My doppelganger drama

Chapter 409 Arrangements for the Celebration Banquet

Wan Yi recalled all his experiences since he was captured by the Third Research Institute of the Silver and Gold Alliance until now.

Throughout the entire process, he never made any huge breakthroughs in ether energy.

For the misfortune, except for stage three and the mysterious stage four, stages one to two are only reached naturally with the accumulation of etheric energy.

However, when it comes to the accumulation of ether energy alone, the total amount of ether energy added up to all Wanyi is countless.

But there is no explanation.

Considering that on the path of qualitative change, the situation between the clones is separated from the ontology, and the clone individuals completely enjoy their own qualitative change.

If Wan Yi also follows this mechanism in terms of etheric energy, then there is really no other way.

Wan Yi's etheric energy cannot be saved.

When the volume reaches a relatively considerable level, he will be able to separate himself, and sometimes he will be able to separate himself anywhere according to his mood.

Perhaps this is why Wan Yi's situation has always been so normal. He has never had that cool situation where ether energy boils and burns, and ether particles float randomly.

One point that Wan Yi is thinking about is, is it true that as long as the ether energy cannot reach the standard, the disaster will not be able to make breakthroughs and sublimations in stages?

It's too hard to think about. I can't get any results just by thinking about this kind of thing.

There is no way to do it behind closed doors, so you can only consider asking others.

The good news is that the Silver and Gold Alliance, which will officially take revenge on the drama group, is the Sky Island Group that has the most thorough research on the troublemakers and etheric energy in the Broken World.

Wan Yi should have no shortage of opportunities to ask people in the future.

After thinking about it for a while, Wan Yi went home directly through the exchange.

I'm really tired today, I need to take a good rest.

Meow~. As soon as he got home, Mr. Mask made a sound. Today's Mr. Mask is a white tiger cub. Although from the details, it looks like he is imitating an adult white tiger, but because of his size, he only looks like a small one. Cub.

I'm fine. Wan Yi knelt down and rubbed Mr. Mask.

Mr. Mask had not participated in the war for a long time, and when the last shot of the Wounded Soul Shock broke out, because he was afraid that it would be affected and injured, he asked his clone to take it home in advance.

Because he was not sure about Wan Yi's situation, he was sent away. He danced around at home for a long time, his coat color kept changing, and his clone couldn't stop him.

Wan Yi wore Mr. Mask and prepared some food for himself using the stock in the refrigerator.

A tragic battle did not affect his appetite after the war, and it could even be said that he had a huge appetite.

Here. Would you like some?


You're too full and don't want to eat anymore? Well, that's a shame.


After eating, Wan Yi threw Mr. Mask onto the sofa.

Now Wan Yi's small home is much deserted.

In fact, a long time ago, because Wan Yi created many jobs for himself, many fish monsters who stayed at Wan Yi's house were arrested and worked.

Because they are rewarded by the little princess for doing well, they are actually not so reluctant, but they still have to express their stance.

So Wan Yi's house wasn't as lively as it was early in the morning.

Now there is only one person who cleans and one person who cooks every day.

It is worth mentioning that this cooking clone is the one who was addicted to dark cuisine at the beginning. Of course, after being beaten a few times by the main body, he no longer brings experimental dark cuisine to the table.

It is possible that the finished product of eating immortal people will be delivered.

Wan Yi took a shower, and halfway through, he looked at himself in the mirror and started to feel dazed.

He doesn't like looking in the mirror very much, it easily makes him feel sick when he sees his doppelgänger.

In the final analysis, whether it is because of his past experience or because of this clone's ability, he hates himself in every sense of the word.

The lean figure and seemingly non-threatening muscles contain power that can be unleashed at any time.

Wan Yi gently touched his eyelids.

The dark circles under my eyes seem to be getting darker again, he said regretfully.

After a long period of recuperation, it has obviously gradually faded a lot.

Original entity, we have defeated a half-step disaster head-on for the first time!

We won the victory by sacrificing many brothers, so we have a plan.

“It’s been a long time since I held a celebration party!”

There's something a little bit wrong between the previous sentence and this one.

Is there any? It's a happy funeral.

Although funerals and weddings are not suitable for this occasion, I agree!

Celebration banquet! Celebration banquet!

Wan Yi didn't say anything, letting the clone in his head make a lot of noise.

It's impossible to really expect Wanyi to feel sad about a large number of their own deaths.

They will only...

What a pity. Thousands of people died at once. Why didn't it come to me?

I was already rushing to jump in line, but the competition was really fierce.

Thousands of dog carriers!

I think the funniest thing is the clones that were not killed by the sweeping robot, but later went crazy and committed suicide. I think those are the real ones.

Is there really no shady secret behind the main body?

Get lost. This is Wan Yi's response to this group of clones who are obsessed with suicide.

You should talk about the celebration banquet. Wan Yi said, already drying his body and leaving the bathroom naked. Anyway, there were only himself and Mr. Mask at home, so he was not very worried.

That means you agree with the main body?


Actually, it doesn't matter if you don't agree. King Wu Yi is already setting up a stall.


Brother Grudge, remember to come. You will definitely be the biggest protagonist in the commendation ceremony.


The following things have nothing to do with Wanyi's ontology. Wanyi's internal team building has nothing to do with Wanyi's ontology.

Wan Yi himself was too lazy to hang out with them.

Putting on his light pajamas, he fell on the bed, closed his eyes, and went to the theater.

But this time, it was different from arriving directly at the theater in the past. When Wan Yi found his position in the darkness after closing his eyes, he did not see the theater for the first time.


The sound of turning a book came to my ears.

A name appeared in front of Wan Yi's eyes.



Wan is also confused.

Could it be that after years of suffering, he finally managed to return to normal sleep, and then all of a sudden he had a dream?

Ah, no, there was still a lot of noise in his head, so he must not have fallen asleep yet.


So what's going on with this omnic?

The omnic reaction in the Book of Disaster has completely disappeared. Wan Yi thought it was removed from the list because the loss was too ugly. What does it want to play now in his dream?

When Wan Yi was thinking this, the light red word OMIC in front of his eyes suddenly turned into particles of light and dispersed.

Then the surrounding darkness lit up.

Ahead, a figure appeared.

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