem to have much to do with dogs

The teams of Lidalu and Qi Dan arrived at the largest coastal port city in the East China Sea not long ago.

Now at the port of this city, a large-scale fleet is already waiting, and only their helmsmen are required to board the ship and drive it.

At the same time, people were coming and going at the port, and a large amount of materials were being moved up.

While taking the mission to the New World to conduct investigations, they also have a mission that cannot be ignored, which is to support the old pioneer team that stayed in the New World early.

These supplies are also crucial for this journey.

There is a lot of goods, and the error tolerance is sufficient. It is only required that half of the goods can be delivered normally.

The sea is not safe, and the isolated new investigation team may encounter various dangers. There are also many terrible monsters in the sea. There are only a lot more mysteries of monsters under the vast sea surface than on land.

It's okay, okay, it's good that the conditions given by the superiors are not so tight. Lidalu said with a smile after listening to the story of the old man Khaki.

Qi Dan said: Such a high fault tolerance only shows that this long journey will not be easy. This is not something to be happy about.

Lidalu stretched out his big hand and patted the newcomer on the head: Don't always worry about the risks when taking risks.

We are not going on an adventure, we are on a mission. Qi Dan muttered.

Lidaro didn't pay attention, and looked at the large ships lined up outside the window in front of her, her eyes shining brightly.

For most adventurers who challenge monsters, controlling giant objects is also a very common hobby.

At this time, several people pulled a cart of things to the resting place of their team. A man got out of the car and said, Is this the temporary residence of the Keba tracking investigation team?

Well, yes. Lidaro stood up and said.

Your express delivery has arrived, please move it.

Has the express arrived!?

Suddenly, everyone else in the team who was resting became interested.

Because of the emergency signs of this new investigation team, many people in the team can only contact, explain and say goodbye to their relatives and friends in their free time before and after arriving.

From the Gu family's point of view, this sudden sign cannot make people happy.

It has been more than fifty years since the New World was discovered and pioneered.

Due to the shortcomings of long-distance navigation technology and various problems, a total of two survey teams and three pioneering teams were dispatched.

The scale is getting bigger each time, making a significant contribution to the expansion of the New World environment.

But abandoning the macro-level journey and returning to the relationship between people, it has been more than fifty years since the earliest investigation team was dispatched.

Fifty years, how many lives.

Many people die there directly.

This time of emergency recruitment, there is no end in sight, and it is very likely that we will never see you again.

Many people in Lidalu's team couldn't help but shed tears when communicating with their families.

But no one turned down the call.

This world is like this. In order for future generations to live in a more stable world without having to worry about conflicts with monsters or being threatened by powerful monsters, the people here have long been prepared for their careers.

These couriers are basically sent from their respective homes.

It contains all kinds of necessary daily necessities. Although there is a uniform for the outer clothing, many clothes for wearing inside are also delivered, as well as recent photos of the family, messages from the wife and children, etc.

Not to mention a young team member, the express delivery he received was a wedding ring.

The young man was sobbing uncontrollably again, while other teammates cheered, applauded and congratulated him.

After Lidalu clapped and cheered, he took his things with a smile. Then he was a little surprised to see the newcomer Qi Dan opening a heavy luggage, which contained a large number of books.

“What your family sent you was truly extraordinary.”

I asked my grandfather to send it to me. Many of them are ancient books and licensed copies from the archives. They should be used in the future. Qi Dan said lightly.

Your grandfather, I remember, was the administrator of the library of the Archives Headquarters. When I went there, I was scolded by the old man because I was too aggressive in turning over books.

Is there such a thing? Qi Dan sounded a little surprised, but there was no expression on his face. He quickly picked up the book with both hands to confirm the content.

Lidalu sat on his big suitcase and said, You boy, a group of grown men here can't help crying over this matter, but you are really calm.

Qi Dan said: Didn't I say that my parents were members of the early pioneering group? For me, I just went to find my father and mother, although I have no impression of them.

