My doppelganger drama

Chapter 417 Repertoire: Handsome Guy and Silly Dog

Chapter 417 Repertoire: Handsome Guy (×) Silly Dog (√)

It's just some experience. Liang Rendao replied.

Mr. Liang Rendao, according to what you mean, even the will of those boundary zones needs to be absorbed within oneself in order to make oneself...

Awakening? Wan Yi answered when Red couldn't find a good word.

Thinking of this, Wan Yi suddenly recalled Luo Xi.

When Luo Xi awakened as a character in the play, the boundary zone of the Sea Monster abyss seemed to be in a state where the will was first opened. Could it be that it had just completed some kind of absorption and completed itself at that time.

Yes, it can be said that they probably need various samples as reference, and various victims will inevitably appear in the process. And after their supreme will awakens, to use the usual mythological expression, that is When the Lord God awakens, the entire world will be under his control, and the fate of living creatures will all depend on the will itself.

After the 'study' is completed, you won't need textbooks? Wan Yi said in a slightly sarcastic tone.

The good man kept smiling: Sadly and cruelly, yes.

This is really...

You can scold me if you want. There is a 'will' among us. Liang Rendao joked.

Wan Yi looked at the door this time, sensed the theater to confirm that no one was hiding behind the door and eavesdropped, and said: How can the Demon Lord be the same?

Fu Kong couldn't help but click his tongue when he heard that person's name, but he didn't shy away from the topic. Instead, he asked curiously: The situation in that person's world seems to be different?

Actually, it's quite routine. Different attempts at learning the will of the boundary belt lead to different traces left by them in the time and space of the boundary. Some of the wills of the boundary belt only manifest themselves a few times without attracting attention, while others Those who are a little bit rough will make some 'mortals' enlightened, and those who are a little rough and unable to restrain themselves will create a substantial incarnation for themselves.

After the words fell, the theater fell into a brief silence.

So the original Demon Dragon was the third attempt you mentioned, but this attempt seems very risky. Wan Yi commented.

It is true that the risk is very high, but it is not the risk you think. After all, although Bell's resistance was successful, the dragon was not actually eaten away. The two are a process of mutual integration. If it is really necessary The result is that the will of the boundary zone absorbed everything about Bell in an instant, and was forced to regard Bell as a benchmark for learning, and finally completely 'learned' to be like Bell.

It can be regarded as a replacement in a sense. Rhett thought.

The good man nodded and did not deny this statement.

This is indeed interesting. Wan Yi inexplicably remembered the network in his brain.

Although he has only tried to replace other individuals in a sense.

Fu Kong changed the topic: What are the real risks of the third attempt?

It's easy to spoil the world. Liang Rendao gave the answer calmly.

The three listeners were not surprised.

For the will of the boundary zone, although the internal time and space is a vast world accompanying it, and although it is the object of their learning, the relationship between the loss of control and the boundary itself does not seem to be that close.

The world of the Demon Lord was once forced into a doomsday desperate situation by the evil spirits extended by the Great Realm Demon Dragon. It was only thanks to the Demon Lord that it could make an ultimate comeback.

But what awaits after the destruction of time and space is just another cycle, and what the boundary belt has to pay for its will is just to wait a little longer.

Totally unequal, plus one on the Broken World fuck indicator.

By the way, what about Coffin? Rhett thought of a certain dog that was frightened by the abnormality of the boundary zone some time ago and is now running around in his own world.

When the boundary line began to collapse, Coffin became visibly more irritable.

If it is left alone in the theater, only the presence of Demon Lord Wanyi and Liangrendao can appease it.

Considering the experience of other people in the theater, I can only feel sorry for the dog and leave it in its own world and let it make trouble.

I can't explain what he said. After all, I have never really left my own time and space to take a look at the outside world. I am also a frog in the well. A certain white-robed magician started to Versailles again.

Speaking of this, I also read Coffin's script before. Well, let's take a look together. Maybe we can see some situations. Wan Yi mentioned.

He came to the bookshelf and picked up Coffin's script, and opened the contents. Except for some narration descriptions, which were okay, when it came to Coffin himself, it was all kinds of dog talk, with a lot of chaotic lines and ghost drawings. .

A little too abstract.

That's why Wan Yicai doesn't like to read Coffin's script. Fortunately, this does not affect the stage screening.

Putting the spread script on the table, Wan Yi returned to his position.

Fu Kong was still the one who said someone owed him money, while Red cheered up. He had never seen Coffin's script before.

Liang Rendao has already begun to set out the tea set and start brewing tea.

The scene was shaking violently as soon as it came up, as if it were from the perspective of some kind of animal, speeding through the forest.

This creature seems to be somewhat extraordinary. Wherever it passes, black mist fills the air, life is gone, and flowers, plants and trees are withering and turning into decay.

It's a brand new development method, and there are more and more ways to play in the theater. Wan Yi commented.

Just as he was speaking, a melodious bark suddenly came from the screen.

The perspective changed and looked to the side and rear. A dark green figure in the forest was approaching at an even more incredible speed.

All obstacles along the way were knocked away, unable to hinder him in the slightest.

The figure looked like a human, but acted more like a wolf.

The owner of the perspective exerted his power, and gray rocks rose from the ground, changing the landscape of the forest on the spot as a barrier.

But before it could breathe a sigh of relief, there was a loud noise like the roar of a machine behind it.

The perspective turned sharply again, and what caught his eye was a sharp dark green spiral that penetrated all obstacles and rushed towards it, swallowing up its field of vision in an instant.


The huge body came down and the camera zoomed upwards. Only then did Wan Yi and the others see the original full view of the owner from this perspective.

It is a creature that looks like a rhinoceros, with countless edges and corners protruding from its body. You can feel the extraordinary hardness of its carapace just by looking at it with the naked eye. It has a pair of red-yellow eyes that stare into death.

Its spine was broken, leaving a hideous bloody hole on its back, which became a fatal injury.

The thing crawling on this huge corpse is also the protagonist of the script that everyone wants to see.

Coffin, the terrifying spiral dog.

Seeing this stupid dog for the first time in a long time, Wan Yi rarely felt a sense of kindness.

Coffin stood up from the corpse, but kept his body bent forward and could get on all fours at any time. This was what Wan Yi taught him. When he needed to observe the surrounding environment, he could lift his body up, which could effectively increase his field of vision.

With his stern face and messy but wild long hair, he is also an admirable handsome guy.

The handsome guy in the picture flapped his nose, then suddenly grinned and bared his teeth, turned to one side and opened his mouth.


There was such a roar.

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