My doppelganger drama

Chapter 407: When I woke up, the big empty island was gone.

Merck woke up from the shock of violent energy fluctuations.

What's wrong? He touched his forehead where the cold sweat had not dried. Because he was woken up, he didn't recover well and was still groggy and aching.

After getting a little accustomed to the current feeling of weakness, he turned his head and looked around.

Huh? Why is there so much space here? He found that the sky was blank, with only large pieces of gravel floating in the air, and there seemed to be many light particles, which seemed to be many fragments.

Merck didn't react for a moment and looked around while thinking.

Then he froze.

He confirmed repeatedly, looking back and forth between the Copper 6 and Copper 7 Sky Islands.

The two empty islands looked fine from a distance, and there was nothing unusual about them.


What about Copper 8 Sky Island?

Where did such a big Sky Island No. 8 go? !

Merck was completely awakened by this abnormality. He endured his weakness and used his newly recovered computing power to repair the portable terminal in his hand.

He directly tried to access the backdoor of the key, trying to judge the outcome of the battle.

Can't find the target? Merck was puzzled.


Suddenly, his terminal shook. Merck felt that part of his already insufficient computing power was forcibly taken away. Before he could get nervous, he saw an outline made of golden pixels appear on the terminal screen. coffee machine.

The key is no longer there, the coffee machine said.

It's you! Merck was relieved at first, but then he thought again, The key is gone? Have we still failed?

No, we succeeded. Everything went according to our expectations. In the end, we successfully forced the opponent into a desperate situation. It's just a pity that my body couldn't support it. When the key was taken away, it was also declared scrapped.

Then the last one is...the troupe leader?

Yes, it was that mysterious human being who achieved the final kill.

What's going on with Sky Island No. 8? Merk looked at the blank space in confusion.

It was also the work of the troupe leader... With my last bit of computing power, I could only barely spy on the outside world while maintaining my self-awareness. The final fatal blow was launched by the troupe leader, and its power was so huge that it was far beyond the limit. The enemy at the end of his powerful crossbow was annihilated together with the huge empty island in the distance.

As he spoke, the coffee machine played a blurry video on the terminal.

Amidst the blood red, a dark square stone monument stood up.

Merck had an impression of this thing. It was the work of the troupe director. I used this thing when I pushed the sweeping robot and coffee machine away from Sky Island No. 6.

It symbolizes a gloomy and terrifying realm.

But although the power at that time was terrifying, it was far from being able to directly smash a large sky island into pieces!

This gap is too big!

The image continued. After the stone monument was erected, the angle of view was slightly expanded, and an extremely blurry huge crawling figure was seen. Merck tried to see clearly, but it seemed that after focusing on the figure, he was affected by a strange influence and flickered frequently.

Finally, a huge energy shock of red, white and black colors was emitted.

The figure of the sweeping robot seemed so small in front of this attack that it was not even worth mentioning.

The impact continued to extend, and the unlucky Copper No. 8 Sky Island was on its only path and was also swallowed up.

Not only Sky Island No. 8, but also a large number of lower-level islands around and behind Sky Island No. 8, are all within the scope of this unreasonable disaster.

This is extremely shocking.

According to Guiyi's internal records, even the frightening disasters rarely have the power to directly shatter the sky island itself.

The destroy the empty island in more descriptions actually just means annihilating all signs of life on the empty island.

Commonly known as washing the floor.

Merk knew that the sky islands themselves were the accumulated residue of fragments of the earth. The larger the sky island, the harder it was to shake.

A large sky island was directly shattered, which Merck could not imagine at all.

But now he had seen it with his own eyes.

This, this... He spoke incoherently, and finally suppressed his messy thoughts and said, Where is the troupe leader?

I don't know, the last remnants of my body were completely destroyed with this impact... I need to build a body from scratch. There was a hint of disappointment in the coffee machine's tone.

It probably remembers its original body.

Merck nodded, not too anxious this time, but used the terminal to contact and inquire about the evacuation status of the transport aircraft teams on several empty islands.

Especially after hearing that the team from Sky Island No. 8 had already evacuated, Merck felt more relaxed.

This time the refugee movement assistance operation was successfully completed. All the refugees from the three empty islands were evacuated. Next, they will be sent to their destinations. The future will depend on Shen Yuezhi and the others.

Merck contacted a search and rescue team to pick him up.

It's not that he can't play big by himself, but his current physical condition really doesn't allow it.

He soon waited for a small aircraft. To his surprise, Laphne and Shen Yuezhi were both in the aircraft.

Merck boarded the aircraft and leaned on the soft lounge chair in the aircraft, feeling that his body and mind had been initially healed.

Mr. Merck is fine, said a member of the aircraft pilot's team.

Well, I didn't say at the beginning that I needed to take action on this trip, and I didn't think that I would be overdrafted if I did. Merck raised his hand and gestured a few times, snorting.

Mr. Merck, I'm sorry to disturb your rest. Where is the coffee machine? Shen Yuezhi asked worriedly.

After hearing this, Merck casually threw his small terminal to Shen Yuezhi.

Shen Yuezhi took a confused look and saw the terminal light up on its own and the pixel coffee machine popping up: I'm glad to see you're okay, Shen. I'm making you laugh at how embarrassed I am.

Coffee machine?! How did you become like this?

It's just a necessary price.

Shen Yuezhi and Laphne roughly understood something, so they didn't ask any more questions. In short, it was good that the coffee machine was still alive.

Why don't you ask Mr. Theater Director? Merck asked lazily, half-squinting his eyes.

Mr. Theater Director? He has found it himself a long time ago. Ravni said.

What!? Merk's eyes suddenly opened and he saw the confused eyes of Shen Yuezhi and Laphne.

What's wrong, Mr. Theater Director?

No, it's nothing. Just come back. Did he say anything to you?

No, he didn't answer when we asked him. He just sat in a corner alone in a daze and asked us to wait for you to take the initiative to contact us. Shen Yuezhi shook his head.

Merck sighed: Okay, let's go back first.

The small aircraft returned to a large transport aircraft. Merck regained a little energy during this period. As soon as he returned to the place, he had no time to rest, so he took the coffee machine to find the troupe director.

The transport cabin was crowded with people and the conditions were limited. Everyone could only rest in groups on the carpet, leaving a path that was slightly easier for people to pass.

Merck found Wan Yi in the corner of a transport cabin.

Now Wan Yi has been cleaned up, wearing an elegant black dress, and the crow mask has been replaced with a new one.

It looks the same as it did in the morning.

He was sitting silently in the corner, feeling that there was a slight difference in the atmosphere.

Mr. Theater Director? Are you okay?

The pair of dark crow eyes moved slightly and looked at Merck. The bird's beak opened slightly: Are you questioning our MVP? Boy.

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