My doppelganger drama

Chapter 423 Play: Fans and Dogs

The Thunder Dragon ran away.

Although it looked miserable, it shrewdly avoided the fatal injuries that Coffin might inflict on it in a short period of time. Relying on the strong vitality, it only takes a little time and food to replenish it, and this flesh injury will even recover in a few hours.

Except for the broken horn.

And the reason why it was able to escape from Coffin's hands in such a situation was mainly because it broke off its wrist and left its own wings.

Coffin was blinded by the big wings, allowing the Thunder Dragon to seize the opportunity and escape into the mountains and forests.

As they exist at the top of the ecological niche for a long time, all kinds of big and ferocious beasts, combined with their habits and extraordinary wisdom, often give birth to something like the dignity of the strong.

But their base is still monsters, beasts.

When he realized that this was not a strong confrontation, but a simple violent hunting, the Sky Thunder Dragon lost the idea of ​​a head-on confrontation and ran away.

This time it was a complete victory for Coffin.

Seeing Coffin holding his freshly picked dragon wings and chewing them, the team observing the battle on the airship in the distance were so surprised that they were speechless.

There was silence for a while, and as the wind and rain receded, the environment returned to calm.

Only the inspector was left writing notes silently, describing everything he had just seen.

Someone will help me draw. After recording, he quickly shouted to the other team members who were still in a daze. He found someone to help and then silently started the next part of the work.

With his shout, the atmosphere on the airship deck became slightly more relaxed.

The adventurers took the lead in chatting.

What did I say? Keba will definitely win and treat me to a drink tonight!

What do you think you are so proud of? It's all because of Keba.

Hey, I bet it would be boring to talk like this!

These were two adventurers who had a verbal exchange after the battle between Keba and Sky Thunder Dragon.

The Sky Thunder Dragon actually escaped, allowing it to choose to escape instead of fighting until the last moment. Does this mean that it thinks that it has no chance of winning against Keba?

The Sky Thunder Dragon didn't cause any damage to Keba at all. It seems like it didn't consume anything at all!

It's a pity that I didn't see Keba's signature terminal spiral.

But the Sky Thunder Dragon used the legendary 'Spear of Judgment', and we were so addicted to it.

It's a pity that the 'Spear of Judgment' was cut off at once.

But it's still powerful, isn't it?

I can't see.

Come on, you are just a Sky Thunder Dragon Heizi!

Fart! I am Keba Chui!

The adventurers chatted and began to have daily disputes.

This is also a very common thing.

Except for a few very annoying monsters, many powerful monsters have their own charm.

Although there are differences or even conflicts between the positions of monsters and humans, and adventurers are often the front line against monsters, this does not prevent adventurers from admiring and even respecting those strong ones.

Just like ardent fans, different monsters often have various admirers, and they are happy to express their admiration after dinner and dinner. How powerful, beautiful and handsome the monster is.

If it is in a more public place, it is easy to provoke refutation from another group.

Then a shouting match ensued.

Commonly known as, fighting beast.

Of course, the biggest difference between this kind of adventurer and the kind of fandom that modern society is familiar with is that if their idol does something that threatens the safety of mankind, there will be some bounty mission or the like.

Then they must be the first to kill their idol first.

If you can defeat your idol and use the idol as material to make weapons and equipment, you will be a staunch fan leader!

It’s just that the monsters probably don’t really want this kind of fandom.

As a big and old beast, the Sky Thunder Dragon has been gaining prestige for a long time. Especially the adventurers who came out of Thunder Mountain basically came out listening to the legend of the Sky Thunder Dragon.

There are many Thunder Dragon fans who are adventurers whose ultimate long-cherished wish is to defeat the Thunder Dragon.

As Keba is a rising star, and he is also a monster of uncertain humanoid form, Yun really doesn't have many fans, and he still needs to accumulate. Most of his die-hard fans have had more or less contact with him.

They even fought each other accidentally.

Specifically why it is said to be unintentional.

Because if he really faced Keba head-on and was looked at by him, the survival rate would be less than 3%.

Keba lost a large number of die-hard fans.

However, among the fans of Keba, there are quite a few women who are up to no good.

There are even female adventurers who want to defeat Keba and bring him back as a pet. There are many such weird things.

It’s hard to say exactly what kind of pet this “pet” is.

Keba has become stronger again. The people here in the archives are a little more normal than this group of adventurers. Of course, this level of normality is probably the difference between fanatic fans and sane fans compared with ordinary adventurers.

Well, when it hunted the Ten Thousand Fierce Dragons seven years ago, it still put a little thought into it and even saw blood.

The individual strength of the Sky Thunder Dragon is undoubtedly higher than that of the Ten Thousand Fierce Dragons, and even a level higher if the environment is suitable. However, Keba's hunting this time was even more satisfying. He ate the 'Spear of Judgment' head-on and was actually unscathed. .”

Keba's body has no protection. How strong a body must he have to withstand that kind of attack without getting hurt!

Speaking of which, have the archives been trying to investigate Keba's specific origins based on clues for some time? Do you have any clues? The straitjacket on his body is still very obvious.

I have indeed looked for that matter. It seems to be related to a religion. I don't know the details. You can check it out when you go back.

Well, thank you.

The people in the archives are more pragmatic than the adventurers when talking, but they are full of doubts and curiosity.

Okay everyone, we are not Keba's tracking team. The Thunder Dragon will disappear if we continue to rest in a daze. It is seriously injured. We can observe it better! The representative of the Federation of Trade Unions clapped his hands and called.

Everyone then resumed their work, talking and laughing, and changed the direction of the airship.

Although Keba is right in front of them, they are the tracking and investigation team of the Sky Thunder Dragon, and all preparations they have made are to deal with the Sky Thunder Dragon. Looking for Keba directly is not chasing stars but seeking death.

The early morning supervisor also finished the work at hand and said: I want to update the archives database immediately. By the way, Keba's new movements also need to be reported. I remember that Keba's team just lost Keba's whereabouts not long ago.

But they seem to have been ordered to prepare for the new investigation team?

Oh, don't we want to go too? But originally we planned to meet up with the team after the Thunder Dragon crossed the sea for a long distance. Now we are probably going to be late.

Everyone said it in a flurry of voices.

Okay, okay, we still have plenty of time, don't be anxious, let's continue our work!

The humanity of the Federation of Trade Unions.

It didn't take long for Coffin to finish the pair of wings. The texture of the Thunder Dragon's meat was very good, and the taste of the residual electric current was quite satisfying to Coffin.

It's a pity that the dragon ran away, otherwise Gao Luo would have grabbed the tail and brought it down.

After eating and drinking, Keba glanced at the airship that had turned into a small black dot in the distance.

There seemed to be humans up there again.

Forget it, humans are too lazy to care, apologizing is very troublesome.

After waiting for a long time, he confirmed that he had eaten the wings of a good prey, but he could not grow wings. Coffin's dream of flying was shattered again and again countless times.

No longer entangled, he jumped into the air, then flipped several times randomly in the air, and fell into the sea water, making high splashes.

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