My doppelganger drama

Chapter 399 The one who sweeps the floor and the one who makes coffee

The two figures drew a red and a gold trajectory and collided with each other.

At the moment of the collision, the road cracked and sank, and the two-color data flow spread to the surroundings and continued to confront each other.

Wan Yi and Merck did not take action immediately. Merck wanted to collect data on the current status of the sweeping robot, but Wan Yi did not want to be killed by the opponent at first sight.

The coffee machine opened the sweeping robot's arm with one hand, and put the fist of the other hand directly on it.

boom! !

A heavy muffled sound was heard, and the sweeping robot staggered slightly backwards.

The coffee machine continued to attack, and its arms disappeared and turned into golden fist shadows flying in the air. The sweeping robot was beaten so hard that it couldn't straighten its waist and fell into a disadvantage.

Continuous blows continued to sound, but suddenly...


A muffled sound different from before appeared.

The sweeping robot grabbed the fist from the coffee machine with one hand and slowly straightened up from its original protective posture.

Then he raised the left limb that was more like a claw than a hand and swung it down fiercely.


The coffee machine took a few steps back, but quickly stood up. The sweeping robot's left arm blade stretched out and slashed towards it. After the coffee machine got out of the way, it stretched out its hands to hold the opponent's left arm and pulled hard.


It didn't break, it just made the sweeping robot stagger again, but it stabilized again, its eyes glowed red, and its left arm suddenly exerted force, and it actually lifted the coffee machine that was tightly holding its arm. , and then slammed down.


Fine cracks appeared on the road, and the coffee machine was thrown to the ground.

I am stronger than you now. This smelted body has already surpassed you. After the sweeping robot paused, the left arm blade hit the coffee machine below.

The coffee machine ducked sideways, its arm blade piercing the ground. Before the sweeping robot could pull out its arm, there was a sound of running water beside it.

The black water flowed across suddenly, but it seemed to be cut down by a sharp blade.

The sweeping robot quickly flipped over, and a sharp thorn on the left side of its face was cut off, and it narrowly escaped.

Coffee. The sweeping robot's eyes flashed red, and it quickly analyzed the truth behind the black water flow.

It’s “coffee”, or a computing power printout that looks like coffee.

However, the olfactory module can smell fragrance.

This cup is not for you. The coffee machine said indifferently.

Coffee machines are not the only ones that use water. The sweeping robot replied, opening its hands, and the scarlet computing power condensed into clear water.

It also has the function of mopping the floor? Wan Yi, who was watching, asked in surprise.

Well, the new sweeping robots seem to have this. Merck was amazed as he saw that the computing power in the hands of the two robots had almost become a universal energy.

Coffee and water mingled quickly, leaving countless cutting marks on the surrounding roads and buildings in the blink of an eye.

The sweeping robot raised its right hand and opened it to the coffee machine rushing towards it. A vortex appeared in the palm of its hand, and a strong suction force erupted.

The coffee machine's uncontrollable sprint turned into a forced approach, but it quickly adjusted its body shape and met with its fist.

The sweeping robot stabs out with a knife.

This time, the two did not attack each other. Their fists and swords rubbed violently and then involuntarily pointed at each other's breastplate!

Two muffled sounds sounded almost at the same time, and fists and knives pierced each other's chest.

top of head. The coffee and water flow of the two also collided and offset each other at the same time, turning into useless messy data.

The screen pauses briefly at this moment.

Let's stop the boring tricks, I don't have that much patience. said the sweeping robot.

The coffee machine didn't speak, and its body slowly turned into golden data and dissipated, then appeared a few steps in front of the sweeping robot.

The chest was not damaged and the whole body was unscathed.

Correspondingly, the injuries on the sweeping robot's body are worn but not retained.

Hallucination? Confuse the real with the fake?

Not that low-level stuff.

It was another incomprehensible change, but this time there was Merck, who was also immersed in computing power, and he asked Merck a question.

But Merck is also in a state of sluggishness.

No, you can’t understand it in the end?

Just when Wan Yi was thinking this, Merck said: Extreme calculation.

Be specific. Wan Yi said. Why do you have to start with a proper noun every time to whet other people’s appetite?

As I said before, when computing power is generated, you can use computing power to combine computing activities, interfere with variables from other directions and accelerate the birth of results, so as to achieve some incredible phenomena.

Merck swallowed and continued: That's what I said, but for this process, even with computing power, it takes a lot of effort. Most of us can only create some carriers to help speed up the process. My tool kit also has this A pair of sunglasses has this function. In the past, even those omnics with huge computing power reserves needed to arrange their computing power through their own body tendencies and behaviors to achieve twice the result with half the effort.

At this point, Wan Yi probably understood what was going on with the coffee machine.

Even if computing power is something similar to a cheating device, most of them cannot be used well, and various tricks need to be done before cheating.

Just like techniques such as attention induction that are often used in magic are necessary processes to perform magic.

As for the coffee machine, those incredible performances almost didn't make much movement, almost directly achieving the result of a phenomenon.

It is in line with the most basic of computing power and can also be said to be the most extreme application!

Confusing variables will accelerate and lead to an incredible result!

It has reached the field that I have been pursuing all my life. Although I had expected it, when I actually saw it, I was still so excited that it was indescribable. Merck almost muttered to himself.

If this is true, then when the coffee machine is fully utilized, the sweeping robot will have no chance at all.

However, the sweeping robot must know the strength of the coffee machine, so it will make preparations and then stand in front of the coffee machine.

It must rely on something.

Wan Yi watched quietly.

However, he was quite curious about what would happen to the results guided by this ultimate calculation when they collided with his field.

The sweeping robot did not move, but in an instant, a golden light flashed, and the silhouette of a coffee machine composed of countless golden data flashed in every corner of the empty road.

They assumed various attacking postures, as if fighting an invisible enemy.

The next moment, the sweeping robot swayed.


Its body exploded without warning.

Wan Yi's eyes under the crow mask were slightly enlarged.

In his mind, Wan Yi quickly began to recall and analyze everything that happened at that moment.

The sweeping robot set off, but it did not touch the coffee machine. Instead, it quickly fought with all the golden shadows around it, and each shadow always left injuries on it in a short period of time.

Finally, the sweeping robot was returned to its original position, and the injuries broke out at the same time.

created such a situation.

Change the premise, interfere with the calculation, and correct the result. The coffee machine said calmly.

I saw it. At this time, Wan Yi said.

Merck and the coffee machine were stunned at the same time.

I didn't see your previous moves, but I saw them just now.

Wan Yi was not showing off, he was just describing a fact.

A large number of Wan Yis work together. As long as they have a glimpse, as long as they really see it, even if they themselves may not realize it, Wan Yi can dig out the scene in detail from their memories.

There was nothing in the memory of the previous few times because he didn't see it, because the coffee machine's calculations accelerated too fast those few times, so fast that Wan Yi, as a bystander, couldn't catch it.

But just now, although it was still very fast, it had reached a level where it could leave an impression on Wan Yi's subconscious and be read.

In other words, the coffee machine's calculations are accelerated and slowed down.

Why is it slowing down...

Naturally, there is another level of calculation that is fighting against it.


The dust scattered, but the broken and ferocious body did not fall. In the left eye socket that was further exploded, the scarlet eye exuded a dazzling light that could not be ignored.


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