My doppelganger drama

Chapter 406 I am normal

The sweeping robot looked back.

Seeing Wan Yi, who was covered in blood, he raised his hands to cover his face, raised his face to the sky, and let out a gloomy and weird laugh.

It hurts. There really is no pain worse than this... Wan Yi's tone was still trembling,

I have some doubts about the sweeping robot.

What happened to this human being?

Although he is not dead, is he going crazy because he suffered a huge blow?

It's much more exciting than the torture after torture in prison.

There is a sharp pain like a newly healed scar being suddenly revealed.

But it also has a kind of comfort that suddenly clears up the groggy mind.

What's going on? What's going on? I'm not a masochist.

I hate pain. That's right. Who in the right mind would like pain? Pain is humiliation, a huge humiliation. Why do some people think scars are glory? I don't understand, even if I stabbed my brain through...

Wan Yi kept mumbling incessantly. As his speaking speed increased, the sweeping robot noticed that his voice had multiple echoes.

Although there is only one person standing in front of me.

But it seems like there are countless people talking about it together.

Wan Yi lowered his head in despair, and with trembling hands picked up the sword and soul-eating wand that had just fallen to the ground.

Then he used the soul-eating wand to pierce his skull and plunge it into his mind.

The blood flowed out again and he stirred.

I can't understand, I can't understand. I want to use some familiar little pain to wake myself up.

Sorry, you don't have to wait too long, it really doesn't take long.

The large knife was inserted into the abdomen, twisted repeatedly, pulled out, and then inserted again.

“It’s so uncomfortable to feel like your brain is all mushy.”

It's actually quite comfortable.

I feel like a lot of things that I didn't want to remember are rushing into my mind...

Wan Yi muttered, inserting the soul-eating wand into his head, then raised his head and hit his head repeatedly.

You! Damn it! Be quiet! Stop! Give it to me! Dig those! Disgusting! Memories out! Put them back quickly! His mood suddenly changed again, and he flew up and kicked into the air while roaring.

Then he fell to the ground awkwardly and unsteadily.


His body was covered in blood and broken flesh.

The sweeping robot focused on cleaning up the data and moved backwards.

In its opinion, there is no doubt that this human being is crazy.

There should be no threat in this fragile state.

But, how to say it?

To describe it in human terms, it would be the sixth sense.

It had an inexplicable warning that it shouldn't approach this human being at this time.

So instead of taking action against this crazy human being, it retreated.

At this juncture, it doesn't want to cause trouble.


It's so noisy.

Stop crying, it's so noisy!

Cry, I haven't cried in a long time.

It's over. I was beaten to tears. Baby Wan Yi can't bear it.

Multiple voices kept ringing, and Wan Yi slowly got up amidst all the chatter.

Other than grandma, who has ever considered me a baby? Damn the world?

Oh no!

The Book of Disaster fell to the ground when Wan Yi fell down and was stained with Wan Yi's blood. At this time, it turned without warning and came to the page of All Me.

Blood and water penetrated, and the all things were outlined under the all selves.

There are countless Wan Yis under one Wan Yi. The blood keeps pouring in, and the book of disasters trembles violently. The entire page of All Me is occupied by the scrawled and confusing names of Wan Yi, and the disasters. The book's usual handwriting is completely inconsistent.

Regular script, subordinate script, small seal script, running script, cursive script... and even artistic fonts.

The Book of Disaster closed suddenly, and then used the air conditioner to use etheric energy to create several chains to tie itself tightly.

And Wan Yi, after a brief silence, grinned.

Ha, hahaha... He stretched out his hand to try to wipe away the blood on his face, but because he had just slipped, his hands were not clean, and the more he wiped, the dirtier they became.

After wiping it several times, he laughed out loud.

What a clown... I made you laugh, but I feel much better now. The multiple voices suddenly stopped, and Wan Yi's voice returned to gentleness.

Sweeping robot:……

After taking a look at the soul-eating wand stuck on Wan Yi's head and the invisible sword slowly swinging on his belly, he couldn't even say a sarcastic word for a while.

Wan Yi was stunned for a moment, looked at his abdomen, and quickly pulled the knife out of his stomach, but he didn't seem to notice the wand on his head.'s a bit disgusting. What have I done? I still want to go back for a meal later. It's okay now. Wan Yi wiped his mouth.

Is this the ugliness of human beings? You seem to have countless substitutes, letting them bear the harm and death for you, but you are not immune to pain. When you encounter huge pain, your spirit collapses.

The sweeping robot finally spoke and commented: You may seem extraordinary, but judging from this perspective, you seem to be just an 'ordinary person' with a stronger tolerance.

You're right. Wan Yi grinned, his white teeth stained red with blood.

I'm super normal, right?

It's just a disparagement. In fact, you are not...

I'm normal!...right? Wan Yi suddenly interrupted loudly, but the second half of the sentence became gentler.

Objectively speaking...

I'm normal!


Wan Yi's body trembled, and his open eye widened to its maximum size, but it was stained by his own blood: I have always been normal!

If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have known I was so normal!

I'm so happy now!

That's it, let me be happy again!


The island shook, and the blood under Wan Yi's feet spread suddenly, forming a bright red lake. Blood-red and pale birds flew out of the blood lake, outlining the outline of a huge prostrate human figure.

The figure's face is also full of hatred, but also full of joy.

Wan Yi was laughing and cursing. Wan Yi slammed his hands on the ground as if to celebrate. He opened his dark mouth and let out a sharp and hoarse cry to vent all his mixed emotions.

The dark stone tablet rose from the blood lake, and blood flowed straight down from the top of the stone tablet.

After only a short time of absence, the stone monument became even more magnificent.

All things, all things, all things, all things —

The blood faded away, and the name on it was clearly visible.

In the midst of laughter, Wan Yi pulled out the soul-eating wand inserted in his forehead, without shaking off the brains and blood, and pointed it at the sweeping robot in front of him.

Wan Yi looked crazy and kept smiling.

You are not the only ones waiting for the opportunity!

I am--

A long roar penetrated the empty island.

It's like the joyful chirping of a bird, or the endless wailing of a human being.

Light spurted out, and the small sky island beneath his feet evaporated. Along the path of the light, Bronze Level 008 Sky Island was swallowed up on the spot.

The birds rushed across a long distance, and their cries echoed in the broken world for a long time.

The sweeping robot resisted.

But what kind of chaotic computing power, what kind of ether energy is close to disaster, is so small before that power.

The race is over.

It may have reached the finish line, but the finish line came to life and strangled it.

It is the extension of the realm, the roar of the soul, and the filling of the spirit.

as well as.

One man's disaster.

Human words: clone + Wan Yi’s world + a large number of dead Wan Yi’s wronged souls + Wan Yi’s monument + soul-eating soul impact = (\u0026gt;ω\u0026lt;)

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