My doppelganger drama

Chapter 396 bong!

Cutting the thread with his fingernails, Lucas prepared to evacuate.

Why have you been focusing on the sky since you came out? Bishop Jumping Spider asked aloud.

Because of his eight-eye vision with almost no blind spots, Lucas' vision is generally impossible to judge with the naked eye.

But in front of the Jumping Spider Bishop, eight eyes are facing each other, and the silk is still stuck to the body, so small movements will inevitably be seen.

However, Lucas had no intention of covering up. When he heard Bishop Jumping Spider's question, he said: Our allies have been paddling for so long, how can we justify not preparing something?

Bishop Jumping Spider was stunned. Before he could say anything, he suddenly noticed a crow flying in the sky.

There is nothing special about the crow, but it only has one eye!

The one-eyed crow is the most commonly used reconnaissance creature of the Hundred Eyes Sect.

If this one-eyed crow flies by, it means that the people from the Hundred Eyes Sect have also arrived.

Bishop Jumping Spider looked around carefully, and finally found a black spot in the sky.

The black spot was falling, and as it gradually enlarged, Bishop Jumping Spider quickly saw clearly what it was.

It seemed to be a human figure. The specific Jumping Spider Bishop could not see clearly, but it did not seem to be a member of the Hundred Eyes Sect because he was not wearing the uniform of the Hundred Eyes Sect.

The opponent's wild black hair kept dancing with the airflow when he fell, making it impossible for the Jumping Spider Bishop to see the person's face clearly.

Who is he? What does he want to do? Bishop Jumping Spider asked.

It seems that Hundred Eyes took out...a bomb? Lucas pretended to be unsure.


Probably when he was still escaping from the factory, Duomu Ge, who had already arrived near the factory, briefly discussed with him how to support him.

The final conclusion is, stop supporting, find a more powerful Wan Yi and blow up the place.

So Brother Duomu went to find the main body halfway.

Wanyi with a large yield is quite difficult to find. Recently, the Complete Bi department has launched a new project called Final Nuclear Explosion Wanyi. They are discussing how to pile various self-destruction elements into a Wanyi to add enough energy. , finally detonated, realizing the ultimate art.

There are still many technical problems that need to be overcome.

After all, the goal is to blow up a very large sky island, and there is a long way to go.

Since then, Wan Yi has rushed to participate in this project.

Everyone wants to be the final nuclear explosion Wan Yi.

As a result, Brother Duomu shouted several times but no one responded.

In the end, after communicating with the Green Goblin, the main body pulled one over.

The issue of equivalent capacity is not important. Thanks to that subject, the Perfect Bi department has made a lot of achievements in self-destruction recently.

Consider it an experiment this time.

At this time, Wan Yi, who was falling from the sky, had a very standard self-explosion bomb. The number of qualitative changes reached five times.

The body has become stiff due to the sequelae of excessive qualitative change.

The fifth level of qualitative change is the temporarily added electromagnetic pulse bomb.

Not only the power, the future of Bomberman Wanyi should not be limited to light and heat. Carrying more special effects will also be beneficial to his future performance.

As for how to make up for the missing power.

Green Goblin has made new breakthroughs in this field.

Etheric Forge.

Ah, yes, Wan Yi also used this thing in the end.

By studying the many high-tech fragments left behind by Wan Yi and their patchwork creations, combined with the information on the Ether Furnace, the Green Goblin finally created the palm-sized Ether Ark Reactor.

At present, apart from being small enough and able to reproduce the functions of the Ether Forge to a certain extent, it has no other advantages.

The energy operation is unstable and cannot be output to the outside. The internal ether concentration is not guaranteed, it overheats at every turn, and it explodes not long after it is started.

It can be said to have no application value.


Great for bombs.

The cost was actually quite expensive, but fortunately Wan Yi was able to get enough out of Wan Yi's first dungeon where dogs were everywhere.

The Green Goblin can be made at will.

I performed a difficult operation on the emp Wan Yi in the sky, and stuffed more than ten failed Ether Ark reactors into it.

