My doppelganger drama

Chapter 410 Its name

Chapter 410 Its name is...

An ordinary-looking young man with well-coordinated facial features will not leave a deep impression on anyone who sees it, but he will never get a bad review.

Wan Yi looked at the young man in front of him and felt that he seemed familiar.

Before he had time to think about it, Wan Yi noticed that the surrounding scenery had become fixed. He looked around and found that he was on a street.

After relying on the collection and analysis of the clones, we came to the conclusion that this place should be somewhere in the silver-gold union, but it was different from today's silver-gold union and seemed a bit ancient.

The young man in front of him was walking hurriedly on the road with a crude-looking dog doll in his hand.

He was full of doubts about this world. He didn't understand why he came here as soon as he opened and closed his glasses, and he eagerly hoped to understand this place.

Wan Yi watched quietly, and suddenly found that the dog doll, which was as ordinary as his owner, tilted its neck and straightened its head, making an obvious movement of looking outwards.


Before he could take a closer look, the young man turned around and walked into an alley with the dog doll and disappeared.

An idea flashed in Wan Yi's mind.

Omnic? A clone immediately spoke in his mind.

The original ability of omnics to cause harm to people is to give life and intelligence to other things.

“That person just now is the ‘Omnic’ body?”

After all, it's the omnic's name that conjures up the scene. Isn't that obvious!

Everyone discussed this.

Wan Yi was about to take a step when the scenery in front of him changed.

It seemed that there was a conflict, and the young man was threatened by a group of forces that did not seem to be good people, but at this time the young man already had many partners.

Compared with smart home appliances, the companions this young man carries at this time are undoubtedly more diverse.

There were some funny-looking messy polymers of steel, some more serious-looking Autobots, and a big tree that turned into a tree demon. Wan Yi even saw a ball of water, protecting him like an elemental spirit.

Although he was the one surrounded, it was the bad guys who faced despair in the end.

During this battle, the ether energy in this young man burned. Judging from the traces, he entered the second stage. His creations received more powerful blessings, and the battle ended without much effort.

The young man was not crazy. Although he did seem to have difficulty controlling his emotions, he quickly eased up when surrounded by a group of friends.

After the war, he celebrated with his creations and cheered each other up.

That kind of pure emotion can be conveyed to Wan Yi even through this illusory scene.

The picture changes again.

The frequency this time is faster and seems to be a series of developments.

The young man saw how cruel the Silver and Gold Alliance was to the troublemakers.

It seems that ether energy detectors were not popular at that time, and the Silver and Gold Alliance was far from the point of setting up detectors at the door and catching the perpetrators on the spot.

This also makes social order difficult to control, and from time to time there are troublemakers who lose control of their emotions and threaten the safety of others.

The style chosen by the Silver and Gold Alliance has been very tough since then, killing without mercy.

And in order to prevent it from happening before it happens, as long as the perpetrators who have not lost control are caught, they will end up with the same fate.

The young man took action precisely because he could not bear to see such a thing.

He ran for those innocent troublemakers, constantly participated in various battles, and was seriously opposed to the Silver and Gold Alliance.

He also had many situations where he almost lost control along the way, and he got through it all with the company of more and more partners.

With the help of young people, countless disasters that were not out of control were saved.

But this kind of protection is not without cost, because few troublemakers can maintain their relatively normal and stable emotions, and in the end there is a high probability of turning into that kind of crazy humanoid monster.

The young man killed the young troublemaker he had first protected, and from then on, he focused more on monitoring the troublemakers he protected.

At the same time, he himself was running around, hoping to find a way to prevent the disaster from getting out of control.

His own methods have no effect on others.

Just when the young man went to Dawn Alliance to visit a research group there, he encountered a disaster in the one-third of an acre of land here at the Silver and Gold Alliance.

Silver and gold jointly operated secretly, taking the opportunity of his absence to launch a raid on his stronghold to protect innocent people.

All strongholds were destroyed, including a group of ability creations left behind by the young man.

After he learned about the situation there through the creations, he rushed back to the Silver and Gold Union overnight, but it was already too late.

Looking at the ruins, the young man was further ambushed by the Silver and Gold Alliance.

At that time, he noticed that there was a troublemaker he had protected in the ranks of the Silver and Gold Alliance.

The young man didn't understand, and his friends couldn't hold back his collapsed emotions at that time.

