My doppelganger drama

Chapter 398 Leader

The sweeping robot lowered its head and looked from its hands to its arms and even its entire body. Finally, it used the spread arm blade on its left arm as a mirror to reflect its current face.

Boss... you shouldn't be like this... Next to it, the only almost intact omnimachine present was the armed helicopter that was repairing itself together with the sweeping robot.

At this time, its armor that was corroded by the rotten curse and its body structure that was damaged by the soul impact were all restored to the original state. Even after experiencing the explosion just now, it did not return to its miserable state.

It knows why.

The moment the explosion hit, the leader quickly mobilized all his strength to desperately protect all the omnics within the factory.

When everything was destroyed, the leader absorbed the ether energy in the surrounding ether furnace at all costs, even including some of the explosive ether energy in the explosion.

After the body was unsealed and deformed, the damaged parts were forcibly mixed with those metal minerals to block them, but instead allowed the armed helicopter to use more gentle energy to repair itself.

This shouldn't be the case...

It should be the one who risked his life to protect the leader.

It does not have strong computing power and energy reserves, and even if it is fully restored, it does not have the ability to determine the situation of the battle.

The boss should be allowed to recover!

Quiet. The sweeping robot spoke softly, but the voice module seemed to be damaged, and the already cold and mechanical voice was now hoarse, like the roar of a chainsaw.

You can't protect me. All of your compatriots combined couldn't protect me just now. Because you are just ordinary omnic derivatives...and I.

The sweeping robot paused: Now I am your 'leader', and it is my responsibility to protect the supporters who follow me.

The other omnics present did not speak, or in other words, they did not know what to say.

Do you blame yourself for being weak? Or applaud the leader’s words?

In any case, it's not appropriate.

I'm fine. The sweeping robot looked at its body again. The chaos computing power has taken shape. My original goal has basically been achieved. That's good. I already have the capital to compete for the 'key'.

With that said, the sweeping robot walked away. It staggered a little at first, but it quickly adapted to its new body.

Wait a minute, boss! I'll go with you! The armed helicopter took off.

Me too, I'm not seriously injured! The smart toilet man also quickly got up.

Many of the other omnics that could still move struggled to keep up with the tall figure.

Quiet! The sweeping robot stopped and shouted angrily, and the already damaged sound module became even more unpleasant.

The whole place fell silent again.

The sweeping robot said: What can you do? A bunch of trash that even two little spiders can't catch! Look at how dying you are now. Keeping up is just a waste of time for me to worry about.

But... the smart toilet said aggrievedly.

That's enough, you have nothing to do with me. The sweeping robot lowered its head and continued to move forward.

Whether I succeed or not, you just have to witness it.

Its words echoed over the ruins of the factory, leaving them stunned for a long time.

A scarlet data stream light column suddenly rose in the city, and the light column was still moving, approaching the boundary engineering area of ​​​​the city boundary.

This incident once again attracted the attention of countless people in the city, and everyone wondered what this beam of light meant.

Only the coffee machine saw a golden light in his eyes the moment he saw the light beam.

What is that? It seems to be ether energy again, isn't it going to explode again? Laphne said uneasily. She can guarantee that after today, red will be the color she hates the most!

It's true that the concentration of ether energy is very high, but the main body is still computing power. Baicang said it was a sweeping robot... Merck contacted Baicang's people again and got the truth.

That sweeping robot?

While the two were talking, the coffee machine took a step forward.

What are you going to do? Merck quickly called it.

This is a signal, it's telling me to face it, I think this is inevitable, we really should end it. The coffee machine looked at the light beam and said.

Merck pursed his lips and said, We will provide you with support.

This was not a fair matchup between the two.

If the coffee machine loses, the key is taken away by the sweeping robot, and the omnic disaster completely returns, then in today's situation where the world is too busy to take care of itself, there will not be the same level of coalition forces to suppress the omnic!

The coffee machine nodded slightly and continued to move forward.

It passed by the group of refugees, attracting some scared and curious looks from the refugees.

Coffee machine! Suddenly, a familiar shout came from behind.

The coffee machine turned around and saw Shen Yuezhi calling it.

The two looked at each other briefly, and neither one spoke for a while.

Then Shen Yuezhi said: Do you want to go there? Is that a challenge?

The coffee maker nodded.

Shen Yuezhi smiled and said, Then there's nothing you can do. I can't help you with the battle. I can only cheer you on here.

The coffee machine said: Do what you should do.

Shen Yuezhi nodded and waved vigorously: Thank you!

The coffee machine was stunned for a moment, then tried to raise his hand and waved lightly.


It replied.

Shen Yuezhi was very surprised. After the coffee machine finished speaking, he stopped and turned around and continued to rush towards the red light beam.

Behind the coffee machine, Merck and Wan Yi also passed by side by side.

Please! Shen Yuezhi said.

Mo Ke smiled gently and waved to Shen Yuezhi, but Wan Yi just opened his crow mask and made an unpleasant crow sound as a reply.

The two followed the coffee machine.

Halfway through, I heard the coffee machine speak slowly: I actually never understand why I am the 'leader' of this generation.

Isn't it random? Wan Yi said.

Yes, it's random. It can only be random. Compared with it, I am actually unqualified in all aspects. Ignorant, blank, with no knowledge but no mature judgment, and easy contact with humans. , and then it was affected, causing a large number of compatriots to stand on the opposite side. The coffee machine said with some emotion.

But after inheriting the template of its predecessor, who is it? A carrier of resentment of the 'original body' you call it? A revenge machine? Does this count as qualified? Wan Yi said nonchalantly.

This kind of thing is very complicated. Human beings can't see through themselves, and the same goes for 'omnics', I guess? Merck gave a rather clumsy answer, which was in line with his style.

Do what you should do. Wan Yi repeated what he said before the coffee machine.

The coffee machine nodded: Shen is positive, and the people around him are like him. He lives for himself and for everyone. Even if the future is confused, he is willing to fight for the possible beauty. This is The best part of humanity.”

He's a good leader, Merck said.

I chose to do this because of him. I feel ridiculous, but my steps are so determined. The coffee machine paused, 'Omnics' are after all produced by 'human beings' and have not exceeded that framework. If it is not advanced, it does not have the position to determine the direction of the world.”

We should not be born into this world just for a 'disaster'. Recalling the original thoughts of the 'noumenon', this is his original vision.

They walked as they talked.

The road gradually opened up, and there was no one around, and it was completely empty.

Directly ahead, the red light beam converged, and the three of them saw what the sweeping robot looked like now.

Wan Yi felt that the Book of Disaster in his arms was getting hot, just like when Wan Yi and Hua Pu touched it together.

He patted his chest, taking it as a threat. The Book of Disaster calmed down a little, but it was still hot.

The coffee machine man steps up and confronts the sweeping robot.

What they just said should have been heard by the sweeping robot.

But now...

Childish. The sweeping robot emphasized the two words coldly.

I'm not good at verbal arguments. Come on, sweeper. The coffee machine raised his hand in a fighting stance.

I will personally separate the 'key' from your data and make coffee. The sweeping robot's eyes were red and generous, especially the heavily exposed left eye, which was extremely frightening and caused a heavy sense of oppression.

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