My doppelganger drama

Chapter 415 Abnormalities within the Boundary

Wan Yi has been busy recently, so he has less time to go to the theater. In other words, he only spends time chatting and rarely pays attention to the changes in the repertoire.

After recently having some free time, he spent most of his time in the theater.

He reviewed all the development of the existing plays in the play, and tentatively started a few new scripts, but still gained nothing.

Wan Yi now has no expectations for new awakening characters to appear in the drama. Every time he opens a new script, he just wants to see a slightly different story.

However, in the process of starting the new script, Wan Yi keenly discovered some changes.

The stage for the development of scripts has become much less of a leisurely and ordinary daily background. Many scripts encountered great danger and exploded on the spot as soon as they entered.

The world of scripts is becoming more dangerous.

This reason is not difficult to think of.

There is no doubt that it is precisely because of the disintegration of the low-depth boundary zone that the script screening can only go to the dangerous high-depth boundary.

Wan Yi sat in the audience and looked at the scene in front of him.

On the screen, a young man with great ambitions and a handsome face had just walked out of the Novice Village, ready to make a career of his own. Then on the day of departure, two unknown strong men fought fiercely in the air. The aftermath of the collision directly shook the small village below. Razed to the ground.

The boy unexpectedly survived and vowed to take revenge.

Wan Yi cheered up when he saw this, wondering if he was going to wake up after being so miserable?

Then because of the huge hand movement, a piece of gravel fell from the mountain.

Not big, but sharp and heavy enough.

It hit the boy on the head and died on the spot.

Watching the lights on the stage dim, and then the dim lights in other parts of the theater came on again.

The script ends.

Wan Yi was discouraged and leaned his head on the seat, which was not surprising at all.

He is currently the only one in the theater, a rare opportunity to be alone.

Although he didn't want to be alone in the theater, it felt better to be with others, not counting the group in his head.

Just when Wan Yi packed up and was about to open the next one, the side door was pushed open, and a short but strong man with eyes like flying snow walked in.

Fu Kong? It's been a long time no see. Wan Yi greeted.

Fu Kong rarely went to the theater after sinking to the Sky Island Group. It seemed that something had changed in the world of his script.

Previously, it was said that after the mysterious man in colorful clothes of the Cang Worship Cult opened a new era of the Broken World, even the Abyss Boundary Zone was affected. However, for the huge and extremely deep Abyss Boundary Zone, they did not want to disintegrate themselves and then melt. Everyone in the world is resisting this process.

They are all still waiting.

However, on Baicang's side, the search for the core fragments of the earth mentioned earlier seems to have not been found, and we have to wait a little longer.

Operator, you are here. Fukong glanced at the theater that he had not seen for a long time, then walked to the seat next to Wan Yi and sat down.

Wan Yi felt a hint of fatigue in his tone.

Are you busy there? he asked. Unless the person in the play is a seedling that needs attention, he rarely directly rewrites other people's scripts.

He prefers the feeling of listening to people's own words, which is very interesting.

After being silent for a while, Fukong slowly said: The war is coming.

Wan Yi's hand that fiddled with the material paused slightly.


Fu Kong closed his beautiful eyes and exhaled: Probably because of the influence of the troupe leader's world, although our world itself is not serious, problems of all sizes still appear.

Sea levels are rising, fires are igniting in the mountains for no reason, earthquakes are frequent, and the highest mountain in the country is crumbling. According to the predictions of the great foreign magicians, it may collapse directly.

Wan Yi stopped what he was doing and looked at Fu Kong: You didn't even tell us.

Sorry. Fu Kong hesitated, and finally chose to apologize.

He knew that what Wan Yi cared about the most on weekdays was their different seeds. Fu Kong and Wan Yi also cherished every bit of this theater, and were strict with Demon Lord and Red's behavior of always thinking about shouldering the burden themselves. Accusation.

But when it really came to that difficult moment, he understood some of the thoughts of the Demon Lord and Red.

However, he also reminded himself that the most important thing is not to show off one's strength, and those who practice martial arts should also have a clear self-understanding of themselves.

But it's not too late to say it now. If you need to speak up in time, I still have some resources. Wan Yi said.

Fukong nodded, and then continued: Suffering from unprovoked natural disasters, big countries are struggling for people's livelihood, and according to my concern, we are not the only ones who have suffered disasters.

Wan Yi quickly realized what was going to happen next.

Some countries are no longer able to hold themselves back any longer. Instead of arranging various policies to appease the people, it is better to directly launch a war to divert conflicts. Fukong spoke in a heavy and slow tone, with a gloomy look on his face.

It's indeed a very convenient method.

War doesn't matter. If necessary, I will fight for the country and win the opponent. But I have a premonition that something more terrifying is awakening.

Wan Yi showed a surprised expression.

Fukong said: There are also great secrets in my world. The mountain spirits spread in the world are just the tip of the iceberg. The existence of strange magic is a warning of more profound abnormalities. The reason why I am still obsessed with improving my strength is Just because it was expected.”

Soon, your hunch might be coming true?

Fukong nodded in affirmation: I have been collecting various legends and descriptions, reading them, and even going on field trips, and discovered several powerful beings that once existed in my world with a high probability. And the most important thing is that they may not have die.

The buried anomaly is past, right? At this time, the side door was pushed open again, and the person who came to the theater was the red-haired Red.

Fu Kong looked at him with some surprise, and then said hello first.

After Rhett responded, he sat down on the other side of Fu Kong: I'm so lucky, I didn't expect to meet you.

Fukong said: Maybe it's because you prefer a stress-free life now and don't want to come up.

Rhett smiled and said: This is indeed an oversight on my part, I'm sorry.

After Wan Yiye greeted Red, he asked: Listening to what you just said, Red, you seem to have some understanding of this situation.

Yes, after all, I am now looking for traces of witchcraft in my world.

Ah? Aren't you taking care of your two cubs for old age?

Ahem. Rhett coughed, It's not like we can't do both at the same time.

It makes sense. Wan Yi nodded, agreeing with this statement.

The corners of Fukong's mouth raised slightly but he quickly returned to his usual cold expression.

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