In that case, the youth reaches stage three.

With every movement of his hand, he transformed the air into spirits of wind and air currents, launching a frenzied attack on the silver-gold team, and finally annihilated them all.

Fortunately, a large number of new friends responded to him again and helped him suppress his endless murderous intention.

He asked the dying man who had been protected by him.

It was the opponent who exposed the stronghold by cooperating inside and outside, and the reason was: Instead of being submissive and waiting for death in the sheepfold of a false holy mother like you, it is better to go out and fight on your own.

The young man was silent for a long time.

Looking back, the Silver and Gold Alliance not only did not pursue the past suspicions with the youth, but even extended an invitation to the youth, hoping to cooperate with the youth to find controllable possibilities for the disaster.

The frustrated young man agreed.


The picture in front of Wan Yi flickered again.

The young man looked at the computer he had inspired and saw the silver-gold alliance plan that the other party had fully revealed.

The controllability of the silver-gold alliance is not what young people pursue.

The use of a large number of sedative drugs, the possibility of raising wild beast biological weapons, and the attempts of hypnosis and mental suggestion methods...

The almost non-existent honeymoon period was shattered on the spot, and the youth and the silver and gold alliance broke out.

He led his army of creations to engage in continuous battles with the regional forces of the Silver and Gold Alliance, and once won many battles, making the Silver and Gold Alliance fearful.

But not long after, the Silver-Gold Alliance's disastrous weapons plan was implemented at this juncture.

Among the enemies the young man has to face, there are many more people he originally wanted to help.

Although the young man's strength was not afraid of the silver-gold alliance that seemed to have not even studied the disaster stage clearly at that time, as well as the chaotic mob composed of low-stage disaster people.

But those troublemakers are tireless, especially those of the adaptive system. After being injected with a potion that catalyzes violence on the battlefield, they will almost become war machines that will not fall down before the potion is exhausted.

The young man maintained a high-intensity battle, and his spirit touched the string again.

When his judgment declined and his will was gradually worn away, he was killed by a precise beheading tactic.

The high-intensity firepower shattered his body, and the last thing left to the world was his sad eyes.

The Silver and Gold Alliance heaved a sigh of relief, but soon received the news that the army of creations was not scrapped, but instead fell into madness.

The picture in front of Wan Yi rises, looking at the entire silver-gold alliance from a bird's-eye view.

The bloody torrent of steel began to pour into this broken world, and the first one to bear the brunt was the Silver-Gold Alliance.

Stage four, the omnic disaster.

Alas. A sigh sounded in Wan Yi's ears.

Wan Yi turned his head and saw the ordinary young man holding the dog doll. He didn't know when he was standing next to him in his original posture, watching with him this tragedy that had once happened in this world.

Do you like this ending? The young man asked Wan Yi with a worried Zhongzhong expression and a hint of smile.

I quite like it. The protagonist brings it upon himself. Wan Yi said expressionlessly.

Yeah, it's your own fault. It's a good satire. The young man smiled and shook his head.

It's just a bad show. Wan Yi said coldly.

That's really embarrassing. The young man continued to shake his head.

Why are you showing me this?

It's not that I want to show you this, but you seem to have penetrated deeply into the template I left somewhere.

Wan Yi was stunned for a moment, then nodded: In this case, it seems that I have disturbed you.

No, I'm very happy. I haven't seen anyone else for a long time, and I want to thank you for eliminating this template of mine. The young man said.

I don't know what happened to the names in the Book of Disasters. I didn't make them.

It's not you, but it's also about you. You are the key.

Oh, then I don't have to accept your thanks.

Don't be like this. After all, I don't want to be remembered by the world as a disaster.

You have no choice anymore. Wan Yi reminded.

Lost youth: I am not a qualified 'leader'.

But you can be considered a good person. Wan Yi said.

The young man was stunned for a moment, then showed a gentle smile: That's it, then it seems I have to thank you. I really want to talk to you more, but the template is eliminated, and my last thoughts are over.

He grabbed the front paw of the dog doll in his hand and said, Goodbye.

The young figure becomes transparent.

That's right. At the last moment, Wan Yi suddenly said:

I just like watching bad movies.

Haha, don't always make me want to cry at the last moment. Although this time, I won't be sad if I cry... Before he finished speaking, the figure in front of him turned into an omnic that had completely dimmed. name.

It was like paper being torn into pieces and scattered.

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