My doppelganger drama

Chapter 397 The double-faced devil

The rising little bloody mushroom cloud looked down upon everything in the city.

The shaking of the sky island has not stopped yet. The Copper 006 Sky Island is a medium to large sky island. Being able to shake it is enough to prove how terrifying this weapon is.

The spread of electromagnetic pulses caused a large number of electronic devices to become obsolete.

Merck, who was far away at the City Boundary Engineering Office, looked at the red little mushrooms popping up among the cities in the distance, and his face was a little dull.


Next to him, the coffee machine suddenly seemed to be unsteady. His body went limp and fell to the ground, but he still managed to hold on halfway. He knelt on one knee and supported himself on the ground with both hands without falling completely.

The golden eyes flickered, flickering on and off.

Merck saw its performance and immediately understood something: emp?!

A small impact... After a while, the coffee machine returned to normal and stood up again.

Merck's equipment and Guiyi's transport aircraft are worry-free, and they have already prepared countermeasures.

He also immediately activated the communication to contact Baicang.

Hello. Brother Dom's cold greeting came from the other end.

Hello... Hammer! What on earth did you do? Launch a nuclear explosion in the city?! You really shouldn't go too far. Maybe this city is terrible, but there are still many ordinary people living here! Ke couldn't help but curse.

It's not a nuclear explosion. It's not that time yet.

What do you mean by this? Is it time for you to carry out a bigger nuclear explosion?

Merck was thinking in his mind, but before he had time to say it, Brother Duomu continued: We have seen the scope of the explosion. The area around here is an industrial area that has long been cleared by those omnics. The impact range of this explosion is not It’s big, it won’t go much beyond this area.”

Then what's going on with the ether energy concentration? Merck was slightly relieved after hearing this, and then looked at the rising value on the ether testing equipment in his hand, feeling a little depressed.

Ether energy is a clean and highly cost-effective energy source that should not be missed. Duomuge replied with reason.

Merck took a deep breath.

You directly use the ether energy as the main energy of the explosion!

Well, because it's really convenient.

This power... that area will almost become a forbidden area that ordinary people cannot approach! Merk forced himself to calm down.

Sure enough, he told himself again that he must be mentally prepared to cooperate with these cultists.

Obviously they were just asked to investigate the situation a little bit, but they ended up doing such a big job without paying attention.

The aircraft attacked the municipal building first, and the ethereal nuclear explosion in the city followed.

These are no longer collaborators, just a group of terrorists taking advantage of the chaos to do whatever they want!

The statistics on the possible casualties caused by the Spider God have been released and will be sent to you immediately. The casualties among ordinary refugees are much lower than you think. They are not even as high as the casualties caused by city officials who have used force. Domu's tone remained the same. He hasn't changed much, he still looks like a robot at this point.

I understand. Merck also received the document. After glancing at it, he realized that these worshipers had actually considered casualties.

But... Baicang looked like he was making a big fuss, and the result was not as good as if he had killed him randomly in the chaos in the city.

Merck shook his head: I'm sorry, I just lost control of my emotions. But next, the collaborators of Baicang, I hope you can control the scale a little. Your actions will cause a lot of obstacles to cooperation, and you should not want to do so in the future. All the refugees are looking at you with fear, which is not conducive to your missionary policy, isn’t it?”

After calming down, Merck chose to be emotional and rational.

He also realized that although Bai Cang had made a big fuss and created a large-scale art this time, he was indeed considering cooperation again and even counted casualties to prove himself.

For Baicang, a terrorist organization full of cult lunatics, it is indeed very valuable.

Thinking about it this way, and comparing it with the current situation of the city's top management, Merck feels a little sad.

Understood, our preparations are almost exhausted. Brother Duomu replied and hung up the contact.

The corners of Merck's mouth twitched.

Is it just because the preparations have run out?

At this time, the evacuation of the refugees was coming to an end, but due to a big explosion, the order was somewhat chaotic again.

Shen Yuezhi and his group quickly calmed people's hearts and shouted loudly. Even with a high-power loudspeaker, their voices were probably going to be hoarse.

The processing factory where the omnics were originally located was now only a deep pit.

You can't see what's going on in the pothole at a glance.

Bishop Jumping Spider, as a VIP spectator who witnessed the explosion, was also in a daze at this time.

You guys just blew them up like this? Is that person a... bomb? Bishop Jumping Spider couldn't speak clearly as he spoke on Lucas' head.

Brother Duomu nodded slightly.

Bishop Jumping Spider came back to his senses, and his inner fear of the Hundred Eyes Sect rose sharply.

This group of eyeball collectors from the Hundred Eyes Sect have recently changed their taste and started taking the route of suicide bombings?

No, that one just went beyond the scope of a suicide bomb!

Without years of experience in making bombs, it is simply impossible to create such a lightweight and terrifying bomb in a short time!

The Hundred Eyes Sect has definitely been secretly immersed in this way for many years!

The damn eyeball collecting maniac has ulterior motives, and he doesn’t believe that his eyes are exploding!

Suddenly, the Jumping Spider Bishop was stunned. His somewhat dizzy thoughts were concentrated again, and he looked sharply at the pothole.

No way, that huge energy reaction has not disappeared!

Brother Duomu frowned, and the one-eyed crow was hovering above his head. Just as he was about to send it out to check, the aura of etheric energy suddenly poured out of the hole in front of him.

The one-eyed crow was so frightened that he landed on Domage's shoulder and buried his head in Domage's hair.

In the pit, an energy sphere composed of scarlet data flow slowly rose and moved to the edge of the pit.

The sphere's data flow dissipated, and a large number of severely damaged omnics appeared in the clearing.

Some can barely move, some are paralyzed, and some don't know whether they are dead or alive.

And the one who brought them out of that horrific explosion was naturally their rebellious leader, the sweeping robot.

However, the state of this sweeping robot seems a little wrong.

It has unfolded and transformed into unblocking mode.

The slender limbs are stretched out, and the white body has a more symmetrical beauty. From a visual perspective, he does not look like a martial artist.

That's how it should be.

However, at this time, its white body was covered with dust and dimmed, no longer shiny. The armor on the right half of the body was still intact, but the left half...

Irregular metals and minerals were forcibly blended into its body, with ferocious and sharp spikes extending outward like devil's claws. The damaged areas on the body were forcibly sewn together in a critical situation, completely destroying the body. The beauty is only distorted and asymmetrical ugliness.

The scarlet eyes, the right half is a normal sharp eye, and the left half has a large area of ​​scarlet due to damage to the corner parts of the eye, like a round, bloodshot eyeball.

One side is dusty white, the other side is chaotic gray black.

This is the current demonic form of the sweeping robot.

It seems to reflect the name of disaster.

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