My doppelganger drama

Chapter 416 Historical comparison

Red looked at Fu Kong and continued: Before, I have explored the origin of witchcraft left over from my world in every possible way, looking for its origin, and what kind of existence can actually set a trap on the entire world. Witchcraft’s Destiny Blockade.”

And now I have gradually made some breakthroughs. I went to an ancient country some time ago, and there are strong traces of witchcraft in that country. At first, it was not even penetrated by Azula's power. Of course, that country was among us. That’s why it’s quite backward from that perspective.”

Although the country's witchcraft also has strict scale restrictions, I unexpectedly discovered that they are different from most other areas. There is a relatively systematic inheritance of witchcraft, but it only maintains a limited scale. They seem to consciously avoid taboos. An invisible blockade against witchcraft.

Wan Yi said: They know the existence of the blockade.

Yes. Rhett tapped his smooth chin and said, So I spent some time and finally visited the line of witchcraft inheritance in that country. Although there were some minor frictions in the process, they were all resolved without any danger. .”

That's what Red said, but Fukong and Wan Yi probably didn't even have a surprise at all. It would be better to say it was more of a surprise.

Red's strength has entered a new period of rapid growth since the battle with Azula.

Wan Yi heard someone say that Red is very scary now and may turn into something very outrageous in the end.

Good people have said this, and it is already very convincing.

As for Fu Kong, he trusts his senses more.

In his eyes, Red was still a bat with a painful bite. If he used the sublimation skills in his boxing moves, Red would not even have a chance to touch him.

But now, he is already a top expert who must deal with it with all his energy.

It's hard to imagine that in Red's ordinary world, anyone other than Azula could surprise Red.

Rhett paid no attention to the thought of either.

After all, he has a clear understanding of his own strength and maintains the necessary humility at all times.

In the troupe, the comparison of strength is not important.

After all, if you really think about it, half of the people might not be able to beat a dog.

Rhett continued: I inquired about the knowledge inherited from this lineage, and with their permission, I was able to view their history, and then discovered a great wizard who existed in this world a long, long time ago.

This great wizard is the source of this line of witchcraft inheritance. He may have been a person thousands of years ago from my current time.

I won't go into details about the many contributions made by this great wizard because they are not important. One point that can be connected with Fukong is that according to records, there was a heyday of witchcraft thousands of years ago. At that time There are many powerful wizards walking in this world, an era of wizards.

Until one day, the great wizard claimed to be favored by God and wanted to suppress all witchcraft in the world and achieve the path of witchcraft.

Then what?

Of course he succeeded. He launched the Wizard War. This war did not last long because the strength of this legendary wizard was not at the same level as other wizards.

The war came and went quickly. He took a few followers who were responsible for carrying luggage and pushed the world around. While everyone was curious about what he wanted to do, he just started collecting witches and witches from all over the world. Technique.

Wan Yi and Fu Kong had a premonition of what he was going to do, or the ending of this story had already been confirmed in Red's time.

He took away these witchcraft and didn't know what he did. Whether it was sealed or destroyed, no one knows. This is a huge blow to the witchcraft world, but for the most powerful person in the world, no one dares to blame him What.

After the collection of witchcraft was completed, according to the records of his descendants, he seemed to have started the 'road to seize the sky' with the intention of sublimating into a god. In the end, there was no news, and the last thing left was a warning to future generations.

He warned: The way of witchcraft is a snare of the will of heaven and earth, and it must not be allowed to become stronger.

After Red finished speaking, Wan Yi and Fu Kong were thoughtful.

Based on the existing information, it seems that the only person in the sky who can be called the will of heaven and earth is Boundary Band's Will. And the witchcraft over there is actually a conspiracy of Boundary Band's Will?

He buried the age of witchcraft, probably not for the sole purpose of one family, otherwise there would be no need to set up an indiscriminate blockade. Fukong said.

Red looked at Fu Kong and said, There may be similar stories in Fu Kong's world.

Hearing this, Fukong thought for a moment and said, Is he a true Martial God?

What is that? Wan Yi asked.

The god of martial arts in my place is actually a real person who was recorded in the long history. He was admired by others and worshiped as the true god of martial arts. His statues can be seen in various martial arts halls. Before the trend of martial arts started, the emperors of the previous dynasties believed in him.

That's really awesome. Why do you think of him?

Fukong said: In the legend, the True Martial God suppressed all demons in the world, calmed down the chaotic era, and made martial arts truly popular. However, after my investigation, history corrected it to say that he fought everywhere to fight against the invasion of all forces at that time. Then This kind of evil monster is just a folk way of vilifying the invaders.

Perhaps the revision of history is just to cover up some truth? This seems to be a very common routine. Wan Yi expressed his opinion.

Fu Kong looked at Red and said: Based on Red's situation and my investigation, this possibility is not non-existent, or even small.

There are still too few clues, and it is difficult to restore the whole picture. Wan Yi said helplessly.

This feeling of seeing flowers in the fog is really uncomfortable. He had a similar feeling before when he was thinking about what happened to him.

There are only a few fragmentary clues that make people suspicious, but it is difficult to see everything clearly.

Things like the Way of Heaven are chaotic from the beginning, but just like ignorant beings develop into people with advanced wisdom, chaos also has a tendency to evolve towards order, but in this process, they need more try.

At this time, another voice came from the side door.

The black hair is neatly tied back. Although it is still white, it looks much more refreshing. The usual gentle and jade-like feeling is slightly reduced, and there is a hint of edge.

Why do you people always like to talk before someone arrives? Are you hiding behind the door and eavesdropping just to look good on stage? Wan Yi couldn't help complaining.

Liang Rendao and Ruide couldn't help but laugh.

If you are willing to think so, it's not impossible. I can go back and listen for a while. Liang Rendao pointed to the side door and said.

That's not necessary. I don't want to see the white-clothed immortal hiding behind the door and eavesdropping just to show off. Wan Yi refused.

Liang Rendao took a seat on the other side of Wan Yi.

What you just said is your understanding of boundaries and will? Wan Yi asked him after sitting down.

If the good man is here, those mysteries will be more clear.

After all, this is the search engine Encyclopedia of Good Humanity.

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