My doppelganger drama

Chapter 408 Da Dan admits it and readily takes the blame

Well, the familiar feeling comes with this opening.

I hope you're fine. The coffee machine said in the terminal.

Wan Yi's eyes lit up: So you're not dead.

It was just a lucky escape through the interface backdoor transferred to Mr. Merck. The final victory still needs to be thanked for the contribution of Mr. Theater Director. The coffee machine did not forget that when he was blown up, Wan Yi was also beaten into a Bloody Man.

It's hard not to be alarmed by that situation.

Even if the coffee machine isn't a person.

It's a small thing. In fact, it's not a bad thing to encounter strong enemies. Sometimes it can make my head clearer. Well, I haven't felt so good in a long time.

How's that sweeping robot? Merck asked quickly.

Although the vague impact left by the coffee machine seemed to be swallowed up by the energy shock, the specific situation still needs to be confirmed.

The crow mask's eyes blinked, and Wan Yi assumed a thoughtful posture: Well, it's such a pity. I got a little carried away in the end, and I wanted to keep it at first. After all, I really wanted one. It's a sweeping robot. But in the end I went a little too far, so...

Wan Yi took out a small gray-black fragment.

That's all that's left.

To be honest, what is left is already very strong.

The key was also destroyed. I really can't feel the data traces of the key. The coffee machine said.

Wan Yi touched the fragment with regret and planned to go back and hang it up as a souvenir.

If it was so strong and persistent, it might be taken home by Wan Yi in the end.

Putting away the fragments, Wan Yi added: In the Book of Disaster, the name 'omnic' disappeared.

Disappear? Merck was stunned for a moment.

After the disaster was solved, the corresponding reaction of the Book of Disasters should be that the name dimmed. Why did it just disappear?

Could it be that disaster can only happen again once?

I'll go back and ask. I can only ask the knowledgeable experts in Guiyi for help.

The situation of the battle is now clear. In short, it is indeed their victory.

Everyone survives, the omnic disaster is stillborn, and everything is fine.

Merck looked at the black figure in front of him and did not leave, falling into silence.

The dark crow eyes looked at Merck: Is there anything else?

The matter of Sky Island No. 8... Merck said.

Oh, yes, yes, I did it. Wan Yi crossed his legs and leaned back slightly.

Okay... Merck looked at Wan Yi's posture and didn't know what to say.

He had no position to look into.

Not to mention that Sky Island No. 8 was cleaned up by omnics headed by sweeping robots, and after the large-scale evacuation of refugees, the remaining population was not much, and the casualties were not as severe as imagined.

Even if a large empty island is extinct for a complete period, the purpose is to eradicate a huge disaster that is very likely to happen again. From a cold and realistic perspective, it is worth it.

In a broken world, if you want to keep the world going, the trolley problem is not a difficult choice.

However, reality is reality, and not everyone can accept it with peace of mind.

Merck could only sigh helplessly.

Originally, there is a high probability that the Silver and Gold Alliance will be unable to sit still after they react to our operation, but by then the deal is already done and they will have nothing to do. After all, although we have assistance, the refugee movement is spontaneous.

But now, coupled with the disappearance of a bronze-level sky island, the Silver and Gold Alliance can no longer sit idly by.

Merck spoke of something more practical.

Wan Yi nodded to express his understanding.

The Silver and Gold Alliance may or may not pay attention to the people on the empty island. According to the consistent style of the Silver and Gold Alliance, the main decision-makers of the Silver and Gold Alliance are bullying the weak and fearing the strong and like to add insult to injury. They will most likely compromise and stop losses when it comes to the refugees.

Then, there are the resources on the empty island. Silver and Gold Alliance attaches great importance to this. As an important part of the industrial chain, the resources of Bronze Sky Island are the greatest expression of interests, and this cannot be compromised.

But it’s not impossible, but it’s not impossible. If there is really no other way and people run away after harvesting, there is nothing the Silver and Gold Alliance can do. They cannot spend more costs on finding a place. Anyway, the land is still there and the resources can be produced again. There is no need to worry about uncertainty. Things add to the loss.

Then, there is Kongdao himself.

This, the Silver and Gold Alliance really cannot tolerate this.

You can steal vegetable seeds, or even steal vegetables directly, but this time all the ground is lifted. What does this mean? !

Even if it is a bronze-level island, it is still a numbered island that occupies a large part in the silver-gold alliance!

A good sky island is placed here, and it will evaporate in a flash. Let alone the good-tempered silver and gold alliance, any sky island group with some power cannot tolerate it.

Even if the damage is irreversible, they will try their best to find the culprit and kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

Not to mention what they can gain, but they must use their strength and actions to tell others that they are not easy to mess with.

This is the bottom line.

Wan Yi thought of this joint as soon as he realized that he seemed to be too high.

However, he didn't care.

No one really thinks that if the Third Research Institute is gone, it can be completely cut off from the Silver and Gold Alliance itself.

Wan Yi has a good heart and cannot see the Silver and Gold Alliance being so corrupt.

Sooner or later, these decision-makers and those with vested interests in the silver-gold alliance will be sent on their way.

You can just say it was the troupe's fault. 'The troupe is responsible for the destruction of Silver-Gold United Bronze-level Sky Island No. 008.' That should be the format, right?

Other than sounding like a terrorist organization, there's really nothing wrong with it, the coffee machine responded.

It's a terrorist organization!

Merck didn't say it directly at this time, but he couldn't help but secretly complained in his heart.

This is an organization that specializes in human bomb packages. It has already committed two crimes, one against Shuguang United and Gui Yiyi at 014 Sky Island, and one against Gui Yiyi and Baicang at Sinking.

This time it is directly a bronze-level sky island of the Silver and Gold Alliance.

Each time it got bigger and bigger, the two largest island groups and the two largest private organizations in the world were all provoked.

But because he helped Gui Yiyi continuously, he gained Gui Yiyi's friendship.

It's incredible.

That's it, we'll discuss the specific matters in detail when we get to the destination.

I'm a little tired. Let our guy who is responsible for this come to accompany me. I will leave first. But I will come over at any time to check on the situation. Come on. Wan Yi tilted his head and said.

Merck nodded and looked at the coffee machine on the terminal: Thank you for your hard work. You should have a good rest.

After saying this, he said goodbye and left.

Wan Yi looked at Merck's back, but did not leave immediately, but sat there for a while.

To be honest, the previous attack of innocent souls that annihilated the sweeping robot and even Sky Island No. 8 far exceeded Wan Yi's expectations.

The tragic deaths of a large number of Wanyi have strengthened Brother Curse to an unprecedented extent, and Wanyi Monument has reached a new peak.

Coupled with the blessing of the Wanyi World field, the huge consumption created an unparalleled annihilation blow.

The only key to this was that due to the death of a large number of Wan Yi, Wan Yi's world was sharply weakened. He cloned quickly but it still took time to re-produce the clone to bring the strength of the field back.

The joint plan between Merck and the coffee machine was indeed crucial, buying Wan Yi time to clone himself again.

While Wan Yi lost control of his emotions due to severe pain, he produced a clone and gathered the conditions for the final blow.

But what can I say, it seems that there are still some things that he hasn't figured out yet.

There seemed to be some problem with the Book of Disaster at the time, but now it has completely sealed itself off and refused to open it, making it even more sealed than the seal Gui Yiyi had placed on it in the first place.

In addition, Wan Yi remembered a question that he had basically forgotten for a long time.

As a disaster person.

Is there really a stage one?

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