My doppelganger drama

Chapter 411 Rat Drama Awards

Wan Yi closed and opened his eyes and found that he was standing on the theater stage at some point.

You finally developed a new way to enter? Liang Rendao put a cup of tea to his mouth and looked at him in surprise.

Wan Yi glanced around the audience and found that the people present today were Liang Rendao, Red and the little mouse Shang Yang.

Red and Shang Yangwan have not seen each other for a long time. Red has been enjoying a retirement life during this time, while Shang Yang has a rich life in his own world, and he enjoys his sleep more than going to the theater. .

Have I been standing here for a long time? Wan Yi said.

No, you suddenly appeared here. Liang Rendao said with interest.

Hearing this, Wan Yi thought for a moment and said, Is there anything unusual in the theater?

There's no such thing, what's the matter? The omnic thing you told us a few days ago seems to have come to fruition. Liang Rendao was still as sharp as ever.

Rhett blinked his beautiful jewel-like eyes and said, What's an 'omnic'?

Shang Yang also showed a curious expression.

Yes, you two were not here when the troupe leader said it. Liangren Daobian simply told the story of Wan Yi's encounter with the omnic disaster and the high probability of friction with it.

After hearing this, Rhett nodded and said, So, Mr. Theater Director, what is the current situation?

Wan Yi walked down from the stage, sat down next to Shang Yang, reached out to touch Shang Yang's head, and then told the events of the day in more detail.

After listening to what Wan Yi said, Liang Rendao was very interested: So, after defeating the omnic, I saw the real omnic when I entered the theater, saw his past and even had a conversation with his remaining thoughts. Look. Some of the secrets that come to the theater are starting to come to light.”

Rhett thought for a moment and said, Are you okay now? Mentally...

Wan Yi shook his head slightly: My psychological adjustment ability is still very strong.

If he wasn't strong, he would have gone crazy.

Shang Yang was thoughtful: That omnic man is so pitiful. He has tried his best.

People trapped in the authorities often cannot face their own situation, let alone look at the overall situation. He just made the mistakes that most people make. Liang Rendao took a sip of tea and said lightly.

Rhett had a different view: In an unstable world with extraordinary power, tracing back to the source may be because his strength is not strong enough. If he entered Stage 4 earlier, he could have completely succeeded on his own. A force can do whatever it wants to protect the troublemaker.

After thinking for a while, Shang Yang said: He only cares about saving the lives of innocent people, but because of his busy schedule, he seems to have no choice but to ignore the feelings of the people he protects.

The three people had different views from different angles.

After Wan Yi listened, he did not make any statement and said: A figure who has already become the history of this world is just his last echo now, so be it.

not to mention……

Wan Yi spread out his left hand that he had been holding subconsciously since just now.

Lying there quietly was a bright red bead with mechanical lines on its surface.

Concept fragments.

He had just discovered that there seemed to be something in his hand after talking to the young man.

There is no need for a complete appraisal. Just by looking at the fragments in his hand, the young man and his partners will appear in his mind, as well as the coffee machine and sweeping robot in the second-generation omnic.

Fragments of omnic.

Another scene that breaks common sense.

Concept fragments are identified as fragments of human inherent thoughts that were separated from the once complete world.

Although the disaster can achieve wonderful effects simply by relying on the ether energy without absorbing the fragments, the disaster will not explode the gold coins and drop the fragments after death.

So the thing in Wan Yi's hand at this time is another existence that goes against the common sense of the broken world.

Of course, there is still a question mark as to whether there is an axiom that is convincing to everyone in this garbage world.

Wan Yi carried out a series of experiments with this fragment, trying to turn it into a script but failed. It was no different from ordinary fragments.

In the end, it could only be left to the three actors present to observe.

The bright red fragments were reflected in front of Rhett's eyes, making his already enchanting red eyes look a bit dreamy. However, the beauty shook his head and put it down, saying: I can feel that there are some strong and complex emotions in it. , I can’t quite understand the rest.”

Emotions? Liang Rendao took the fragment and looked at it for a few times before saying, It is not so much a fragment as it is a condensate that has been filtered and concentrated and presented in the form of consistent fragments.

Is there any difference? Wan Yi asked very realistically.

It makes no difference when used by humans. It's just that ordinary people can't use it and it's difficult to complete the work. As Rhett said, the extreme emotions involved are extremely high and cannot be controlled without superb preparation.

Hearing this, Wan Yi said with interest: If you can absorb this thing, can you hold on?

Of course it's possible. Troupe leader, you don't know how much I have spent on guarding my heart and mind in order to help you better and remain independent for a long time in your huge spiritual network. Liang Rendao said helplessly.

While they were talking, Shang Yang took the fragment.

But there is nothing to hope for with this child.

Although he stayed in his own world for a long time, Shang Yang's timeline did not jump for too long according to the script.

It seems that only two or three years have passed recently. Although he has grown up a lot, he is still a child in the eyes of everyone in the troupe.

Shang Yang couldn't see anything, couldn't even form an opinion, and with a little embarrassment on his face, he obediently handed the fragment back to Wan Yi.

Wan Yi smiled at Shang Yang: Don't think about it. It's rare for you and Red to come up here, so let's watch a 'movie' together.


Would you rather watch Scrat's Life or Scrat's Wilderness?

Are these me?

No, it's a script I used to make using dead mice. The protagonists are all real mice. Although it's a useless film, I treasured it because it's really interesting.

...That's it.

The Shushu Drama Awards are over, and Wan Yi also woke up and got up from the bed.

Facts have proved that some movies, whether they are bad or not, do depend on the person.

Wan Yi simply thought those two plays were funny, but Shang Yang didn't have any expectations at the beginning, but later seemed to be more focused, and in the end he even shed tears at the end of The Life of Rat.

Weird empathy, but Wan Yi thinks it makes sense.

Shang Yang spoke highly of The Life of Shushu.

As for The Wilderness of Rats, Shang Yang and his friends seemed to have some differences of opinion.

Shang Yang felt that it was a bit uninteresting. As a popcorn show, it was not bad, but his children, the little mice, found it very interesting.

Maybe this is the child.

I hope it can make up for their regret of never going to the cinema.

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