My doppelganger drama

Chapter 395 Like a Spider

The lawnmower man's hands are circular saws, and his chest is a crusher. When it rushes forward with heavy steps, the sound of the saw turning can easily bring psychological pressure to people.

According to Lucas's thinking, with his current panel, he should first test whether his illusory exoskeleton can withstand the opponent's cutting.

If possible, just eat the other person head-on.

But Bishop Jumping Spider gently fiddled with his limbs on his head, and the invisible threads he pulled immediately gave him different guidance.

Without hesitation, he chose to trust the cute jumping spider.

Eight legs stretched out from behind, and his whole body instantly resembled a large humanoid spider, flying over the walls and walls of the not-so-wide aisle, ignoring the up, down, left, and right, and passed under the lawnmower's saw by a hair's breadth.

The sharp eight legs also pierced out towards the lawn mower at the same time, directly piercing the opponent's outer armor. He followed the force of the sprint and pulled off a piece of it.

Lucas took a few steps back, staggering a little. The exercise habit just now made him very uncomfortable, but indeed, his speed and agility, which was already considered excellent by the Jumping Spider Bishop, got further improvement under such actions. increase.

Ah, has he been so fast before? The lawn mower's observation module just failed to keep up with Lucas's movements at all.

He only reacted when his armor was ripped off, but he still didn't have time to stop it.

They have also shared intelligence within this group and have a certain understanding of Lucas' intelligence.

But unfortunately, the information was invalidated after only a few days.

Lucas turned around without fighting, and shuttled through the aisles at a fast speed, following the instructions of Bishop Jumping Spider to mobilize his qualitative transformation power, and grasp the rhythm of his body's movements.

Some of his habits inherited from his original body and cultivated by Demon Lord and Fukong's basic training are changing into something more suitable for him now.

This rhythm is so strange. Sometimes I feel like I'm jumping...

After all, I am a jumping spider. Once you become proficient, you can just change it according to your own habits. Anyway, it will be better than what you originally were. Bishop Jumping Spider said while capturing the movement around him.

While the two were talking, they encountered a few more obstacles along the way.

But these smart robots can only eat Lucas' exhaust.

The power of qualitative change seemed to be further digested under this more bizarre action mode. Just by running a few steps, Lucas felt that he seemed to be growing further.

Not bad, not bad. Young people are in good health. Bishop Jumping Spider also felt the changes in Lucas and said happily.

How old were you when you were a human? Lucas asked abruptly.

One hundred and three... Bah, bah, bah! Don't ask the spider's age!

Lucas obeyed and did not continue to ask.

The age of one hundred and thirty is indeed an unknown territory.

Suddenly, the sound of toilet flushing came, and the Jumping Spider Bishop quickly pulled Lucas's body. Lucas also responded accordingly. At the intersection ahead, his body moved chaotically like a dream. In an instant, the spider's legs and Human limbs interlace rapidly.


And his actions also successfully confused the smart toilet man who came out from around the corner, causing him to miss the mark.

But the Smart Toilet Man was stunned for a moment, then quickly stopped, turned his head and spread his legs again to chase after Lucas. Its instantaneous burst of speed was also quite astonishing, and the distance between it and Lucas quickly shortened.

When the distance reached a certain point, its green eyes flashed, white data flow rushed out, and then several mines were launched.


Lucas dodged the bombing, but he was inevitably affected by the explosion in the small space.

However, if his movements were slightly deformed, he would be pulled back by the Jumping Spider Bishop, and with his sixteen eyes combined, he was not afraid of the opponent's sneak attack.

The smart toilet offensive is fierce, but it is difficult to gain anything.

It suddenly became a little angry, the armor on its shoulders and armpits opened, and several missiles that looked like small smart toilets were put in place and poured out!

Whoosh whoosh!

The missiles had induction capabilities, but Lucas said that wasn't a good choice in such a tight spot unless it blew up the entire passage.

The firepower of the smart toilet is not bad, but according to the current progress, its bombing speed is far less than Lucas's movement speed.

Lucas can run out before the tunnel collapses.

The fire and heat were forgotten.

A toilet missile pierced through the fire and whizzed towards him, and Lucas jumped directly into the air, turned around in the air and kicked out to step on the missile.

The missile was instantly squashed and then flew back.

Fortunately, he was still sharp enough and detonated it halfway, without the embarrassment of being blown up by his own missile.

Having said that, the detonation of this bomb halfway still caused a huge obstacle to the smart toilet's pursuit, causing it to have to switch its pursuit route.

After a near miss, Lucas and the others finally saw the door ahead, saw the light outside, and successfully passed through.

Then as soon as he came out, he was surrounded by a group of super smart home appliances.

Hello everyone, I'm lost. I'm going to go out on my own now, so I don't need to send him away. Lucas mouthed.

I'll send you to heaven now! The microwave man roared, and Lucas suddenly felt the temperature around him rise sharply.

He dodged and left the spot, and then an explosion occurred where he had just stood.

It wasn't just an explosion, but magma sputtered out from nowhere and heat was rising.

The war was about to break out, and all the omnics launched an offensive against Lucas. Lucas relied on himself and the jumping spider bishop's superior perception and cooperation to move freely among the omnics.

After dodging a set of attacks, Microwave Man was the first to reach him and hit him with lava with both hands.

The spider legs behind Lucas suddenly opened up and then closed on both sides, and then all moved forward to meet the opponent's arms.


It seems that the tall microwave man and Lucas are not giving in to each other, and they are actually wrestling!

Two fists are no match for four, my friend, and I have twelve. Lucas smiled shyly and politely, and made a fierce uppercut with one hand in the shape of a claw.


Microwave Man's breastplate was torn apart, and the ferocious and deeply concave claw marks proved the terrifying power of this blow.

Not only at the level of agility, there also seems to be techniques for exerting force that are more suitable for the qualitative transformation of the Eight-Eyed Master.

Lucas couldn't believe that it was so easy to defeat an omnic.

But he didn't think about it anymore, the current situation didn't allow it.

He opened his fingers and shot out spider silk to catch the microwave man in front of him who was about to fall backwards. He held it directly in front of him and turned around to block the attacks from other omnics beside him.

Sorry man.

Despicable humans!

How vicious.

The appliances tried to attack from other angles, but Lucas reacted quickly and ended up hitting the microwave man.

When these appliances were put to death, Lucas raised the microwave and threw it towards the nearest appliance.


The loud noise spread along with the smoke and dust. Several household appliances planned to check on their partners, while several others prepared to move forward and continue the attack.

But Lucas quickly fiddled with his fingers, and thick and long spider silk quickly spit out and extended flexibly, binding and controlling all these home appliances.

You can even control my fingers, how powerful are you? Lucas exclaimed.

The Spider Bishop originally manipulates his body through spider silk. It controls Lucas's hands and then manipulates Lucas' spider silk. Can this be a nesting doll?

Your weaving technique makes our precious spider silk look like a hemp rope! Bishop Jumping Spider said disdainfully.

Lucas smiled and shrugged. If his hands were not still playing with the spider silk, he would have tried to wipe off the oil of the jumping spider bishop.

At the same time, he also suppressed the subconscious influence that would spread out after the cobweb opened.

While the Jumping Spider Bishop is nice, he can't easily activate the field in front of it.

The Spider God does not allow the sub-god realm to exist. Once discovered, the Jumping Spider Bishop himself has learned the best lesson from the past and has no room for maneuver.

While Lucas wouldn't mind turning into a spider, there's no need for it just yet.

I just don’t know what Bishop Jumping Spider thinks about that matter, and I need to make some insinuations later.

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