My doppelganger drama

Chapter 418 Play: Keba

Coffin shouted, and the passionate energy turned into substantial sound waves and roared out, plowing deep ravines along the way and hitting an invisible barrier.

The barrier resisted for a moment and then shattered, and several figures fled in panic.

Seeing that it was a human being, Coffin's extreme forward movement stopped immediately, and a look of disgust appeared on his increasingly ferocious face: I'm sorry... I'm sorry...

After saying that, he bit the corpse on the ground with his mouth.

In terms of body shape, as a tall and strong human being at best, he was undoubtedly much inferior to the creatures he killed, but he just dragged the corpse quickly and left without any hindrance.

Were you hunting as soon as you came up? Wan Yi said.

It's as wild as ever, and it feels even more open than in the theater? Rhett felt a little emotional, and then he seemed to have discovered something.

Because he knows that the theater is the 'territory' of the troupe leader, so he has restrained his actions within the troupe leader's 'territory', although he still can't restrain himself in many cases. Liang Rendao explained with a smile.

Reed recalled the several times he was knocked down by Coffin without any resistance, and felt a little frightened.

That sense of oppression was something that even a simple Azula couldn't give.

Fu Kong curled his lips slightly: It's just a restless beast.

As Fu Kong, who was not popular with Coffin, he often had tit-for-tat confrontations with that stupid dog. Whether he could beat him or not was one thing, but fighting to show his attitude and maintain his dignity was another thing.

The scene did not follow Coffin's movements, but moved to the place where Coffin's roar was bombarded before.

After Coffin walked away, the group of people who had been dispersed gathered back again. It seemed that some equipment had been left here before, and they came to recycle it.

This group of people wore light blue uniforms, and they all looked bookish. However, in fact, this clothing and equipment were also made for field exploration, so it can only be said that their style is obvious.

They packed up the broken instruments with some headache.

A strong man with a hairstyle like a lion's mane, his temperament is a bit out of tune with the others. He is packing his things while looking at the long-gone shadow of the ferocious beast in the distance, but he does not have the same frown or fear as the others. .

He smiled, which puzzled the young Mengxin beside him.

Mr. Lidaro, although our actions are reimbursed by the archives, there is a limit after all. I don't think this is a time to be happy. The newbie had a serious look on his face.

'Keba' is too scary. It can be detected even from this distance. According to the previous records, its senses should not have reached this level... It is still growing. The files will be updated when I go back. He was worried at the same time. The person who made the speech Zhong Zhong was an elderly man, but his body was still very strong, and he still rushed to the edge of danger with the team.

They are members of the National Archives, whose main responsibility is to collect information on various rare and exotic animals.

These materials are not just for research, or in other words, the main purpose of the research is to enable humans to fight to the maximum extent possible and reduce losses when those terrible monsters conflict with humans.

That's why we're here. The man called Lidaru said cheerfully, 'Keba' is full of mysteries. It should be a human, but it lives like a beast and has powers comparable to The power of the big ferocious beasts, there are even records of hunting big ferocious beasts, powerful monsters will also attract countless chasing challengers.

The man looked at the newcomer who had expressed his dissatisfaction: We are also one of them, but our challenge is on the other side.

Of course I know this, but I think Mr. Lidaro has some strange feelings towards Keba. The newcomer was very perceptive.

Lidalu smiled and shook his head: Before I semi-retired and joined the National Archives, I was also one of the pursuers of 'Keba', and I even fought against it!

You just happened to sneak into the battle scene between 'Keba' and 'Ten Thousand Fierce Dragons'. 'Keba' didn't pay attention to you. Don't put too much gold on your own face. The old man from before suddenly turned around. He glared at Ridalu.

Lidalu was not embarrassed and kept smiling.

Having said that, the young man was still a little shocked by Lidalu's statement.

Although such adventurers who challenge various powerful monsters are often regarded as passionate fools who are not afraid of death, if they can really become mature adventurers who have escaped death many times, they will gain widespread reputation at the social level and countless people. of admiration.

Not to mention that Lidaru was still facing the Keba.


This strange and non-biological name is also consistent with the other party's characteristics of blurring the boundaries between humans and monsters.

Keba is the name of the legendary, ferocious beast from ancient times known as the Hound of the End.

When the wolf boy was first identified, no one took him seriously. It wasn't until he appeared that he easily defeated and carried away the evil beast that a group of adventurers had tried their best to capture. Something is wrong.

Later, within a certain range, people noticed more traces of its activities.

Seeing its power every time it was used, and its almost inhumane wildness, gradually no one regarded it as an ordinary wolf boy anymore.

From the beginning, its code name was Wolf Boy.

Until a few years ago, the monster Ten Thousand Fierce Dragons labeled as a big ferocious beast led a group of ferocious dragons to attack human cities.

It turns out that the large number of people gathered for the ingredients seemed to attract such a wolf boy.

All the adventurers who were there to fight against the ferocious dragon wave that day saw an incredible scene.

The tiny figure knocked the huge Ten Thousand Fierce Dragon to the ground, broke its wings, and cut off its tail. It was such a wanton humiliation!

What is the big beast?

It was a powerful monster that was equivalent to a walking natural disaster when it unleashed its full force!

Although the Ten Thousand Fierce Dragon's habits account for a large part of its rating due to the tide of ferocious dragons under its command, its own strength is still undisputed.

In the end, he was easily knocked down, subjected to humiliating torture, and finally taken away.

The terrifying figure of the Wolf Boy is engraved in the minds of many people.

Not long after the Ten Thousand Ferocious Dragon incident, the Wolf Child of the Uncertain Species was officially rated as a Great Ferocious Beast monster by the National Archives. A human was selected into the Great Ferocious Beast Catalog. In the past, it would only make people laugh if mentioned. .

In fact, at first, scholars within the archives debated for a long time whether the Wolf Child should be included in the general catalog of monsters, before reluctantly labeling it an undetermined species.

Then overnight, Wolf Boy turned into Keba.

And there was no objection at the meeting.

Subsequently, the long-term monitoring of Keba began.

Keba is not very aggressive towards humans. Unless an adventurer deliberately provokes it, humans can even approach it naturally to a distance of less than 20 meters.

But if you make any inappropriate movements, you will be alerted.

It has the habit of playful hunting and does not hunt solely for the purpose of replenishing energy. It may still attack other creatures when it is full.

It has no fixed territory and will stay in a new area for as little as a few hours or as long as several months.

It initially liked to eat mammal monsters, but after the Ten Thousand Fierce Dragon incident, it began to like to hunt dragon species, both flying dragon species and earth dragon species.

After a certain period of time, he learned a human saying, I'm sorry.

It will be used when attacking humans, but this has no practical significance because the adventurer who first heard this sentence was destroyed by the group due to provocation until only one person survived.

It possesses a considerable degree of intelligence, especially its extremely high combat IQ and experience, and sometimes even uses its power in a way that is a combination of human system training, making one wonder if someone has trained it behind the scenes.

But this speculation is moot, and no one can confirm this.

Recently, with the frequent occurrence of natural disasters and the riots of various monsters, new activity records have appeared for a group of large and ferocious beasts that are rare to see in a century.

Keba also joined this crazy team and began to hunt powerful monsters without interruption. Fortunately, its hunting only targeted monsters above the powerful evil beast level. Otherwise, with its frequency and It is powerful enough to completely destroy the ecology of a large area.

Just like this, an extremely mysterious humanoid big beast is wandering in this soil where humans are struggling to take root, as if a catastrophe is gradually spreading against the monsters.

monster hunter

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