His words seemed a little cold.

That's right. Lida Lu seemed to have tasted something, so without saying anything more, she opened her luggage and started to check things.

The moment the luggage was opened, Qi Dan, who was the nearest, immediately felt a pressing and fierce energy seeping out of the box.

The image of a ferocious purple-black monster flashed in his mind, peeping at him with hateful eyes behind him, and his legs couldn't help but feel weak.


A loud high-five interrupted Zidan's unrealistic fantasy and brought him back to reality.

Boy, have you come to your senses? Then he saw Lida Lu looking at him with a look of dismay on his face.

Qi Dan made a fool of himself in front of this old man who he always thought was very unreliable. Qi Dan's fair face was a little embarrassed and he blushed, but he quickly adjusted: What are you doing?

He stepped forward, walked around behind Lida, and saw what was in the luggage.

It was a set of equipment glowing with purple-black luster, with ferocious edges and corners, revealing ruthlessness and hidden violence.

To be precise, it is not a complete set. It only includes limb armor, shoulder armor, and part of the back armor.

The most important thing is the big sword at the bottom that can be called the murderous weapon.

Weapons are just weapons.

That's what he said, but looking at this set of equipment, Qi Dan couldn't bear to take the initiative to touch them, and just wanted to stay away.

It feels like if you stay in it for too long, you might get mentally exhausted from this equipment.

However, he still forced himself to observe these things with his naked eyes despite the frightening aura.

Soon, Qi Dan raised his eyebrows: Is this weapons and equipment made from monster materials rated as ferocious beasts or above?

That kind of weaponry can already be called a magical weapon.

According to the rules in the Joint Statement between the Adventurers General Guild and the National Archives, it is natural to defeat monsters, obtain their materials, and build weapons.

Materials are allocated based on combat contribution. Materials with a beast rating or above can directly enjoy the priority creation treatment of the National Weapons Department.

There are fee and additional material reductions for ferocious beast rating materials, and all big ferocious beast ratings are free!

Equipment made from the material of 'Yai Can Fang'.

At this time, Lidaro was very polite and introduced in an understatement.

But at this moment, the pride in his eyes almost overflowed.

Yaiju fangs!? Qi Dan exclaimed.

No wonder he was so surprised.

Because this name belongs to a big ferocious beast!

A mammal tiger-shaped ferocious beast.

This big ferocious beast has a cruel character and will seek revenge. It initially preyed on the adventurers walking in the mountains, but was attacked by the adventurers and began to hate all human beings, launching endless attacks and revenge.

Humans in the city closest to it launched many encirclement and suppression campaigns, but it allowed it, which was only rated as a beast at the beginning, to escape death several times.

Because whenever it is hit, the vicious aura always surges.

After finally reaching the level of a big beast, it directly launched an attack on human cities.

After a fierce battle, it was captured by humans.

But now, with this set of equipment appearing here, it seems that the identity of the mysterious hero who made a huge contribution in that crusade is self-evident.

Hey, it's not complete. After all, without the cooperation of others, I couldn't break its two fangs to give it a fatal blow. The two broken teeth ended up here. Lidalu patted the big knife sword.

The other equipment was made with a little fur material and bones. After the comrades distributed some more, the bulk was given to the archives.

For an adventurer, being able to build a weapon like this is already the pinnacle of life! Qi Dan couldn't help but said after hearing what he said.

Lidalu nodded, agreeing with Qi Dan's words.

However, Qi Dan still found it difficult to calm down.

Although he knew that Lidalu should have been a very powerful adventurer in the past, Qi Dan had always been confused about the fact that an adventurer joined the archives after semi-retirement.

He can't deal with his enthusiastic personality, he is too familiar and even a little annoying.

Therefore, Qi Dan was not polite and often eliminated him, and Lidalu was never annoyed.

It turns out that this senior, who usually seems quite unreliable, is actually a ruthless person who can serve as the main tactical point in the group operation to defeat the big beast!

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