The explosion range will not be very large, but the power will be very concentrated, and the area affected by the explosion will basically be classified as a restricted area. If you stay too long, you risk becoming a disaster.

But Wan Yi will not apologize.

The bomb was thrown by the Baicang Cult.

The explosion of etheric energy is of course the omnic conspiracy.

Didn’t you see that there were several advanced ether furnaces placed around the sweeping robot before?

Wan Yi internally calculated who had the bigger pot.

After thinking about it, he must be the inventor of the Aether Furnace.

No matter how you think about it, it's all the Ether Forge's fault!

Let's go. Lucas said quickly.

Bishop Jumping Spider didn't understand, but after Lucas said so, it immediately started working.

The omnics were also slightly attracted by the thing in the sky, and they suddenly couldn't figure out what a person was doing after falling down.

A superhero appearance?

The speed of this free fall is not very fast...

Afterwards, their main attention was drawn away by Lucas's escaping movements.

Lucas quickly left the factory. The omnics did not dare to pursue him too far. They stopped after confirming that there was no chance of catching up.

After Lucas ran far away, he climbed up a tall building and turned over to the top of the building.

Here, Brother Duomu is standing on the fence at the edge of the roof. His black robe is blown by the strong wind from high up, and he has an extraordinary temperament.

Ah, it's that boy from Hundred Eyes. Bishop Jumping Spider said.

Brother Dome nodded to both of them as a greeting.

You're pretending to be an expert if you don't talk, right? Lucas complained in the group chat.

I'm just good at character design. Brother Duomu replied.

Bishop Jumping Spider didn't care about Brother Duomu's attitude and asked directly: Did you throw that person away? What's your plan?

It's easy to see, it's going to be fast. Brother Duomu said coolly.

Hearing this, Bishop Jumping Spider stopped talking.

When you are in contact with someone who seems to have a bad temper but is just pretending, it is better to go with the other person's rhythm for unimportant things. Well, Lucas sometimes pretends to be aloof like this.

Did you throw me a little too high? It feels like I've been flying for a long time... Wan Yi, who was in free fall over there, said in the group chat.

After the height of the sky island exceeds a certain level, there will indeed be some confusion and blur. It's okay. You should be about to enter the real falling height. The Green Devil said aloud.

I'm almost numb. If I don't successfully detonate it later, won't I become a clown who fell to death after being prepared for a long time?

It's okay. Even if you don't blow it up yourself, those etheric furnaces will spontaneously detonate under the impact of the fall. Green Goblin replied kindly.

Wow, you are so cruel to yourself!

Who among us is following the other? I wish you a happy explosion.

After a brief last conversation with Wan Yi, the other party seemed to have finally reached a normal falling height.

In Wan Yi's eyes, the land in front of him was quickly becoming clearer, and it was flying towards him, opening his spacious but by no means soft mind.

Duomu Ge's stacked pupils rotated slightly, relying on the secret technique of the Hundred Eyes Sect to connect to the eyes of the one-eyed crow.

Precision guidance.

Aimed, he said.

Wan Yi heard the words in the air and could see the outside world in his mind without opening his eyes.

Although the super-smart home appliance below does not know what this person is, it will definitely not be wrong to intercept it anyway.

But just when they were ready to attack, the backpack carried by Wan Yi in the air came into effect.

The high-intensity thruster was triggered, and Wan Yi's body was immediately swooped down. The sudden acceleration stunned all the super-smart appliances outside.

None of the observation modules were able to locate the opponent.

Not just because it’s fast! There is interference on the other side!

When they looked over again despite the interference.

That Wan Yi has already rushed into the factory.


In the senses shared between Wan Yi, a faint voice sounded softly,

That was the sound of Wan Yi detonating after initiating the qualitative transformation.

Bong! Wan Yi shouted with a smile.

Red light bloomed, and the omnics inside and outside the factory were instantly engulfed in the dazzling light.

The ground was shaking, like a small earthquake.

The two people standing on the tall building watched the small bloody mushroom cloud rising slowly.

In Wan Yi's group chat, Wan Yi from the Perfect Bi department was as excited as if a rocket had successfully launched.

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